These Sunnahs Make Satan Flee From Your Life

Don’t curse Satan! Because when you curse him, he becomes emboldened and proud, instead say “Bismillah”. Just say “in the name of Allah” and he will become smaller than a fly.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gives us very specific examples of how to disarm Satan and how to completely take him out of the equation.

Mention Allah When You Enter Your House

When a person enters into their house, and when they sit down to eat, if they mention Allah, then Satan says to the rest of devils: “You have no place to spend the night tonight and you have no food”

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:

But if he enters into his home without mentioning the name of Allah, the Satan says to his companions: “You have found your place to sleep tonight and you have found your dinner for the evening.”

Mention Allah When You Become Intimate With Your Spouse

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentioned that when we become intimate with our spouses, he said:

When one of you is about to become intimate say “Bismillah, Allahumma Jannibna Shaytan wa jannib Shaytan ma razaktana” (in the name of Allah. Oh Allah protect us from Satan and prevent Satan from approaching our offspring). (Al Bukhari and Muslim)

Even as you’re about to become intimate with your spouse, you’re aware of the Satan’s plan. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said if you make that dua, if you were to have a child as a result of that particular moment, Satan would not be able to harm that child.

By invoking Allah before your intimacy, Satan loses any share in your offspring.

When Satan Flees From Your House

If we take it beyond “Bismillah”, and there is this idea of, “if I’ve got Quran running in the household, it’s going to run shayateen away…” It’s not enough to play the audio, you have to do your own recitation, because it’s not just about clearing the house from Satan, it’s about purifying your tongue, and purifying your heart with the recitation of the Quran, with the recitation of the name of Allah.

For example Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said about specifically chapter Al Baqarah, for example:

Don’t turn your homes into graves. Indeed Satan flees from the house that surah Al Baqarah is read in. (Muslim)

When you choose to read the longest chapter in the Quran, Satan flees from your house.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also said, particularly mentioning the verse of the throne that whoever recites the last two verses of chapter Al Baqarah, it will protect him for the night.

So it starts off with the mention of Allah and then filling your heart with the remembrance of Allah, so Satan has no place in your heart.

Filling your thoughts, thinking about Allah, busying your thoughts with how to please Allah and how to better serve Him through knowledge, committing yourself to good deeds… All of these things give Satan no place in your life.

That’s the idea. Don’t create room for Satan. Don’t give Satan room in your life; if you give him that space, he will occupy it because that’s what he is looking for.

If you don’t give him that space in your heart, in your thoughts, in your house, in your family… Satan will have no room in your home.

We ask Allah to protect us from Satan.

The post These Sunnahs Make Satan Flee From Your Life appeared first on About Islam.


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