How Muslim Families Celebrate Eid During Pandemic

Few of us expected the pandemic to last this long and adversely affect Eid Al-Adha but here we are. With over 62 million COVID-19 cases from around the world, nearly everyone is having to adjust their Eid Al-Adha traditions.

Understandably, many Muslims are feeling a little low as normally this is a festive time of year. But let’s remember, we’ve managed to survive Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr under these same circumstances.

It might not be easy but it’s important that we find ways to enjoy this special time of the year and create some positive vibes!

Let’s make the best of this Eid Al-Adha, even if that means a low-key movie marathon like convert Jillian Emily Pikora has planned.

Appreciating what we took for granted

Lively Eid parties are a must in many communities, but simpler joys are on the to-do list for some this Eid. 

Sakina Bint Erik in Ottawa says, “They’ve opened the play parks so Insha Allah we are gonna be able to play outside the house this Eid! My little girls have been compiling a list of fun things to do for days. Roasted lamb is on the menu too, of course.” How beautiful to be able to appreciate just playing outside.

Lail Hossain normally hosts 125 guests, both Muslims and not, for an Eid Al-Adha brunch. Hossain has had to let go of this barakah-filled opportunity this year. Still, she maintains an excellent spirit by choosing to treat her family as well as she would a guest. She will still decorate, bake, and set the table for her family.

Some minor adjustments

Nichola Taylor from Canada says, “…over the weekend we will probably meet up with friends and go to a beach or park and have a dish party. This is how it usually is.” Still, she will feel the loss of some of her normal festivity. 

“It will be different this year as the mosque has restrictions for Eid prayer. So only my husband will be able to pray Eid as no children under 13 can attend. This means I will stay at home with my daughter.” 

She will not be alone in praying her Eid prayers at home, as mosques across the globe remain closed this Eid.

How Muslims Are Adjusting Eid Traditions to Covid-19 Restrictions

Slowing down is the new festivity

For many, especially women, there is a flurry of activity days before Eid even arrives with heaps of shopping, cleaning, baking, and other prep work. 

Sazida Desai is among those who prioritize hand-making Eid decorations and greetings for loved ones. “As my children love both baking and crafting, I have decided to spend the days of Eid doing exactly those activities with them.

What are we eating?

Whether it’s due to government regulations or financial issues, slaughtering is out of the picture for many this year. For Angelique Rahhali of Texas, it’s not an issue as she is still planning to have their “traditional holiday donuts and tacos.” 

The past couple of Eids, she’d forgotten to purchase her typical henna supplies but this year, she will be sure to stock up as henna always livens things up.

In South Africa, Laila Martah’s family will be skipping out on this year’s required “Udhiyah-in-a-box” where all the “fun” is done for you. This year, they will have their normal small breakfast followed by an Eid barbeque but just with store-bought meat instead.

Whatever adjustments your family has to make this year, be sure to remember what Eid Al-Adha is truly about. Not the fancy spread and threads. It’s about the willingness to make sacrifices in obedience to Allah’s decree. What have you desired but sacrificed?

Let’s be thankful for the opportunity to make these sacrifices, whatever they may be.

The post How Muslim Families Celebrate Eid During Pandemic appeared first on About Islam.


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