A Fresh Start for the New Year

Yet another year has come to an end, leaving behind both the good and the bad.

How can we capture more of the goodness this year? What went wrong and what needs to change?

As we approach 2023, what new intentions or niyah can we make to further our self-development?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advises us to

“Take the benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death.”(Ibn Abbas)

This hadith emphasizes the importance of time and how we should always strive to be in a constant quest to improve at all levels: spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social.

What goals can we set at the end of this year to develop ourselves as the Prophet advises?

Spiritual Development

It goes without saying that the spiritual aspect is the most crucial of all.

For a more balanced and harmonious life, we need to strengthen our connection with Allah, increase our good deeds, and decrease the bad.

Spiritual growth at the individual level is important but it is also important, for the family to grow together spiritually.

For this to happen, parents need to engage their children in religious activities and set a good example for them since, as we all know too well, actions speak louder than words.

A reasonable plan could be:

  • Individual spiritual growth: pray the five obligatory prayers on time and in jama`ah if possible and pray Duha and other sunna rak`ahs such as two rak`ahs at night.
  • In addition to the obligatory Friday prayer, men should strive to pray `Isha’a at the mosque (given this may not be as readily available to men residing in non-Islamic countries).
  • Fast the middle three days of the lunar month and perform morning and evening supplications.
  • Read the Qur’an every day and strive to complete it in two-month cycles.
  • Listen to an Islamic lecture at least once a week. Make use of the time spent in the kitchen or doing other house chores.
  • Work on your behavior and try to perfect one new behavior each month, such as patience, piety, sincerity, kindness, and forgiveness.

For your family’s spiritual growth:

  • Pray `Isha’a together at the mosque on the weekends.
  • Do charity work together.
  • Read Qur’an together in the evening.
  • Read Islamic books together with your children.
  • If possible, go to Friday prayer together and make it a special day for the family.
  • Make it a big deal to always go to Eid prayers as a family, decorate the house festively, go on a memorable trip, and be bountiful in your treats; make it an unforgettable day.

Intellectual Development

How has your year passed intellectually? Have you managed to squeeze in time for general knowledge?

It is quite a challenge in our hectic lives to sit down and read and/or watch a documentary. To keep up with the large changes around us, we must make this a priority.

There are so many interesting fields around us to delve into, including Islamic studies, the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences.

Try to set a goal of reading a new book on a monthly basis.

We must also teach our kids to love knowledge. We can do this best by setting an example and reading ourselves in addition to reading to them.

For the younger children, read a bedtime book every night and try to do more over the weekends and holidays.

Taking the family to museums is another good way to broaden their horizons.

Start off with one of their interests to get them excited. Museums are great places to go on rainy and chilly days. Try to set a goal of one new museum each month.

Physical Development

Every day we are bombarded with ads screaming at us to exercise and eat healthily.

Although Islamic teachings warn us not to overindulge, it is disheartening to see how unhealthy eating has become the norm in many of our lives.

Allah Almighty warns us in the Holy Quran:

{…and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not al-musrifoon(those who waste by extravagance)} (Al-A’raaf 7:31)

Another problem is that gluttony in food and drink not only harms the body physically but also mentally and spiritually; it blocks the mind and makes one lazy for worship.

In this context, Imam Ash-Shafi`i said,

“I have not filled myself in sixteen years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding, induces sleep, and makes one weak for worship.”

Make it your goal to exercise three times a week.

It could be as simple as going out for a 30-minute walk. Enroll your kids in sports classes. Encourage them to go biking.

Hike together on the weekends; it’s an excellent opportunity to exercise, bond, and marvel at the beauty of Allah’s creation.

Eat less and prioritize eating home-cooked meals. Try not to go out to eat more than once a week.

Avoid junk food, excess sugars, processed and red meats and increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.

Social Development

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says,

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the bonds of kinship.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

How has your relationship been with your extended family this past year? Have you been maintaining the bonds or breaking them?

Sometimes it can be quite a challenge to stay connected. It is also not always easy to treat others the way you would like them to treat you, as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaches us.

Call your parents regularly and visit them weekly.

If you are overseas, then visit at least annually and try your best to make this separation temporary. Better yet, try to arrange for them to live abroad with you if they agree, so you can always tend to their needs.

Call your relatives and visit them regularly. Keep in mind that a relative in need has priority over others in need.

Friendship is also an important social bond. Stay connected with your friends and be there for them when they need you. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

May Allah help you in your endeavors and make this coming year one filled with success, happiness, good health, and piety.


The article is from our archives.

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The post A Fresh Start for the New Year appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/self-development/fresh-start-new-year/

Best of 2022: AboutIslam Top 10 News Stories

After a year full of developments on various levels, curtains are now being drawn slowly on 2022.

During this year, many news articles caught your attention, and we believe below are some of them, because they are among the best-performing news stories of the year.

Van Damme Says He Follows Prophet Muhammad

World Cup 2022: Top Muslim Players to Watch in Qatar (Series)

Birds in the Quran: The Hoopoe

Birds in the Quran: The Hoopoe

Muslims in World Cup 2022 (Special)

Muslims in World Cup 2022

Morocco’s Hakim Ziyech Donates World Cup Earnings to the Needy

Debunking the Belly Button Oil Myth

Ramadan: Why You Need to Break Your Fast with Dates

Ramadan: Dates for Breaking Your Fast

The post Best of 2022: AboutIslam Top 10 News Stories appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/special-coverage-news/best-of-2022-aboutislam-top-10-news-stories/

How to Conduct Successful Quran Study Circle

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the importance of studying the Quran collectively.

In this Part, we will provide you with some guidelines that should help in making the collective Quran study effective.

Quran Study Circles


One: The number of participants should be 3-10; with no great divergence in the levels of their knowledge and intelligence. Anything less will make it a dialogue, anything more may hinder the active participation of everyone.

Two: The stress should always remain on the message, context and what guidance and lessons are to be drawn. Never get entangled in fine points which have no relevance to real life.

Three: All members should be fully aware of their aims, limitations and procedures.

Four: All members should have the necessary commitment to their task. They should also realize that time, attention and hard work will be required. It is especially important that regular preparation and attendance are observed.

Five: All members should know how to find their way through the Quran. A study of this book (the author’ Way to the Quran) may be of some use.

Six: The group members should not sit as strangers, but as brothers in faith in the Quran; committed to understanding and obeying it.

How to Conduct a Study Circle

One: One member should, first, make a presentation of the results of his study.

Two: The rest should then join in, further elaborating, correcting, modifying, raising questions, or providing answers.

Three: If all the members are required to study, then you may either designate beforehand who will do the presentation; this will result in better standards of presentation. Or, call upon anyone present to do the presentation; this will keep everyone alert and working hard.

Four: It will always be useful if at least one member of the circle is more knowledgeable and has access to sources. He would, then, during the discussion, overcome any deficiencies and shortcomings in the original presentation. He may also set and steer the tone and direction of discussion.

Five: If one member who is learned in the Quran participates, he should not intervene from the beginning. Rather he should let the participants say what they want to say, and only then, gently correct them if they are wrong, or add to their knowledge. His method should be suggestive and interrogative rather than discursive.

Six: Towards the end, one member should always sum up the broad message of the passage, its main themes, and its call to action.


Taken, with slight modifications, from the author’s Way to the Quran.

The post How to Conduct Successful Quran Study Circle appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/quran/quranic-reflections/how-to-conduct-successful-quran-study-circle/

How to Help Someone Experiencing Dometic Violence

Shock, surprise and sympathy are the reactions we normally show with regard to someone experiencing domestic violence. But sometimes, this might come too late. Sister Reena Vanza, a registered psychotherapist, advises us on how to recognize signs of domestic violence and intervene in an appropriate way.

📚 Read Also: Domestic Violence: What Should the Victim Do?

The post How to Help Someone Experiencing Dometic Violence appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/how-to-help-someone-experiencing-dometic-violence/

Muhammad: A 21st Century Prophet? (Special Folder)

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed the lives of the Arabs fourteen centuries ago.

Before him, they were merely Bedouins with no civilization, as compared to the civilization that they themselves made after becoming Muslims.

The message and teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are for every time and place; they are for everyone to benefit and learn from.

So how can the teachings of the 7th century fit in the modern world of the 21st century?

Reading Islam presents a folder that will shed some light on the character, teachings, lessons, and leadership of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

What Would Muhammad Do?


It was through this declaration of brotherhood that Prophet Muhammad successfully solved two major problems that immigrants, in any era face, housing and food. He asked the helpers to share their houses with their brothers, and they did. They also shared their food and livelihood.


Who Was Muhammad- Basic of Islam Folder

The Prophets and Messengers of Allah were all blessed with the most gracious appearance and the noblest characters. Allah elected them, and certainly {Allah knows best with whom to entrust His Message.” (Al-An’ am 6: 124) And as such was Muhammad.



The Prophet (PBUH) was dedicated to the betterment of his people in all spheres of life. He first and foremost served his people as their teacher. He regularly used everyday instances to give insight, introspection, wisdom, and more.


Read Also:

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source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/in-focus/muhammad-a-21st-century-prophet-special-folder/

Mi futuro marido me inspiró para aceptar el Islam

El respeto y educación que quien sería mi futuro marido me inspiró a aceptar el Islam.

Me crié en una familia católica tradicional en Ecuador. El servicio dominical y la Virgen María eran partes importantes en mi vida. Fui una niña y una adolescente obediente. No cuestioné mi religión y seguí lo que me decían mis padres y familiares mayores.

Y aun así disfrutaba de la vida. A la gente en Ecuador le gustan las celebraciones, juntarse y comer. Me gustaba bailar y cantar. Pero también quería tener éxito en la vida. Terminé el bachillerato y, como fui una de las que obtuvieron las mejores notas, solicité varias becas en el extranjero. Entonces, estaba interesada en la ingeniería y las cosas técnicas.

Cuando me seleccionaron para una beca en Alemania, estaba muy emocionada. Compré un pequeño libro para aprender alemán. El único disponible en ese momento en la librería. Tres meses más tarde comencé mi nueva vida en una pequeña ciudad universitaria en el oeste de Alemania.

Muchos estudiantes musulmanes

Después de llegar a Alemania asistí a un curso de alemán durante un año. Allí conocí a muchos otros estudiantes internacionales. Muchos de ellos eran de Marruecos, Siria y Egipto.

Durante mis estudios también conocí a muchos estudiantes musulmanes. En ese momento, antes del 11 de septiembre, no había mucha cobertura mediática sobre el Islam. Yo no estaba muy interesada en el Islam. Respetaba la religión de los estudiantes musulmanes y ellos respetaban la mía. No hablábamos mucho de religión. Excepto con un estudiante que luego se convirtió en mi esposo. Ahmed era diferente.

Sin citas

Al principio de estar en Alemania, veía mucho a Ahmed porque estábamos en el mismo grupo de estudio. Nos reuníamos dos o tres veces por semana con dos estudiantes alemanes para mejorar nuestras habilidades lingüísticas.

Ahmed siempre estaba en modo profesional. Al menos eso es lo que yo creía. No se unía a nosotros cuando íbamos a tomar algo después de nuestras sesiones de estudio. Y nunca trató de invitarme a salir.

En realidad, fue esto último lo que más me impresionó. O sea, para mí era normal salir a tomar un café o al cine. Y como me gustaba su manera tranquila y respetuosa, un día lo invité a salir. Él declinó cortésmente. Y yo me quedé desconcertada.

La familia musulmana ideal

Más tarde, le pregunté a Ahmed por qué rechazó mi invitación para quedar conmigo a solas. Me explicó que esto no estaba permitido según su comprensión del Islam. Además me explicó la importancia de una vida familiar sana. Y el matrimonio es parte de ello. Es por eso que en el Islam existen ciertas reglas para ayudar a las personas a crear una familia feliz.

Tener citas antes del matrimonio o ser novios puede ser perjudicial para el futuro matrimonio. Ahmed me explicó que esto haría que las bendiciones de Dios desaparecieran. Estaba aturdida. Era mucho que digerir. Y me llevó algunas semanas darme cuenta realmente en lo que Ahmed me había dicho.

En busca de una familia feliz

Siempre había soñado con tener una familia feliz y bendecida. Sin embargo, lo que había observado en mi entorno inmediato era desalentador. Muchos matrimonios rotos. Ser infieles al cónyuge. Un gran número de divorcios. Familias infelices y niños tristes que no quieren tener que elegir entre su madre y su padre.

La actitud de Ahmed me impresionó. Y lo que me dijo sobre la posición del Islam con respecto al matrimonio y la familia me impresionó aún más. Realmente pensé en hacerme musulmana, no porque me enamorara de Ahmed, sino porque me enamoré de lo que me dijo sobre el matrimonio y la familia en el Islam.

Mi shahada

La siguiente vez que vi a Ahmed en nuestra clase de alemán le dije que quería saber más sobre el Islam. Ahora fue él quien se sorprendió. Sonrió y me dijo que pensaba que ya no querría hablar más con él. Durante las siguientes semanas, me habló sobre el Islam durante nuestro descanso para comer en la cafetería del campus.

Y un día me preguntó si estaba lista para abrazar el Islam. Estaba esperando esta pregunta. Y dije que sí. Me dijo me encontrara con él en el centro islámico por la tarde.

La mayoría de los estudiantes musulmanes que conocía de mis clases de alemán estaban allí. Y otras personas a las que no conocía en ese momento. Ahmed me presentó a un hombre alto con un vestido blanco y un gorro de oración blanco, el imán del centro islámico. El imán me preguntó de nuevo si quería convertirme al Islam. Y dije que sí. Luego recitó la declaración de la creencia y yo la repetí después de él. Alhamdulillah.

Una sorpresa

Pero mi shahadah no fue la única alegría del día. Después de que hacer mi shahada, algunas mujeres se me acercaron y me dieron un hermoso pañuelo y algunos libros. Nos abrazamos y me ayudaron a ponerme el pañuelo.

Entonces el Imán se nos acercó y dijo que Ahmed quería preguntarme algo. Y frente a todos Ahmed me pidió que fuera su esposa. Yo no lo podía creer. Todo el mundo estaba en silencio. Y Ahmed solo me sonreía. Me pareció una eternidad. Y entonces simplemente dije que sí.

Esto fue hace veinte años. Todavía estamos felizmente casados ​​y tenemos tres hijos. Alhamdulillah. Las alabanzas pertenecen a Allah.

Traducido del inglés del archivo de About Islam: My Future Husband Inspired Me To Accept Islam

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source https://aboutislam.net/es/mi-camino-al-islam/mi-futuro-marido-me-inspiro-para-aceptar-el-islam/

Health Benefits of Saying “Alhamdulillah”

There are many examples in the Qur’an and Hadith of the virtues of a positive mental attitude, perseverance, and optimism in the face of adversity.

However, did you know that patience and a positive outlook on life are two of the greatest healing tools that you can use?

Surat Al-Baqarah in the holy Qur’an says in its 155th verse: 

“Give glad tidings to those who exercise patience when struck with adversity and say, ‘Indeed, we belong to God and to Him is our return.’ Such ones receive [the] blessings and mercy of their Lord, and such are the guided ones.”

📚 Read Also:  Alhamdulillah – The Islamic Word of Praising God

According to the findings of modern science, it appears that this mercy may often come in the form of improved health.

Bernard Jensen says, in his book The Science and Practice of Iridology, “The doctor of the new day will recognize that a man’s most important workshop is not the physical body, but the mind that controls it.”

Dr. Ted M. Morter confirms this in his book, Your Health… Your Choice, when he says that “negative thoughts are the number one acid producer in the body (and high body acidity levels are a major cause of disease)… because your body reacts to negative mental and emotional stress brought about by thought the same way it reacts to ‘real’ threats of physical harm.”

In fact, hospital studies show that of all the patients who consult outpatient clinical facilities in the United States, an astounding seventy percent are found to have no organic basis for their complaint.

That figure is amazingly high. However, although medically these patients are not found to have an obvious organic source for their complaints, actually, there is a physical basis for this phenomenon.

Since Freud popularized the idea of psychoanalysis, people have often focused exclusively on the mental realm to solve certain problems, forgetting that we cannot separate the physical and mental realms.

The mind is in the brain, and the brain is an organ. Like all other organs, it feeds from the same pool of nutrients that other body organs feed and is susceptible to all of the same problems.

What is the Role of Spirituality in Islam?

The role of spirituality can not be underestimated in our religion (Islam). You might be doing good things that are required of you as a Muslim, but but if you don’t infuse them with spirituality, it’s worthless. This is what Imam Tom Facchine tries to explain to us in this video.

The post What is the Role of Spirituality in Islam? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/what-is-the-role-of-spirituality-in-islam/

Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Intercultural Marriage

Read part one

Once you’re one half of an intercultural marriage, you are set to experience all the challenges and blessings it brings.

While intercultural marriages can have their difficulties, one of the blessings of Islam is that sharing a common religion can smooth over some of the rough edges.

Having a shared religion makes it easier to choose how to raise the children and which holidays to celebrate, and it takes the pressure off of participating in un-Islamic activities.

When a couple shares Islam, it becomes easier for them to find common ground.

An intercultural Islamic couple can turn to the teachings of their religion and people of knowledge to get answers to any questions that come up.

Ensuring Deen Comes First

Allah commands us to look to the Quran and Allah’s Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, for guidance.

Allah says,

“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result” [Quran, Surat An-Nisaa 4:59]

Many common challenges in an intercultural marriage can be solved by seeking wisdom from these two sources.

The guidance about many of our relationship and family problems exist in these texts and traditions.

It’s appropriate to seek out those answers if a couple does run into cultural issues or difficulties.

What Islam Says About Race and Culture

Additionally, Allah created all the different languages, cultures, and skin colors as a display of his power, creativity, and foresight.

Allah says,

“Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Verily, in that are signs for people of knowledge.” [Quran, Surat Ar-Rum, 30:22]

Allah also says,

“O people, We have created you male and female and made you nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most noble of you to Allah is the most righteous of you. Verily, Allah is knowing and aware.” [Quran, Surat Al-Hujurat, 49:13]

Our gendered and cultural differences were designed by Allah so that we could rise to the challenge of understanding others that we share this planet with.

I can think of no greater challenge or way to get to know someone than to marry them!

No One is Better Than Another Except in Religion

As Muslims, we are taught that it is our good and bad deeds that ultimately count in the end and “color” our personality.

Abu Nadrah reported: “I heard the farewell sermon of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said:

“O people, your Lord is one and your father Adam is one.

There is no virtue of an Arab over a foreigner nor a foreigner over an Arab, and neither white skin over black skin nor black skin over white skin, except by righteousness. Have I not delivered the message?” [Musnad Ahmad 22978]

Letting Go of the Bad Behaviors of Our Ancestral Cultures

While we can be thankful to our ancestors and families for instilling Islamic values in us from childhood, we must also remember to part ways with those behaviors that are incompatible with Islamic teachings.

Abu Huraira reported: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Verily, Allah has removed from you the pride of the time of ignorance with its boasting of ancestors. Verily, one is only a righteous believer or a miserable sinner. All of the people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.” [Sunan At-Tirmidhi 3955]

Ending Tribalism

It’s not right to boast about or feel pride in one’s cultural superiority.

One should only take what is good and Islamic from our cultures and leave the rest.

Jubair ibn Mut’im reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.” [Sunan Abu Dawud 5102].


Tha article is from our archives.

The post Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Intercultural Marriage appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/husbands-wives/overcoming-cultural-differences-intercultural-marriage/

Powerful Strategies for Developing Gratitude

In the twenty first century, our knowledge about mental health has grown in leaps and bounds. Slowly the stigma attached to mental health issues is being eradicated and people are more able to talk about issues surrounding mental wellbeing.

This is most likely due to the fact that, in today’s constant hustle and bustle, more people are suffering from stress and its close associates, anxiety and depression.

Islam is constantly referred to as a way of life that is perfectly applicable to all situations in all eras. However, many people, while acknowledging this, fail to turn to Islam as the solution to the psychological problems and mental health issues that afflict them.

In Islam, and in modern western thinking, gratitude is acknowledged as one of the best ways to promote mental and spiritual wellbeing.

When reading the Quran, we find that God mentions gratitude regularly. Thus we cannot fail to see that gratitude is a commandment from God.

So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. (Quran 2:152)

…If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favor; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe. (Quran 14:7)

For some people, it is very easy to get into the habit of showing our gratitude. We praise God and we thank Him, we feel that the good things that come to us are indeed from God and we try to acknowledge this fact privately and publicly.

The word ‘Alhamdulillah’ slips out of our mouths without a second thought. Whilst being grateful without thinking about it does not negate our gratefulness, imagine if we could take that gratefulness to another level.

What if we could have a whole new level of gratitude and positivity in our lives?

There is a big difference between saying ‘thanks’, and saying ‘thank you’ with deep affection and appreciation.

Many books and websites offer us ways to develop long lasting positive gratitude, because, they say, this is the sort of gratitude that helps a person to weather the stress and anxiety that is inherent in the human condition.

It should come as no surprise that Islam offers many of these strategies. God knows the human condition; after all, He created it.

Brendon Burchard is a “high performance coach”. He motivates people to succeed in business and in life. And surprise, surprise, a lot of his theories and methods fit very neatly into the principles of Islam.

They tend to emulate the commandments of God and the advice of Prophet Muhammad.

Let us, through this series of articles, take a closer look at the strategies suggested by Burchard in the hope that they will help us cultivate a higher level of longer lasting gratitude and higher levels of positivity.

Stop Complaining

It is virtually impossible to complain and be grateful at the same time. Start to take notice of how many times you complain and what you complain about.

Perhaps it is your husband or wife, or your children. Perhaps you complain about the traffic, or the weather or the price of the groceries.

Figure out what it is you complain about most often and set yourself goals to help you stop. Constantly whining and complaining sets you upon a path of negativity.

You are responsible for how you act in each and every situation. Stop blaming others and be grateful.

If you are stuck in traffic, be grateful that you have a car. If the price of food is too high, think about the people who have no food.

Prophet Muhammad said:

If any of you would like to see the blessings God has bestowed upon you, then let him look at those less fortunate then him and not those who appear to be better off.[1]

Don’t complain that your blessings are too small or limited. Treat all the blessings from God with both respect and gratitude.

Prophet Muhammad was with his beloved wife, Aisha, one day when he noticed a scrap of bread on the floor. He picked it up, wiped it and said:

Treat the blessings of God with respect because if they depart they might never come back.[2]

Complain to Your Creator

Sometimes a person is faced with trials and tribulations and feels they have no recourse except to complain.

Complaining to others has no benefit; oftentimes it just exacerbates the situation and surrounds you with negativity.

If a person must complain, then who better to complain to than your Creator? Even the Prophets felt the trials of this life and they had no problem turning to God when they felt overwhelmed, or felt that life was not going well.

For example, Prophet Noah cried out for help. He invoked God saying:

Indeed, I am overpowered, so help. (Quran 54:10)

Prophet Muhammad said to his followers and thus to us:

I know words that will cause God to remove your distress. They are the words of supplication used by Prophet Jonah.[3]

Jonah said:

There is nothing worthy of worship but You, How exalted You are above all that they associate with You! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers. (Quran 21:87)

This is one of the best supplications a distressed person can make.

We should all be familiar with the story of Prophet Jacob’s grief when losing not one but two beloved sons.

He had every reason to complain and feel sorry for himself. He did complain and he did feel sad and sorry but he complained only to the One who could alleviate his suffering, God.

Prophet Jacob said:

I only complain of my suffering and my grief to God, and I know from God that which you do not know. (Yusuf 12:86)


Do not allow yourself to get trapped in a circle of complaining. Take some time to become aware of just how often you complain. Is it every day, or every hour or all the time?

Do you express your complaints out loud or are they a constant internal dialogue?

Observe the people around. Do they look happy or grateful?

Sometimes the way people stand and use their arms and hands, and their facial expressions reveal their level of gratitude. What does your posture tell you about yourself?

Listen to the people around you and listen to yourself. Are the words you hear negative and pessimistic?

If we follow God’s commandments and emulate the Prophets’ ways of behaving, we will have very little cause to complain.

Take account of yourself and try to become aware of when and why you are complaining and then stop!

Replace your complaints with expressions of gratitude; there are many benefits from writing regularly in a gratitude journal.

Try this and other strategies to feel genuinely thankful for the life that you have.

(From Discovering Islam archives)


[1] Sahih Muslim

[2] Ibn Abud Dunya

[3] At-Tirmidhi

The post Powerful Strategies for Developing Gratitude appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/finding-peace/inner-peace/powerful-strategies-for-developing-gratitude/

Quien mueve los corazones movió el mío hacia Él

Allah, quien mueve los corazones en cualquier dirección que él quiere, movió mío tras una larga búsqueda hacia Él. Esta es mi historia.

Sentada en la gran mezquita de la Universidad Islámica Internacional en Malasia escucho el Adhan.

Las lágrimas corren por mis ojos. No puedo creer que Allah me haya traído hasta aquí y me haya permitido escuchar la llamada a la oración todos los días, cinco veces al día, siete días a la semana.

Y siento una gratitud enorme dentro de mi corazón que me hace difícil respirar.

Allah me ha salvado, pienso una y otra vez.

Y pido para que todos los que estamos sentados en esta mezquita y todos los miembros de la Ummah musulmana alcancemos este éxito al que Allah nos llama en cada Adhan.


Y me inclino ante Él, ante mi Creador, ante mi amigo cercano e íntimo.

Hace más de diez años que Allah movió mi corazón a aceptar su llamada y convertirme en Su sierva. No sé por qué me eligió para guiarme, por qué puso la luz del Islam en mi corazón.

¿Por qué eligió a esta joven de una familia atea de la antigua Alemania Oriental comunista para inclinarse ante Él? Pero pido todos los días a Quien mueve los corazones, para que  mantenga mi corazón en Su religión.

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Mi niñez

Cuando era niña no se mencionaba a Dios ni había cruces en ninguna parte, no había estatuas de María o Jesús ni ningún otro signo religioso.

La vida estaba vacía de espiritualidad.

Celebrábamos la Navidad pero solo porque era una tradición alemana. Poníamos un árbol de Navidad, velas y canciones navideñas. A veces esto creaba una atmósfera reflexiva en mi corazón. Pero nunca íbamos a la iglesia ni rezábamos a nada ni a nadie.

Mis padres fueron educados y adoctrinados en el régimen comunista-socialista de la antigua República Democrática Alemana. Como estudiantes sobresalientes y prometedores, fueron enviados al hermano mayor, a Rusia, a estudiar lenguas y el marxismo-comunismo durante cinco años.

De vuelta a su casa, trabajaron en la universidad. Estaban convencidos de que no había Dios, que la religión era humana y el opio de las masas. Nunca discriminaron a las personas que creían, pero simplemente no era para ellos.

Mi abuela materna era la única que aún creía en su corazón y, aunque no lo expresaba abiertamente, a veces decía que rezaba por nosotros. Y tenía ese “sexto sentido” que a menudo podemos encontrar en los creyentes mayores. Siempre me sentí muy cómoda en su casa y en su presencia, aunque no hablaba mucho.

Buscando la espiritualidad

La falta de cualquier tipo de espiritualidad en mi familia hizo que mi corazón se inquietara. A medida que crecía, más pesada se hacía esta inquietud que impactaba todo mi ser. Estaba buscando algo, gritando, llorando porque desapareciera esa inquietud. Era rebelde, obstinada y con malas manera.

Me aislaba, caminaba descalzo bajo la lluvia helada para extinguir este fuego que ardía dentro de mí, miraba hacia el cielo, una y otra vez.

Durante mis últimos años de secundaria comencé a viajar, pasé un año en los Estados Unidos y realicé varios viajes por carretera en todo el país. Estaba inquieta. Me fui de mochilera al sudeste asiático. Seguía inquieta. Buscando.

Reflexionando sobre su creación

Una noche en Laos, me tumbé en una estera de paja y miré hacia el cielo oscuro. Nunca había visto tantas estrellas. Sentía que la tierra se movía. Y al mirar hacia el espacio estaba  convencida, estaba segura, podía sentirlos en el fondo de mi corazón, que había un Ser Superior. Que había un Creador de este universo. Que había alguien cuidando de mí. Estaba segura. En medio de la jungla en Laos, sentí a Dios.

Unos días más tarde, viajé al delta del Mekong en el sur de Laos, me senté en la veranda de una pequeña cabaña de bambú mirando ese increíble río. La vida del sudeste asiático, un río madre. Más de 20 kilómetros de ancho y repleto de todas las historias que ha recopilado durante su viaje por el país.

Estaba sorprendida por esta creación maravillosa. El fuerte flujo de agua marrón clara fluyó hacia mi corazón y expulsó la inquietud durante el momento en que lo miré. Al mismo tiempo, vertió un mensaje de su Creador en mi corazón. Y creció la certeza de que había un Dios.

Buscando a Dios

Después de estas dos experiencias espirituales con la creación de Allah, comencé a buscarlo con fervor y entusiasmo. Lo busqué en las Pagodas y las enseñanzas del budismo Theravada en Tailandia y Camboya. Quise ser aprendiz en un monasterio budista.

Lo busqué en los templos hindúes balineses. Y traté de acercarme a Él a través del Yoga y la meditación. Conocí a diferentes sectas cristianas …

El fuego de la inquietud se volvió feroz, salvaje y extremadamente intenso. Al mismo tiempo me sentía cansada. Cansada del mundo, cansada de viajar. Sentía que mi vida no tenía sentido. No veía por qué debía trabajar. Por qué debería esforzarme por algo. Sentía que había probado, hecho y visto todo. Nada nuevo me satisfacía.

Volviéndome hacia él

Fue durante este tiempo que comencé a leer fragmentos de una traducción alemana del Corán porque todas las demás religiones sobre las que leí habían quedado fuera de la discusión por diferentes razones.

En realidad, mientras leía el Corán, solo elegí pasajes sobre temas de mujeres, especialmente en relación con cubrirse, para asegurarme que esto quedaba muy lejos de mi cosmovisión liberal y amante de la libertad.

No sé cómo sucedió ni por qué. Pero entonces, un día, Allah, Quien mueve los corazones, simplemente volvió mi corazón hacia Él. Extinguió el ardor de la inquietud en mi corazón con la frescura de su guía. Me senté en una estera de oración y tropecé con la profesión de fe.

En ese momento no sabía mucho sobre el Islam. No sabía cómo realizar la oración ritual, cómo recitar el Corán. Pero sentí que Allah había quitado la inquietud de mi corazón que me había perturbado durante mucho tiempo.

Alhamdulilah, una nueva vida había comenzado.

Este es un artículo del archivo de aboutislam.net, puedes leer la versión original en inglés aquí.

The post Quien mueve los corazones movió el mío hacia Él appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/es/quien-mueve-los-corazones-movio-el-mio-hacia-el/