What is Maun? Withholding Simple Acts of Kindness

Have you seen the one who denies the Recompense? For that is the one who drives away the orphan. And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. So woe to those who pray. [But] who are heedless of their prayer – Those who make show. And withhold [simple] assistance. (Quran 107)

Notice this chapter began with an attitude that’s inside the heart: lying against the religion; then it transferred the discussion to crimes against people; then the discussion became crime against Allah; and then the discussion came back to crimes against people.

The two things are intertwined with each other, you cannot separate them, they have become inseparable entities as far as Allah is concerned.

People try to separate these two things. People say, “I’m a charitable person, I’m a good person, but I just don’t pray.”

And then there are people who pray very regularly, but they’re horrible to their family and to the needs of the needy; they’re greedy in their wealth, and cheat in their businesses…

Allah makes the two things inseparable; you can’t separate these two things. If you’re good to people, you have to be good to Allah; if you’re good to Allah, you have to be good to people. He fused the two.

 And this is the logic of the Quran, it doesn’t let you fall into these extremes and traps, and boxes that you create for yourselves. It keeps you balanced. Every chapter produces its own set of balance that keeps us from falling into these moral dilemmas.

What is Maun?

… And [they] withhold (Maun) [simple] assistance.

“Maun” is interpreted by many scholars, even some companions, as zakat. It is that what you cannot possibly be cheap in, like water you can’t possibly be cheap in it.

 But Allah says at the end of the chapter, “they forbid even ma’un.” They are that cheap, they can’t see a smile on somebody’s face, they can’t find themselves doing something good for someone… The first thought that comes in their mind is, “why should I help you? Why should I give you a ride? I don’t care, I don’t owe you anything…”

This attitude not because that I can’t, but I just don’t like you, I don’t want to help you.

This is the hardness of the heart. Allah mentioned things one after another that make your heart harder, and it comes to the point where even somebody asks you for something small like a napkin or some salt, you slammed the door in their face!

Lesson for Life

The two things that will keep your heart soft are:

1- How you pray to Allah.

2- How much you give. (Your dealings with people).

These are an indication of how strong your belief in the hereafter is and what you should be expecting from it.

If our prayers are weak, that’s a life project now that becomes a mission; and if our dealings with the orphans, and we don’t even talk about the needs of the others, if we’re not concerned about these things, then these things become a concern.

First and foremost in your own family. You don’t like your cousin, you don’t get along with him, but he needs help; you don’t like your annoying aunt, but she needs help, she’s financially in need.

These people deserve it no matter what because you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it because it proves to you for yourself, and it’s a case with Allah that you believe in being paid back in the end.

The post What is Maun? Withholding Simple Acts of Kindness appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/understanding-islam/what-is-maun-withholding-simple-acts-of-kindness/

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