Finding the Love of Your Life

We all hope and dream of finding the love of our life. It is a yearning that exists within the nature of humankind. Hence, Islam encourages marriage, and even refers to it as ‘half of our faith’.

But for the sake of sanity, let’s put away the fairy-tale dreams of prince charming and happily-ever-after and take a snapshot from reality!

As with every worthwhile thing in life, finding a loving, fulfilling relationship is hard work. And that is not the end of the story, because then one has to maintain a loving, fulfilling relationship.

It requires a good amount of insight, self-awareness, giving, forgiving and faith that we as human beings can sometimes barely comprehend. Yet, despite its awesome intricacy, and sometimes complexity, we strive to find it.

We live in agony that we may not find it, then, when we do find it, we live in agony lest we should lose it! How pathetic we are! How much we need Allah’s help!


With the rising rate of unsuccessful marriages perhaps it is time we take stock of what may be going on.

I do not say ‘divorce rate’ because divorce is not the only indicator of a dysfunctional marriage; indeed, there are many marriages that are pasted together and are continuing but they are not built on the love and tranquility that Almighty Allah describes for us in His Noble Quran.

Approaching the whole idea of marriage with the attitude that this is ‘my right; something that ‘I’ want; and the attitude of what is this marriage going to do for ‘me’, is a big mistake.

With such an attitude the person will be unable to step back, and take an objective look at themselves, and their role in a marital relationship.

Without this kind of introspection, the marriage will very likely become dull, a routine, and a de-spiritualizing conveyor belt of human selfishness and short-sightedness.  Much of the fault for this unhappy phenomenon lies on our shoulders; we are just not spiritual enough.

Perhaps it is a by-product of our materialistic age, but many people consider marriage in terms of how it will enhance their wealth, their status and their interests. Such people become so self-focused on material and social gains that the vast spiritual aspect of the relationship is lost for them.

Ironically, they believe that a ‘stable’ marriage should in fact increase their wealth and social status, while the heart and the depth of the relationship, the place of true fulfillment, exists on another plane altogether.

This state of harmony, deep feelings and commitment cannot be purchased or bargained for. This is the state that people seek; this is what they mean when they say ‘I have found a soul mate.’ This state exists within us and between us, and our loved ones according to the state of our own individual heart.

Indeed, the heart and soul of a human being are potentially far beyond our imagination. However if they are not purified, discerning and alive, they will not be able to participate in deep and meaningful relationships.

Soul Search

Keeping all this in mind, we become aware that our ability to be close to someone, to find harmony and, to communicate in depth as joy begins to fill our own hearts.

When the heart is free of grudge, envy, and hate, and has the ability to accept people for what they are, the heart begins to feel free and insight begins to flicker and come to life.

In this state of awareness and self- honesty, and without the harness of negativity and self-doubt, the soul can explore, appreciate and grow.

The shape of the heart changes with life events, our health, our mood and most of all, our closeness to Almighty Allah. We are probably all aware of how the soul is elated when we pray in true sincerity and concentration; this is the state of the soul that can love and be loved.

We are also probably aware that even if we find a ‘soul mate’, one with whom we can find joy, harmony and tranquility that this state fluctuates as is the case with human beings.

We are not constant; our faith goes up and down and our ability to love and be loved also changes.

This is where the character and good habits of the individual come shining through.

If one partner is feeling down or insecure, the other will identify the need and fill in the gap. The couple is like two elastic bands that adjust their tension according to the need so that harmony is always eventually reinstated.

The love of your life may be standing next to you right now. Your paths may have crossed, and you may have known each other for years in a public setting, but maybe you never realized the ‘heart’ of that person – the real person.

A marriage can be revived; it can find a way to grow and it can make a fresh start from a new angle. Sometimes the hearts of the couple have grown apart; perhaps they never tried to reach that spiritual plane where they can find rest in each other.

Making the hearts more in tune, and keeping them in tune can take a life time, but since marriage is half of our faith, is it not worth the effort?!

First published: June 2014

The post Finding the Love of Your Life appeared first on About Islam.


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