The Story of Idris

Idris (as) was a Prophet of Allah (swt). Some consider him as the first, second or even the third Prophet after Adham (as). 

He was the first Prophet to write. When he spoke he was calm, when he walked he lowered his gaze. He spoke only if there was a need. He came as a Prophet, not to call people away from shirk, but to call people away from acts of corruption, away from their desires. 

Idris (As) was the first one to take up arms against another army. He was the first to fight for justice. When he saw corruption spreading he prepared an army of horsemen to fight against the people of Qabil and Allah gave him victory. Allah revealed to Idris that he would be rewarded all the good deeds of mankind every single day!

The post The Story of Idris appeared first on About Islam.


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