Rekindle Your Ramadan Passion Through Week Two!

After the first week of Ramadan, the high curve of spirituality, zeal and passion that mark the first days Ramadan begins to abate.

We start to lag behind when the time of prayer comes; our attention and focus during salah seems harder to maintain, and somehow that keenness to focus and reflect on our Qu’ran recitation begins to slip away.

I remember one time reading that it was significant to remember that you are not only chasing a spiritual high, but running after Allah the one true God.

So renew your intentions. Any Muslim looking solely to emulate a spiritual high will be disappointed when the intoxication wears off post-Ramadan. The “high” is the blessing one gets for seeking Allah, but the minute you stop seeking Him, it’s downhill from there.

In Islam, Allah the Almighty is always blessing us with opportunities to return to Him after doing something wrong or lacking. We should remember that we are humans and that we will err. Only Allah is perfect.

So, even if one week of Ramadan is over, we still have another chance.

Here are a few tips to rekindle the passion and flame

1. Recognize the Problem

To address the problem of spiritual dryness, you need to know what it is. Here are some manifestations of it:

– Failing to recognize that we are becoming washed out

– Disregarding that Allah is the solution to our need

– Inability to connect with Allah

– We feel empty or weary and our inner tank is running dry

2. Make Supplications

Remember it was Allah the Almighty who gave you the strength and ability to begin the good habits in the first week of Ramadan.

Only He can help you maintain it for the rest of the month. Call on Allah the Almighty to help you not only maintain the habits, but ask for His acceptance of your efforts, and make it a way for you to grow closer to Him.

By the grace of Allah, you can do something about spiritual dryness. You can maintain the level present during the first week of Ramadan.

For inspiration, recall previous times during the week where you had felt close to Allah or encountered Him in a significant way

The post Rekindle Your Ramadan Passion Through Week Two! appeared first on About Islam.


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