If the Quran is a Miracle, Why Aren’t People Impressed?

The Holy Quran is an everlasting miracle sent by the Creator of the universe through His final Messenger to humankind.

It is the greatest miracle, and best heavenly gift, ever witnessed on earth. Its importance is proportionate to the greatness of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as the Seal of prophets, and the greatness of his prophet-hood mission.

The Quran is Allah’s final testament to humanity. It is His Holy Speech, and so, the only remaining undeviating connection with Heaven. For that to remain so, Allah vows that He will be the Quran’s Guardian against any even slightest form of interpolation or distortion.

As Allah’s infinite Speech, the Quran is not what people say, or think, it is. It is what only Allah declares it is.

Thus, the Quran is: a guidance, book, clear proofs of guidance, a criterion, judgment between right and wrong, glad tidings, a good advice, reminder, truth, healing for what is in the breasts, a mercy, clarification for all things, a light, inspiration, spirit, enlightenment, and clear insight.

To what extent the Quran can impact not only human life, but also life in general, testifies the following Quranic assertion:

If We had sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah. And these examples We present to the people that perhaps they will give thought (59: 21).

The Prophet Muhammad was asked to utilize the potentials of the Quran to the fullest and to:

… strive against them with the Qur’an a mighty striving (with a great endeavour) (25:52).

The Quran was the Prophet’s best ally, his safest haven, and his most potent weapon (defence).

The revelation of the Quran was the most unusual event in the history of creation. The whole of existence might have been perceived to culminate with that very occurrence. Everything might have been directed towards that spiritual and experiential climax.

Thus, during the revelation of the Quran, the entire metaphysical life was affected. Some of its aspects were yet momentarily adjusted, and were brought to a standstill.

The revelation was an existential treat and rapture, so to speak. It was the most important reason for the “existence” of existence.

Accordingly, for instance, the night in which the Quran was revealed (when the revelation to the Prophet started) is called the Night of Qadr (decree, power, value, destiny or measures). It is better than a thousand months.

The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn (97: 4-5).

Parenthetically, according to some pseudo-Sufi doctrines, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was the first to be created, the first to be mentioned, and the first to be honored. This applies to the Prophet Muhammad’s personality, his mission and his complete life.

Many Sufis believe – on account of some weak and fabricated traditions, though – that Allah said to the Prophe Muhammadt:

O Muhammad, without you I would not have created anything, then or now… I have created everything through you (that is, the light of Muhammad which was around as the light of Islam since the commencement of life in the world of souls).

The Quran gives only as much as people want and are ready to receive.

The Quran is bigger and more profound a miracle than the famous miracles of Prophet Musa (Moses) – such as his staff turning into a serpent, his hand becoming white and shining brightly, his parting of the sea, etc. – and Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus) – such as speaking from the cradle, healing the blind and the leper, resurrecting the dead, receiving from heaven a table laden with food, etc.

The same can be said about the numerous miracles of all the other prophets as well.

Those miracles were short-lived. As massive as it was, their impact was confined only to a group of people, a moment in time, and to a particular geographical milieu. Afterwards, they became mere historical narrations.

Read the full article here.

The post If the Quran is a Miracle, Why Aren’t People Impressed? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/research-studies/if-the-quran-is-a-miracle-why-arent-people-impressed/

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