Converts – 4 Tips Will Help in Your Path of Knowledge

What’s the first thing you do after acquiring a new tech gadget?

Most likely, you scramble to read the instructions so that you can learn all the features and functions of your new toy.

Within a mere matter of hours of opening it, you’ve already learned all the ins and outs of the gadget. And within only a few days you will have mastered it.

The reward for learning how to use this new tool is in the countless functions it offers, like being able to place a phone call or download beneficial apps.

In this world, there are several instances where we can achieve rewards for acquiring knowledge. However, none of them equal even the minutest fraction of the reward for seeking knowledge in Islam.

When it comes to seeking knowledge in Islam, there is even a greater reward to be achieved and it comes directly from God Almighty who revealed in the Quran:

Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge. (58: 11)

It is compulsory upon all Muslims to seek knowledge. Converts need to be proactive in learning as much about Islam from the moment they take the shahadah (declaration of faith). With the precarious nature of life, there’s not a moment to lose. Increasing your Islamic knowledge begins today!

Get a Handle on the Basics

Seeking knowledge in Islam may seem like a daunting task, at first, for a new Muslim. However, they must not be deterred on their path to seeking knowledge and should start with the basics to get a handle on their new religion.

A great starting point is with the five pillars of Islam, which are: Testimony of Faith, Prayer, Zakah, Fasting in Ramadan and the Pilgrimage to Makkah. The five pillars of Islam give a Muslim his identity and help him forge a bond with the Creator.

Learning the basics of Islam, from authentic sources, is one of the very first ways in which a new Muslim can seek knowledge. Speak with your local Imam and ask him to recommend an Islamic book to help you learn the basics of Islam.

Read a Translation of the Quran

Since many converts to Islam are non-Arabic speakers, it is ideal to read a translation of the Quran in his own language; in addition to the commentaries provided below the text.

A new Muslim can gain great benefit and understand the message of the Quran by reading a translation at least once. Many non-Arabic speaking Muslims make the mistake of learning the Quran in Arabic without being able to understand the meaning behind it. As Muslims, we are encouraged to think and ponder over the words of God:

Do they not then think deeply in the Quran, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding it)? (47: 24)

There is no better way to understand the message of the Quran.

It’s important to note that a translation of the Quran is just that; the true Quran is in Arabic. New Muslims must strive to read and learn the Quran in its natural state of Arabic at some point.

These days it is easier than ever to learn both written and spoken Arabic. Our Digital Age has provided us with all of the tools necessary to learn Arabic from the comfort of our own homes.

The Internet is an excellent resource for learning Arabic from a reputable source. There are qualified Arabic instructors available that teach students the Arabic language exclusively online or through email communications.

You can even download an app to your smart phone to learn Arabic whenever you are away from home. The true beauty of the Quran can only be realized in its natural state of Arabic.

Seek Knowledge from Islamic Books

There are a plethora of Islamic books on the market today that teach Muslims everything from how to treat others to how to live a halal lifestyle.

Reputable and authentic books also include verses from the Quran or Hadiths that support each recommendation. It’s important to make sure that you select books that are in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

When in doubt, ask the Imam at the mosque to verify that the book is trustworthy. In addition to these books, a new Muslim can gain great insights into Islam by reading a biography of the Prophet Muhammad.

The books of Tafsir, Hadith, and Fiqh are just a few of the other resources that can help a Muslim grow his faith just like a flourishing garden in the midst of a desert oasis.

Balance is the Key

While it is important to make haste when seeking knowledge, one must not go overboard and should seek a middle path. It’s important to keep up with other responsibilities, like praying on time or holding down a job.

When seeking knowledge, converts must strike a balance that helps to maintain the various aspects of their lives while learning at the same time.

Careful scheduling and time management skills are keys for success. They ensure that your quest for knowledge continues on course; just like a boat navigating the murky waters of the tempestuous ocean.

Remember, your reason for seeking knowledge is to please God and draw nearer to Him. It’s not a race to be won or a competition with someone else.

Seeking knowledge is an act of worship that will result in immense dividends in this life and the Hereafter.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.

The post Converts – 4 Tips Will Help in Your Path of Knowledge appeared first on About Islam.


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