What Do Men Really Want?

Editor’s note: Interviewing a Muslim husband about what men generally want from their wives, we would like to post more of his answers in this second part of “What Do Men Really Want?” series. Find the interview below and share your input.

Read part one

  • What’s the solution when things go bad in a marriage? What brings the man and woman back together?

Well, I would have never said this years ago, but I think it’s just talking through problems. But there must be mutual respect when you’re talking. You have to know you’re not at war with each other.

You have to want reconciliation. You have to want to put your best foot forward. You have to talk it through. And I think that’s the main thing, being able to understand where the other person is coming from. To cut it short, you need to compromise.

  • Is compromise hard or easy?

[Laughs and says jokingly:] Oh, it’s very easy!

No, it’s very difficult. As a man, it’s easier in a way because you can be a “tyrant,” and the woman sort of has to follow you [in the final decision you make].

It’s a very interesting test for men. But the one who is the most powerful and understands and respects his power, he compromises a lot. Because he knows his role as a leader and he knows the power in this role, so there’s no need to come home and act like a tyrant.

  • But when you want your wife to do something, as a man, what makes you most happy?

That she does it. [Laughs]

  • And that’s it?

No. It’s nice to sit and explain to your wife certain things so she knows where you’re coming from. That’s the best way. That’s better than coming home and yelling and expecting her to just listen because you said so.

  • What are some common mistakes women make when they’re trying to get what they want?

Honestly, I have to think about that. But I think what a lot of woman don’t understand is that they own the relationship. And they have to be very patient with it [i.e. this responsibility].

  • What do you mean?

As we know, for example, statistics show that when a man and a woman have been together for some time and the wife dies, the man is quick to die after that. But if the man dies, the woman can live for many years after that.

So, men really need their wives. And if women are  just patient, their ways go- at least most of the time.

In history, you see all these famous rulers and their strength come from their wives.

  • What are some ways women are impatient?

When they don’t understand that point [i.e. that they own the relationship]. They get impatient and frustrated and say and do things to express their frustration.

But instead of a woman repeating herself over and over again [when she feels strongly about something], she should understand that, with time, the man often changes his opinion based on what his wife thinks and wants.

  • Wow. Really?

Yes, it’s true. Obviously, this is the case.

  • Well, to many women, it’s not obvious. You have to take a step back and realize this. Right?

You do. But it’s hard because a woman is thinking, “Oh, he’s not going to listen to me because he has all this power and he can do whatever he wants to do.” But no. If he loves you and wants to see you happy, you’re going to have your brown curtains. [We both laugh because I love brown curtains].

Eventually, you’re going to have your strawberries and things like that. That’s just an example. But eventually [if a woman is patient], after some time, the man will be doing exactly what she wants him to do. It’s really funny.

And I think that sometimes women are afraid of this when a man wants to marry another woman. Because they know, the other wife can change him. So [subconsciously] women do understand this point [i.e. how much influence a woman has on a man].

  • So do you think a woman has the power to really control whether or not a man ever marries another wife?

No. That instinct is too strong. And when I say instinct, I mean in the sense of the urge itself.

  • But could women influence how plural marriage is done?

Yes, definitely. But a man has an innate instinct that is not nurtured [i.e. his nature is irrelevant to his environment or culture]. And I think this has a lot to do with what Allah says men are supposed to be doing [with regards to caring for women].

What I find interesting in Allah’s creation is that there is a type of bird that builds a house for the female, and she comes and inspects the home, and if she doesn’t like it, she won’t be with this guy. She’ll mate with someone else.

  • Really? This is a type of bird?

Yes, but I can’t recall the name of it. But the “husband” is working really hard to make this beautiful house for her, and if she likes it, she stays. And they end up having chicks together.

[We laugh].

Yes, it’s really interesting.

The post What Do Men Really Want? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/husbands-wives/what-do-men-really-want-2/

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