Caring for the Vulnerable: Here Are Muslim Campaigns to Support

Imagine for just a few moments that you are not able to get access to food, energy or basic needs for one day.

Sadly, this is the case of millions of refugees in several countries. And recently, it is the same situation for the low-income people who have been affected by the outbreak of coronavirus and lockdowns in most countries.

As Muslims, it is our collective responsibility to send relief to those who need it most.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The best of people are those that bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind.” [Daraqutni, Hasan]

Here are three Muslim campaigns that support those in distress

Coronavirus Emergency Response

COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States.

Experts are recommending that people avoid large crowds, stockpile shelf-stable foods in case they end up quarantined, and stay home. 

While this advice may work for those who are able to perform work from home, too many low-income people can’t afford this luxury.

The vast majority of low-income jobs can’t be done remotely. More importantly, the majority of low-income jobs don’t offer paid sick days.

Even stocking up the pantry can be an impossible financial hurdle for many low-income people.

Penny Appeal USA invites those economically affected by COVID-19 to apply for its COVID19 Financial Hardship Grant.


For more details, visit their appeal on

Rohingya Support: Ramadan Family Groceries

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya children are preparing to face their second Ramadan as refugees in Bangladesh, missing much of the celebration that normally accompanies this festive and holy month for Muslims.

In an effort to draw a smile on Rohingya faces during Ramadan, Save the Refugees charity has launched a campaign to provide help to them during the holy month.

For more details, visit their appeal on

Providing Shelter for Syrian Refugees

In Syria, thousands of refugees are living in harsh weather conditions in the war-ravaged country.

Most of the recently displaced families are being forced to crowd together in tents in harsh winter conditions because they do not have enough money to secure proper accommodation.

To ease their plight, the International Association for Relief and Development ONSUR) has launched a campaign to provide shelter and basic needs to Syrian refugees in face of harsh winter.

For more details, visit their appeal on

The post Caring for the Vulnerable: Here Are Muslim Campaigns to Support appeared first on About Islam.


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