World Hijab Day 2023: Voices & Images of Commemoration

As the world marked the World Hijab Day on Wednesday, Feb 1, some well-known Muslim personalities and organizations worldwide commemorated the day with events held in masjids, cultural centers, and virtually on social media.

Below are some social media posts supporting the event and the choices of Muslim women around the world who decide to wear hijab.

Haleh Banani

“On a psychological note, the hijab means seeking internal validation, overcoming insecurities, liberating myself from shackles of society and having inner strength and confidence to stand for what I believe in.”

Mufti Menk

“In a world where many stand up for those being forced to cover, very few stand up for those being forced to uncover.”

Ashley Pearson Khan

Salma Zahid

World Hijab Day

“It’s not easy to govern critical thinkers who derive incredible mental strength from a faith founded in love of an Infinite Source.”

Pictures About the Event:

Senator-Robin-Padilla Philippines
Senator-Robin-Padilla, Philippines
Muslims in Rail, London, Paddington Station
Muslims in Rail, London, Paddington Station
MPAC- Nigeria
Muslim Public Affairs Center, Nigeria
World Hijab Day in Okhala, Florida, organized by Dr. Manal Fakhoury

The post World Hijab Day 2023: Voices & Images of Commemoration appeared first on About Islam.


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