Five Ways to Propel Peace Around You

If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in Allah for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. (Qur’an 8:61)

Peace is a big part of Islam, as it promotes the understanding of peace through submission to Allah (SWT).

This applies to the ordinary sense of developing your spiritual growth through balance and harmony.

So, propel peace in your neighborhood, family, and amongst fellow countrymen by taking these simple steps to be contagious peacemakers to family, friends, and even strangers:

1. Offer Salutation

Just say Assalaamu ‘Alaikum (Peace be with you). It’s amazing to see the reaction to a simple gesture such as giving salaam or saying hello.

Better yet, it can invoke the response that is hoped for, which is someone responding to your salutation by giving salaam or saying hello in return.

Make it a habit to greet everyone in your neighborhood, workplace, and even while shopping.

This would have a magical impact on both you and the people around you.

2. Have Ihsan

Ihsan simply means having good intentions towards anything that is living.

There are many ways this can be achieved, such as by being fair and just in all your doings, being selfless and giving without expecting anything in return.

Be a forgiving person and do not hold grudges.

Do not engage in gossip or backbiting, thus guarding against your tongue.

Simple acts of kindness can cultivate compassion for other living things.

Encourage your kids to show care for others, help those in need, and be kind to all creatures of God.

3. Tarbiyah for Children

Without input from you, your children will not know about Tarbiyah or personal development.

And without personal development, your child will not know the importance of peace in today’s chaotic world.

Instill the message of peace in children at an early age.

Provide a sound Islamic foundation by investing in colorful children’s Islamic books that relate stories from the Qur’an in simple sentences.

Appeal to their creative side and engage them in craft activities and coloring pages that propel peace.

4. Bring the Family Together

There’s nothing like a family get-together with a big pot of food to enhance the occasion.

Talking, eating, and socializing with family members helps develop a better understanding of each other.

Make time to have the family over as it brings a sense of belonging, security, stability and peace.

Make it a habit to perform prayers together and try to engage in many things as a family in order to develop stronger ties and interconnection.

Remember that strong family bonding is the foundation for a sound and safe society.

3. Be a Good Neighbor

Needless to say, your neighbors are the people closest to you in terms of distance.

Islam accords special status to neighbors, regardless of whether they are Muslims or not. You are encouraged to socialize with, care for, and share with them.

So, it is in your best interest to maintain peace with them so they do not become a daily source of frustration.

If you are peaceful, it may just catch on and they will be contagiously peaceful too!

“Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest.”

~ Qur’an 13:28


This article is from our archives.

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