Effective Marital Communication: Reflective Listening

A very useful technique that improves the quality of any communication is called effective listening. It is basically acting like a mirror.

You let the other person speak with no interruption, then you respond back, summarizing what you understood from the person.

What are its advantages?

  • Shows attention and care to the other person.
  • Gives an opportunity to clarify any misunderstanding.
  • Calms your nervous system down when emotions get high and your brain sends signals to you to get angry as a way of protecting yourself.  

Listen to the video for a more in-depth explanation of what reflective listening is and how to practice it.

Watch previous videos on marital communication:

Effective Marital Communication: The Art of Fruitful Communication

The post Effective Marital Communication: Reflective Listening appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/effective-marital-communication-reflective-listening/

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