Spending Time Alone with Allah

What do you do when you have no one who shares the same views as you, who wants to make the change like you? Is it better to be alone than with the bad company?

This is a really important question.

Alone with Allah

And I’m glad it was brought up because I would say it absolutely is better to be alone with Allah than with bad company; and sometimes it is in the times when you are alone that you are closest to Allah Almighty.

In fact, even if you have a good company, it does not substitute for the time alone with Allah Subhan Allah.

If you really want to build your relationship with Allah, then you need that time alone with Him. And this sometimes happens in the last third of the night, in Qiyam, in whatever time it is, after fajr, even if it’s after prayer… and you’re just making dua, you have time alone with Him, you’re reading Quran…

That time cannot be replaced even if you have the best of company, even if you’re surrounded with scholars who are teaching you, it still cannot replace that time alone with Allah.

Watch the video here.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

The post Spending Time Alone with Allah appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/spending-time-alone-with-allah/

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