It’s Ramadan: More Giving and More Rewards (Appeal)

“The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allah is All- Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower” (Holy Qur’an,chapter2, Verse 261

During Ramadan , Muslim charity organizations hurry up to offer campaigns  like food pack , financial donations, collective Iftars, shelters and many others, to the poor and needy to grasp the blessings of this holy month.

Muslims 4 Humanity page has the pleasure to present  a collection of humanitarian campaigns conducted by well-known organizations as a way of spreading the word about their projects this Ramadan.

Check Ramadan charity campaigns, spread the word and get involved.

Islamic Relief

Alhamdulillah, the blessed month of Ramadan is upon us once agIslamic Reliefain. With it comes an unmissable opportunity to do good deeds and gather as many rewards as possible, insha’Allah.

One of the many blessings of Ramadan is that it enables us to experience in a small way what the poor and destitute go through on a daily basis. The long hours without food and water should remind us of how fortunate we truly are to have an abundance of food at the time of iftar, whilst millions are forced to remain in a state of hunger and thirst for days and weeks through no fault of their own.

The Prophet (SAW) said: “Whoever helps his brother in his time of need, Allah will be there in his time of need.” (Muslim)

Muslim Aid


“Whoever feeds a fasting person will have reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his Muslim Aidreward.” (Tirmidhi)

Last year you supported us to reach 197,833 people in 28 countries with our Feed the Fasting Programme and Zakat ul-Fitr.  From Palestine and South Africa to Bangladesh and Pakistan, we even reached conflict countries such as Iraq and Syria with nutritious food to help them get by.

This Ramadan, £60 can provide a family with a Ramadan Food Pack containing a whole month’s supply of essentials.
By giving a food pack, you can ensure that some of the world’s poorest people receive a nourishing iftaar and suhoor meal for each day of Ramadan. Donate Now 

Islamic Help

Be One With The Hungry

Islamic Help

This is a time for the Muslim ummah to show unity and come to the aid of those who need assistance. There are millions of Muslims around the world in dire need of some of the most basic necessities in life such as food, water, clothing and shelter. As citizens of humanity, it is our moral responsibility to come to their aid and assistance.

Islamic Help would like to urge its supporters to join us and Donate This Ramadan and take an interest in relief aid campaign activities. Donate generously in order to ensure the campaigns reach their intended goals.

Join us on our 2016 Ramadan campaign Be One and show your union with the Ummah, the hungry, the thirsty, with people in need.

Islamic Aid

Donate Today, to Help Save a Life

The blessed month of Ramadan has started – may Allah (Swt) bestow His mercy and blessings upon you and your islamicAid_logofamilies.

This Ramadan, Islamic Aid will be working on Special Ramadan Programs that you can support. Whether you would like to pay ZakatSadaqahFidya or Kafarah – your Ramadan donations will help us distribute food packs to impoverished families, and provide Sahar and Iftar for orphaned children, and children at Madrasah.

Please do donate generously during this blessed month.

Muslim Hands
Save A life , Save  A Humanity

“He who gives iftar to another fasting person shall earn reward equivalent to a fasting man without de0a62a865-3bc7-4cd4-bb49-1995df7fb754tracting from the reward of the latter.” [Tirmidhi]

There are many people this Ramadan who will go hungry well beyond iftar time. By giving to the Iftar Fund you are ensuring that those most in need will enjoy a nutritious meal after a hard day of fasting.

Share the joy and reward this Ramadan by providing iftar to families across the globe.

Donate Now

Zakat Foundation

This Ramadan, Open the Doors of Mercysize_550x415_zakat-logo-square

Our hands can comfort, feed, be raised in prayer, and serve our brothers and sisters in need. Indeed, our hands can open the doors of mercy for those less fortunate than us.

This Ramadan, please include those that ache with hunger, sleep in the cold, and go without basic necessities in over 40 countries in your celebration of the holy month.

Please take a moment to learn more about ZF’s humanitarian efforts during Ramadan 2016, including rebuilding of homes in Gazaalleviating hunger in the Horn of Africa, and providing emergency relief and education for Syrian IDPs and refugees.

Is the reward for good anything other than good?

– The Holy Quran, 55:60

Donate Now


Serving Humanity During the Holy Month of Ramadan

This Ramadan, just as with every other in the past, we take for granted where our food for iftar or suhoor is coming from!

Yet, as we dig into our Ramadan meals, Many families in Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Pakistan, East Africa, and moresitemgr_photo_5499 continue to suffer from displacement, dire poverty, and hunger. The social and economic situations of these countries are destroying lives and livelihoods, resulting in impoverishment of children who continue to suffer the most.  They are orphaned, homes demolished, and childhoods and futures destroyed.

Ramadan is the month of giving, and the month of generosity. Our goal is to reach out to as many families as possible this Ramadan, and help bring a smile back to their faces.  Join us in making this possible. Donate Now. Feed a family. Reap the rewards.

Helping Hands

Ramadan Tent Program in Jordan:

Serving Iftar and dinner, ensuring a spiritual experience, and providing Food Packages to 75 dilogo-banner-hhrdstinct families daily for 24 Days (Total 1,800 Families during Ramadan), which includes Syrian refugees, Palestinian refugees, and local needy Jordanians at the cost of $150 per family:

With a suggested $100 donation, HHRD is able to provide food packages, based on local prices, for up to three families in 38 countries and regions with the goal of feeding 15,000 families. That’s a total of 75,000 individuals InshaAllah!


Please donate generously towards our Ramadan Food Distribution Project




The post It’s Ramadan: More Giving and More Rewards (Appeal) appeared first on About Islam.


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