AboutIslam Audience: Looking Forward to Post-Pandemic Ramadan

Ramadan is fast approaching and finally, we are all getting ready for a month of Ramadan with less or zero COVID-19 restrictions.

The last two years have definitely taken a toll on Muslims around the world, as we  had to pray Taraweeh prayers at home, unable to go to the mosque at all and miss out on family gatherings, things we have taken  for granted as part of our normal human life..

It has been a huge test of patience for us and we must remember that Allah told us in the Quran:

“Oh you who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy. Vie in such perseverance, strengthen each other and be pious, that you may prosper”  Quran 3:200.

Our patience has paid off,  and two years on from the start of the pandemic, we can now celebrate Ramadan as we used to. Even the Grand Mosque in Makkah is bringing back the mass iftar gatherings after 2 years.

Planning Ramadan this year should make our hearts beat with joy, for it is a great blessing that we can once again congregate in the night prayers, attend gatherings with our family and friends and plan for ‘Eid Al-Fitr with the community inshAllah.

AboutIslam spoke to our audience about what they are most looking forward to this Ramadan and no wonder  Taraweeh  was top of that list.

Zeeshan Ibn Mukhtar Ahmed said he is looking forward to “preparation before taraweeh and the environment of just before iftar.”

Mariamul Ashiya loves the uniformity of taraweeh prayers; “taraweeh huge number of our community and people throughout the world performing salah uniformly”

OrimoladeMulikat feels more lively after taraweeh prayers: “Taraweeh and the sermons after taraweeh. I’m always lively and feel peace during that time.”.

AboutIslam Audience: Looking Forward to Post-Pandemic Ramadan

Aderemilekun Adenijii loves to go to taraweeh prayers with her mum: “Going for Taraweeh prayers to the masjid with my mum”

Abu Bakr Saddiq is the imam in his local community and feels that taraweeh prayers give him so much joy: “I’m the imam in our area for tarawee, that salah only I’m leading, it gives me joy and contentment as if all my sins are forgiven.”

When we asked our audience what they would most like to achieve this Ramadan, their replies were plentiful. Many are looking for forgiveness and closeness to Allah.

Rabail Anjum wishes to strengthen her tawakkal and be forgiven: “Nourish the soul. Strengthen tawakkal. Be forgiven. And find peace!”

馃摎 Read Also: Ramadan for Young Souls: 7 Tips That Will Make You Better

Rabeea Shahid Khan wants to connect her and her family with Allah and keep that spirit after Ramadan: “Try to teach lessons from Quran to myself and my kids so that we will be nearer to Allah not only Ramadan but a whole life. To develop a habit of reading Quran on daily basis to keep us connected with Allah closely.”

Sanjida Ahmed wishes to use Ramadan as a chance to ask for forgiveness whilst Anas Musah Adamawa wishes to become closer to Allah.

Muhammad Ahmad points out that the achievement we are all searching for is forgiveness: “The achievement we all look forward to is to have our sins all forgiven”

Let us say Alhamdulillah that, once again, we can gather together to pray in the congregation and be with our loved ones for family iftars.

But let us never forget, that whether we have restrictions or not, Ramadan always brings major blessings and we must use this golden opportunity to seek as much forgiveness as much as we can from Allah!

May we all be forgiven this Ramadan and as it is the first one post-COVID-19 restrictions, may it be one full of joy, blessings and thankfulness!

The post AboutIslam Audience: Looking Forward to Post-Pandemic Ramadan appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/your-society/aboutislam-audience-looking-forward-to-post-pandemic-ramadan/

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