Kick Caffeine Habit Naturally

Although caffeine and coffee have become somewhat interchangeable words, caffeine does not just mean coffee. Caffeine is found in many other sources like black tea, colas, chocolate and energy drinks.

There are various reasons to kick the caffeine habit, but it is important to first understand why you have a fondness for caffeine.

Is This an Addiction?

Many people’s like for caffeine goes beyond fondness and is a true addiction. Caffeine is an addictive substance like nicotine, alcohol, opiates and yes, sugar. It may seem difficult to view foods as addictive, but food can and does alter and affect our brain. Caffeine does this by acting on the central nervous system.

Some people may consume caffeine, as in coffee, daily not due to addiction, but as a laxative. Constipation is a common complaint it the Western World and some people have discovered that coffee is a strong laxative. This, however, will not fix the larger issue of constipation and its causes.

📚 Read Also: Guilty Cup of Coffee

In today’s world, the adrenal glands are worked very hard due to excessively stressful lifestyles. The adrenal glands can become fatigued and can even become atrophied (shrunken) due to over use. Caffeine can be used as a whip to keep the adrenals going -for a while at least.

When sugar is added in, it makes it an even more effective whip. However, the adrenal glands will continue to suffer and cause a host of disorders from allergies to hypothyroidism, so it is better to address the issue than to continue to self-medicate.

Caffeine is also known to be a natural pain killer and is used in many pharmaceuticals to kill pain. Aches and pains are common today, but are not normal. They are the body’s signal that something is not functioning well.

If you are experiencing pain, particularly of an unknown origin, check with your health care provider to discover its source instead of masking the symptoms with caffeine.

What is a Safe Intake of Caffeine?

Caffeine sensitive people may experience the following symptoms:

  • Inability to stop hands or legs from shaking
  • Cold sweats
  • Uncomfortable surge of energy
  • Double vision
  • Nausea
  • Swimming head
  • Heart palpitations
  • Drowsiness

Caffeine is a naturally occurring component in food and is not considered harmful in moderate doses. However, amongst researchers there remains a debate as to the safety of caffeine consumption.

According to world food expert George Mateljan, no studies have shown problems with caffeine consumption of less than 75 milligrams per day. He also states that “most studies showing potentially problematic effects of caffeine consumption have focused on intakes above 200 milligrams.”

Other people, due to a problem with a slow detoxification system, may be very sensitive to caffeine. These people will hold caffeine in their system longer than other people, effectively retaking the caffeine over and over again instead of excreting it at a normal pace.

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The post Kick Caffeine Habit Naturally appeared first on About Islam.


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