Can’t Concentrate in Salah? Here’s a Dua to Help!

Struggling to concentrate in Salah? One Sahabi (ra) complained that he is confused in his salah. When he prays, he forgets what he is reading, he forgets how many ra’kat he has prayed and he gets distracted. 

He went to visit the Prophet (pbuh) and told him “shaytaan attacks me in salat”. The Prophet (pbuh) said “This is a shaytaan called khinzab, if he comes again in salat say “Aoodhubilliahi min ash shaytaan ir rajeem” and spit over your left shoulder.” The sahabi practiced it and alhamdulillah he was able to focus in the salat. 

This shows how concerned the sahabi (ra) was about his salah. He took a journey of six days of travel on a camel to find out how he can regain is concentration in salah!

The post Can’t Concentrate in Salah? Here’s a Dua to Help! appeared first on About Islam.


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