10 Self Development Activity Books to Make Muslims Happy

Looking for some fun, relaxing, and spiritually uplifting activities? We all need to take a break for ourselves and unwind at times. Believe me, I know the feeling.

Shift your mind and focus with these ten inspiring Islamic activity books.


Title of book: The Islamic, Adult Coloring Book

Author name: Theresa Corbin

Publisher: Djarabi Kitabs Publishing

To purchase: Amazon, Amazon UK, Createspace, and Djarabi Kitabs

What’s your education and background? Bachelor’s in English Literature

What makes your book unique? It is one of very few Islamic, adult coloring books. It is also the only Islamic adult coloring book that has both Muslim and non-Muslim audiences in mind.

Why did you decide to write it? It is my effort to inform non-Muslims about Islam in a relaxing way and to help the adult Muslims (and older kids) de-stress and refocus on deen.

About the book:

The Islamic, Adult Coloring Book was compiled in an effort to teach the non-Muslim about Islam and combat the rising tide of stress in the modern Muslim’s life – while still being beneficial in this world and the hereafter. The designs chosen for the book are intricate works that the adult user will find both challenging and soothing.

The pages include detailed mosque architecture, calligraphy, hadith, dua, Quranic verses and quotes all to allow Muslims to relax and refocus on deen. Each coloring page has a corresponding short, descriptive page for non-Muslims who want to join in on the relaxation and learn something about Islam along the way.


Title of book: #AlhamdulillahForSeries – Gratitude Journal for Muslims

Author name: Ayeina

Publisher: Ayeina

To purchase: Ayeina Store

What’s your education and background?

Ayeina is a team of multiple talented people, alhamdulillah. One of the two founders has studied engineering/Quranic studies and Intensive Arabic while the other has done Bachelors in Islamic psychology/Quranic studies and MBA (Masters in Business Administration).

What makes your book unique?

It was one of its kind and the first journal in the Muslim world Alhamdulillah.

Why did you decide to write it?

Because of the verse in the Qur’an, where Allah says: “[…] If you are grateful, I will increase you […]” [Surah Ibrahim, 14:7]. It’s written for positive vibes, abundance, and muhaasba-e-nafs (accountability of one’s soul).

About the book:

A month of helping you develop an attitude of gratitude – because an Alhamdulillah a day – keeps scarcity away!


Title of book: I WILL in shaa Allah – Productivity Journal for Muslims

Author name: Ayeina

Publisher: Ayeina

To purchase: Ayeina Store

What makes your book unique?

This is a journal that gives results with positive affirmations and motivation to help you keep going and striving towards growth.

Why did you decide to write it?

Guess my son’s burial was the last straw. My son’s death made me realize how little the worth of this life is!

It’s not that I wasn’t content with the will of Allah, I was! And I still am, Alhamdulillah! But there were things, events, and there was me that I wasn’t content with. With increasing struggles and responsibilities in life, I somehow and somewhere lost that connection with my God that I once felt. I lost my purpose in life. I lost motivation, my focus was muddled, my goals were all topsy-turvy.

My life was all about pleasing everyone except my God and it threw me into the ditch I never knew a way out of. No matter how much I tried to claw my way out of it, there I was – without any ray of light.

I’d make schedules and fail to follow up. I’d make my husband print out huge checklists and tear them off because I wasn’t able to do it all. I constantly felt like a failure.

A book is just empty pages that you may not connect to if you feel empty yourself. So this journal is for me, basically. A journal I made with my sister so I have an accountability partner to help me find myself again and achieve my imaan (faith), health, and relationship goals. Goals that I lost sight of because nothing mattered to me. Floating became my only way to get through life.

But after my son’s burial, I wanted to change. I wanted to change because I wanted to meet him again – in Jannah insha’Allah. Because I know that Jannah requires struggle.

Even though we made the journal for ourselves, we really hope that you may find yourself, your lost relationships, your flickering faith and your goals through it insha’Allah.

About the book:

Starting from “I can and I WILL, insha’Allah!” and ending with “I could and I did, alhamdulillah” – this productivity journal helps you explore yourself to dig out areas of growth within. It also helps you take action through a sense of accountability. This personal development journal will help you realize your strengths and weaknesses to clarify your goals in life while you work on yourself, your relationships, and most importantly – your faith! In short, to make ourselves a Productive Ummah!


Title of book: Evolve & Emerge Reflection Journal

Author name: LaYinka Sanni

Publisher: LaYinka Sanni

To purchase: www.layinkasanni.com/reflection-journal

What’s your education and background? I’m an NLP transformational coach who has been through the motions of therapy and counseling, and has evolved and continuously evolves.

What makes your book unique? More than a series of weekly prompts, the Evolve & Emerge Reflection Journal marries creativity with structure by giving you weekly intention-setting and reflection space as well as ample dot-gridded sections to doodle, brain spill, sketch, or decorate. Coupled with quotes for you to draw personal meaning and lessons from, the journal gives you room to:

  • Gather your thoughts.
  • See yourself in the mirror.
  • Document your progress.
  • Create the mental space you need to gain new perspectives about yourself and your world.

Why did you decide to write it? Reflecting has played and continues to play a pivotal role in my own personal growth and development. Reflecting has helped me reach conclusions I struggle to when thoughts and feelings are a concoction of confusion in my mind. I believe in reflection and its power to help us create new perspectives. I created the journal as an invitation for other women interested in self-development to do the same.

About the book:

The Evolve & Emerge Reflection Journal is the perfect 13-week companion for you to engage in weekly reflection, so you can create the mental space you need to work towards being the woman you want to be.

With weekly reflection sections as well as ample gridded free-flow journaling space to draw, doodle, brain spill, or decorate, the Evolve & Emerge Reflection Journal marries structure and freedom, so you can truly make it yours.

Designed to complement any existing daily planner or journal you use to plan your day, the Evolve & Emerge Reflection Journal gives you the space to grow, rise, and soar as an exceptional version of yourself.

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself.” – Lao Tzu


Title: Meditation Through Coloring

Author name: Michele Lee Browning

Publisher: Createspace with Amazon

To purchase: Amazon

What’s your education and background?  I’m working towards my Bachelors in Education, and ESL teacher and am a self-taught artist.

What makes the book unique?  It is both a coloring book, and a guide towards meditation and healing.

Why did you decide to write it? I’m a survivor of domestic abuse. I actually survived an attempted murder by my ex-husband in 2016. Alhamdulillah. My Art, and daily drawings, have helped me through the emotional and physical pain I endured as a wife of an emotionally abusive man. I want to share the art I produced with others – hoping it will help them too.

About the book:

What does it mean to meditate? The written definition is to think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time in silence as a method of relaxation. Let this book be a guide to peaceful and restful relaxation through coloring meditative drawings and using suggested affirmations. Directions: All you need are coloring materials and to sit in a comfortable and quiet place.

With each drawing there are a few guided affirmation words. Read them, close your eyes and for a moment, think about what those words mean to you. Breathe deeply with repetition until your mind becomes clear and all you are thinking about are those words.

Now open your eyes and color in the drawing while thinking about what they mean to you. After the drawing is complete, look at the drawing while breathing deeply. Take pride in what you’ve created, take pride in knowing a piece of you lies within it, a peaceful and beautiful part. Now you have completed your meditative drawing. I wish you peace. I wish you rest. But, above all, I wish you love.

Discover Books #6 – 10 here:

This article is from our archive, originally published at an earlier date, and now republished for its importance.

The post 10 Self Development Activity Books to Make Muslims Happy appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/culture/10-engaging-islamic-activity-books-for-busy-muslims/

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