Do You Know Muhammad (PBUH) Loves You?

Do you know Muhammad (PBUH) loves you? On the Day of Judgement Allah will order Israfil to come back to life. Allah will order him to blow the trumpet to start the Day of Judgement.

Allah will send Jibreel and Mikail with the keys of Jannah to open the grave of one person. They will open the grave of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He will ask what is happening. Jibreel will tell him it is the Day of Judgement.

The next thing Prophet Muhammad will say is “what about my ummah?” He is asking about us, not his wife, not his daughter but us. He knows we will need him that day.

Do you love the Prophet (PBUH)? He loves you! Is our Prophet (PBUH) as beloved to us as we are to him? On that day he will ask about us.

The post Do You Know Muhammad (PBUH) Loves You? appeared first on About Islam.


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