Ramadan in Quarantine… 7 Tips to Make It Quran Time

In life, Allah regularly sends us reminders to review our relationship with Him. This time, He sent a global reminder.

For many of us who have savored our Ramadan traditions and for new Muslims that crave the community Ramadan brings, it will be an unfamiliar Ramadan.

But while we may feel sadness, let us not fall into despair and miss out on the reward of Ramadan.

This is a challenge of growth in sincerity and closeness to Allah! Preparation begins with a renewed intention and mindset change. So here are some ideas of what to do during a Ramadan in Quarantine.

📚 Read Also: 15 Hadiths About Ramadan

Quran Time… Not Quarantine!

Read the Qur’an, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection. (Hadith reported by Muslim)

Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an so…

1. Let this be the month you complete the entire Quran! 

I know many people who feel this is a lofty goal. Perhaps they return from work too exhausted. Perhaps they feel their reading is too slow.

We can think of a thousand excuses but many of us no longer have a commute or the exhaustion of an office. Use that as time for Qur’an. If completing the entire book is still intimidating, split it in half and share the responsibility with someone! An accountability partner is extremely helpful.

2. Start a Virtual Qur’an Circle

This is a tradition I started several years ago when my schedule didn’t allow for me to attend local gatherings. Using Google Hangouts (or any virtual meeting platform), we’d study the tafseer of a particular surah.

If you are not familiar in how to navigate a text of tafseer, modify the Qur’an circle to what works best! Perhaps listen to a video series on a surah and share reflections. Or share the story of how a verse/s changed you!

3. Rememorize Some (or All) of What You Forgot

Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of this. Due to our lack of discipline (or no one to encourage us) in review as children, we forgot much of what we’ve memorized.

Allah says, {And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?} (Al-Qamar 54:17).

So if you want the Quran to raise you on the Day of Judgement, ask Allah to give you tawfeeq and select a few chapters to rememorize!

Use a calendar to help you keep track. Follow along with your favorite reciter. Dust off your old memorization techniques. 

4. Create a QuranReflect Group With Your Family!

Quranreflect.com is an awesome website that allows you to document your reflections as you read Quran.

You can even create groups and see reflections of others on the same verses. This is a great way to connect with family members and encourage contemplation of the Quran.

5. Practice Your Recitation

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever does not recite Qur’an in a nice voice is not from us.” (Al-Bukhari).

In Surat Al-Muzzamil, Allah tells the Prophet to {…recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.} (Al-Muzzamil 73:4).

Learning to recite in a beautiful voice isn’t just a fun vocal practice. It is pleasing to Allah, the angels and others around you! We may find ourselves rushing to finish our pages for the day. Take your time and enjoy the calmness slowed and measured recitation brings! 

6. Read Quran After Fajr

{(O Prophet,) establish Salah between the decline of the sun and the darkness of the night, and (establish) the recital at dawn. Surely, the recital at dawn is well attended. } (Al-Israa’ 17:78)

If mostly everyone is asleep at Fajr time, who is witnessing your recitation of the Quran? The answer is, the angels!

The challenge of reciting at Fajr is well worth it! I recommend keeping the Quran nearby and start off with a few verses each Fajr. It helps if you turn the light on when you pray. You shouldn’t have trouble falling back asleep!

7. Lead Taraweeh or Do Qiyam at Home.

Just because taraweeh is no longer being held doesn’t mean we lose our nights of prayer!

Many may be surprised to know that taraweeh wasn’t instituted as a regular tradition until Umar ibn Khuttab’s caliphate (may Allah be pleased with him). For a long time, the Companions prayed their nights alone.

So let’s adopt that tradition! If you don’t have family members around to pray taraweeh at home with, pray on your own.

There are scholarly opinions that allow holding the Quran to recite from during non-obligatory prayers. 

The list can continue from learning a new surah, spending time reviewing with your young ones or finding a lecture series on stories from the Quran.

In the end, let us not lose the spirit or reward of Ramadan! We can embrace the unfamiliarity and make this the most rewarded Ramadan we’ve ever had.

O’ Allah, allow us to live to see Ramadan, ameen.

The post Ramadan in Quarantine… 7 Tips to Make It Quran Time appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/refine-your-heart/advice/ramadan-in-quarantine-7-tips-to-make-it-quran-time/

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