COVID-19: Banbury Mosque Commended for Serving Community

For Muslims, Ramadan is a special time for fasting, praying, and giving charity.

Coming at a difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, many Muslim organizations have maximized their efforts to help the vulnerable in their community, providing boxes of food essentials or hot meals.

In recognition of their efforts to serve the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Banbury Mosque received a letter of gratitude from the Oxfordshire representative of the Queen’s Office, Banbury Guardian reported.

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The letter by Oxfordshire’s Lord-Lieutenant, Tim Stevenson OBE, said: “(Sir) Tony Baldry has told me what a very special and important job you, your Chairman Hassan and your team of more than 40 volunteers have done in setting up and running the Community Fridge at the Merton Street Mosque.

“An enterprise of this sort needs commitment, enthusiasm and focus and, of course, the ability to raise the money to finance it.

“As Her Majesty the Queen’s representative in Oxfordshire I would like to thank you all very much on behalf of us all for your example of community spirit in getting this project up and running.”

Over the past weeks, the mosque launched hygiene bank in addition to the food bank & community fridge.

The mosque volunteers have delivered more than 1,500 isolation food packs to vulnerable people over the age of 65 in the community during the coronavirus pandemic.


The Queen’s honor touched the mosque managers who stressed the importance of cooperating at such difficult times.

“All praise is for God almighty. It is always a nice feeling for your actions to be appreciated and commended. I would like to thank all those who have sent messages of thanks and appreciation,” Abu Hassan Hanif, chairman of the Banbury Mosque, said.  

“I would like thank each and everyone who have been involved, especially the volunteers who have been working tirelessly and selflessly to make this happen.

“On a personal note, I pray our work is accepted by our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and in the divine court of God Almighty (Amen).

“On behalf of Banbury Madni Mosque I would like to say a massive thank you to our volunteers who are from different faiths, who have been delivering and preparing the food packs.

“The power of unity is and always will be far greater than those who seek to divide us.”

The month of Ramadan is the most sacred month for Muslims.

One of the five pillars of Islam, fasting this month represents four weeks of charity, frugality, and piety during which Muslims must show selflessness and support to the poor.

The post COVID-19: Banbury Mosque Commended for Serving Community appeared first on About Islam.


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