COVID-19 and the Sacredness of Human Life

While COVID-19 is wreaking havoc across the globe, one thing is becoming increasingly clear. People are getting ever more considerate and caring.

Global compassion and cooperation levels are reaching an all-time high. If the situation can be sustained in the future, when better times arrive again, this pandemic will not be regarded as all doom and gloom.

People are beginning to show the extent and power of their inborn capacities. They are becoming genuinely human. Their coming-of-age made them value their lives and their being humans as greatest assets. It made them see and appreciate the most important things in life.

Some people became extra religious, others extra “themselves”. Regardless, they all became better. Religion is as much human and natural, as being human and natural is religious. The two spectrums have far more in common than that which divides them.

Thus, if the COVID-19 scourge is religion, culture and race-blind, so should be humankind’s response to it.

This is a transnational battle for humankind and the earth. Any strategy short of this outlook will mean that COVID-19 will eventually win and man will lose. At best, the battle is set to be long and hard, straining humankind’s resources to the breaking point.

The most conspicuous thing the world seems to be speaking with one voice about is the sacredness of human life. Human wellbeing and safety top the agenda of each and every country. Everything else takes a back seat.

This is yet another issue where both spirituality and temporality unite, and where religions and secular systems get together and cooperate.

In principle, they are unanimous that every person enjoys the inherent right to life, which must be protected by law. Violating that right results in the most indictable offences.

Read the full article here.

The post COVID-19 and the Sacredness of Human Life appeared first on About Islam.


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