Muslims, Christians Unite to Protest LGBTQ+ Education in Canada

  • Opposition to LGBTQ+ education in Canada forges unlikely alliances between Muslim, Christian parents
  • Parents and children hold signs that read “Let Kids Be Kids.”

Women in hijabs standing next to seniors wearing T-shirts inscribed with biblical passages has become a regular scene in protests against LGBTQ+ Pride in Canada which united both Muslim and Christian parents concerned about education of their children in Canadian schools.

“When I came here 22 years ago, the Christians were the majority, and I was a Muslim,” Aziz Wadya, an Egyptian immigrant and one of the Muslims criticizing the LGBTQ+ ideological expansion, said, The Star reported.

“They did not force the agenda to teach my kid Christianity. They respected my identity, even though they were the majority. Now, less than one percent of the population force their agenda on every single one of us,” he added.

📚 Read Also: Muslim Parents Angry with Trudeau over LGBTQ Curriculum Concerns

The protest, one of several organized by a group called YYC Muslims, garnered media attention in downtown Calgary, a city in the Canadian province of Alberta.

Joining the protest held last week, a Christian parent, Joe Schellenberg, described his group’s display of unity with Muslims as “very sweet.”  

“I’m so happy we can come together on this … One Muslim lady came up to me earlier and just blessed me, put her hand on me as a Christian, and I just felt that was a very sweet moment,” he said.

Let Kids Be Kids

Muslim parents in Maryland recently criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for blaming the “American right-wing” for Muslims’ opposition to gender ideology and LGBTQ education in schools.

Last month, there were numerous reports of Muslim parents keeping their kids home in protest of recognizing or celebrating Pride events in schools, including in Ottawa, Edmonton and London, Ontario.

Muslim parents in Maryland recently criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for blaming the “American right-wing” for Muslims’ opposition to gender ideology and LGBTQ education in schools.

📚 Read Also:  North American Scholars Defend Islamic Position on LGBTQ

The post Muslims, Christians Unite to Protest LGBTQ+ Education in Canada appeared first on About Islam.


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