After 20 Years of Search, Winchester Muslims Purchase Historical Hall to Use as Mosque

  • Winchester Muslim Cultural Association purchases historical hall to use as a mosque and community center
  • The association has been looking for a home for the last 20 years
  • The new mosque will serve around 500 members and cost approximately £890,000

After 20 years of search for a new home, the Winchester Muslim Cultural Association has agreed to purchase a historical hall in the heart of the city to be transferred into a mosque and community center.

The Hyde Parish Hall was recently sold by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Bartholomew’s Church to fund the refurbishment of the church.

“Our vision for the parish hall is that it will be an asset for the whole city. and to have a multi-faith community center,” Miff Kayum, Winchester Muslim Cultural Association secretary, told the Hampshire Chronicle.

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“We’ve been using different venues across the city for prayers and other events. Our activities have been spread, so it has been hard to consolidate our work and build on the services we provide. 

“It also means we can increase our work across the city such as inviting schools to a working mosque.” 

Opportunity for Muslims

Seen as a ‘significant opportunity’ for Muslims in the city, the new mosque will serve around 500 Muslims.

The total cost of the purchase and refurbishments will cost around £890,000.

“It’s a really significant opportunity to provide for the whole community. We’re confident we can raise the funds,” Kayum added.

“For the call to prayer, we won’t be having loudspeakers on the side of the building. We’re really grateful for the support from our friends in Winchester.”

According to the 2021 census, 904 Muslims live in the Winchester City Council district and 98 in the St Batholomew ward.

Mosques are the beating heart of Muslim communities and stand as a physical example of the Islamic faith.

They serve for prayers, for events during Islam’s holiest month Ramadan, as centers for education and information. They also serve as places for social welfare.

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