Rare Super Blue Moon Dazzles Stargazers Worldwide (In Pictures)

  • Rare phenomenon occurred on August 30 and will repeat tonight August 31
  • The last blue moon took place in 2009 and the next expected in 2037

Blessed is the One Who has placed constellations in the sky, as well as a ˹radiant˺ lamp, and a luminous moon.” Qur’an 25:61

A rare blue super moon dazzled stargazers on  Wednesday night as the glowing object illuminated the sky. 

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The closest full moon of the year was the second full moon in August, therefore making it a ‘blue’ moon, France 24 reported.

Saturn also joined the stunning celestial spectacle and was visible alongside the gleaming moon in parts of the world where skies were clear. 

The Whole Earth witnessed the Super Blue Moon 2023 on the night of 30th and will have a chance to see it again on 31st August 2023.

The previous super blue Moon occurred in December 2009, with the next set to come in quick succession: January and March of 2037.

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The post Rare Super Blue Moon Dazzles Stargazers Worldwide (In Pictures) appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/science-muslim-issues/rare-super-blue-moon-dazzles-stargazers-worldwide-in-pictures/

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