Allah’s Mercy is Always There, Learn How to Tap into It

I was speaking to a young man and through the conversation I heard him say, “I don’t make du`aa’ anymore.”

I asked him, “Why not?” and he replied, “I made du`aa’ for some things and I never got them so I just gave up!”

I asked him if he was happy in his life, he said, “Not really.” Then I asked him if he felt he needed the mercy of Allah in his life, and at that he replied very enthusiastically, “Of course I do!”

Think About It!

Now this made me think very deeply about some things in life. Is it right that we (mankind in general) go on expecting things from our Creator while we sit down passively, mostly just observing life and hardly doing anything for anyone else unless it somehow fits in with our scheme of things?

Is it right if a kid wants something from his mum and dad but he is doing and saying things they do not like, going out without their permission, dressing in an unacceptable way, not pulling his weight around the house, and so on, then he just come right out and ask for money, or new clothes, or whatever, and then grumble when they refuse, and perhaps adding how unfair life is and how very unreasonable they are?

Let’s look at it another way.

Imagine you had someone you called your friend but this person spoke badly about you behind your back and only came hanging around when he wanted something—then one day he comes to you and asks a big favor. Most likely you would tell him to forget it and simply ignore him if he started complaining.

So we all acknowledge that on the human level life is a matter of give-and-take; it’s a matter of rights and responsibilities.

What about your relation with your Creator?

Is it right that we enjoy the bounty of this marvelous creation and, even though everything was created for the benefit of man, we go ahead and make use of things for our own benefit and comfort without thinking of others?

Is it right to fail to give others their rights and expect our rights, and often fail to take care of the creation that Allah provided for us?

How often do you use things that you know will pollute the environment—the same environment that Allah created for you?

We are dropping litter, using chemicals, and generally tapping into the wasteful and excessive way of life in the modern world, without really thinking seriously about our responsibility to yourself, those around us, the world, and our Creator.

Then when we get sick because of the polluted and chemical-filled environment, you turn in desperation to the Lord of all asking for help and healing. Then as soon as we are well again, you go back to the old habits of misusing, if not destroying, the environment.

How Merciful Allah is!

Even though you keep making the same mistakes; even though you misuse yourself, others, and the world around you, He still comes to your aid! He, the Almighty, gives you enough opportunity to change, to see the errors of your ways and to make a fresh start.

Have you ever noticed how your body heals as does the environment? So where is your place in all this?

A person can drink alcohol and abuse his body until he gets liver disease—and then blame fate! Likewise a person could neglect the rights of his family and even abuse them when he is in the prime of his life and filled with strength, but when he gets old and is left alone and feeling lonely, he curses life and complains how difficult life is! Do you find that you sometimes do things like this?

Have you ever passed by a river that is polluted and said how awful it is that “mankind” destroys nature? But then haven’t you ever tipped chemicals down the sink that end up in the river system, and somewhere along the line, contributed to this awful state of pollution?

Be Responsible

What I want to say is that you have to be willing to take your responsibilities seriously. The first step is to realize that Allah has called upon mankind to be the caretakers of this world.

Allah the Almighty said:

{You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin what is good, and forbid what is wrong and you believe in Allah…} (Aal-`Imran 3:110)

We have to understand that the nature of this life is not just to make money and live a comfortable life of ease.

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We have to be willing to give: to give to those around us, our family and friends and our communities; to participate in the voice of society that calls for justice; to speak out against violations against mankind and the earth.

When toxic waste is dumped, what do you do? Logging companies are allowed to destroy one of the last remaining rainforests on earth, what do you do about that? What is your stance when people are abused and oppressed? If your answer is “nothing.” Then you should think again.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever, among you, sees something abominable should rectify it with his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do so, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (hate it) in his heart, and that is the least of Faith. “(Muslim)

The post Allah’s Mercy is Always There, Learn How to Tap into It appeared first on About Islam.


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