Muslim Volunteers Pack Winter Survival Kits for Homeless

Volunteers from a leading Islamic group in British Columbia and Alberta have been rallying efforts to help those affected by devastating floods and bad weather to survive winter in Canada.

In Ottawa and Hamilton, volunteers with Burlington-based Islamic Relief Canada have assembled 1,500 winter survival kits as part of the charity’s annual, national Share the Warmth‘ campaign for the homeless.

Kits included winter clothing, blankets, personal hygiene products and other essentials.

📚 Read Also: British Columbia Muslims Offer Comfort after Floods

“It’s been a difficult few years because of the pandemic, which has pushed even more Canadians onto the streets,” says Reyhana Patel, head of communications and government relations at Islamic Relief Canada, The Star reported.

“We want them to know we care and are here to support them. The hope is that the winter essentials will help them stay warm and healthy.”

Members of Islamic Relief will distribute these kits in Peel and Oshawa, Toronto, London, St. Thomas and Windsor.

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Flood Relief

Over the past days, members of the Alberta Chapter of Islamic Relief have been working to fill an entire 18-wheeler truck with food and hygiene supplies which will head to Merritt, British Columbia.

“So far, we’ve collected pallets of water, diapers, blankets, shovels, some buckets, some mops,” said Layla Charanek, Calgary fundraising coordinator with Islamic Relief Canada, City News reported.

“[We want to] help those in need, cause I know when we need the help, they’ll be here for us as well.”

Severe rainfall has caused mudslides and debris flow in British Columbia late November, resulting in the closure of many highways, streets, and schools in British Columbia’s interior and southern regions.

Thousands of people were forced to evacuee their homes, staying in more than 20 evacuation centers across the province.

“We believe to help one another no matter what race or religion so it is very important for us to help, whether it’s our neighboring province or another country, to help those who need it most,” Charanek told CityNews Calgary.

“Honestly you always think, ‘That can’t happen to us, it always happens to other people.’”

The post Muslim Volunteers Pack Winter Survival Kits for Homeless appeared first on About Islam.


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