Dua to Overcome Bad Addictions

Addictions can take over and ruin our lives. Here is a dua to overcome bad addictions and negative thoughts. This is recited by Saad Al Qureshi.

اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ سَمْعِي، وَمِنْ شَرِّ بَصَرِي، وَمِنْ شَرِّ لِسَانِي، وَمِنْ شَرِّ قَلْبِي، وَمِنْ شَرِّ مَنِيِّي

O Allah! I seek refuge in you from the evils of my hearing, the evils of my seeing, the evils of my tongue; the evils of my heart and the evils of My semen ( passion ). Abu Dawud.

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/dua-to-overcome-bad-addictions/

What Islam Says about Justice

What does Islam say about justice? In Islam, justice is rooted in God’s divine nature.

Muslims emulate the quality of justice by upholding the rights of every member of society and advocating for the oppressed.

Justice starts with Allah and ends with humans.

Learn more about the understanding of social justice in Islam with Sh. Abdullah Oduro.

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/what-islam-says-about-justice/

Christchurch Mosque Victims Group Named NZ Community of the Year

A local group supporting people and victims affected by the Christchurch mosque attacks has been declared winner of the New Zealand Community of the Year award in a celebration held Wednesday.

The group was recognized for its overwhelming strength, grace and humanity in the aftermath of the March 15 shooting in 2019 which resulted in the death of 51 Muslims, TVNZ reported.

The award prompted a standing ovation from the crowd.

Spokesperson for the group Maha Galal thanked “all New Zealander’s”, on behalf of the March 15th victims and the Muslim community, for the support the country gave for the community to “move on”.

“That’s a huge surprise for all of us. On behalf of March 15 victims and the Muslim community here in New Zealand, I would love to really thank you,” she said.

📚 Read Also: Beautiful Reminder – Allah is in Charge!

The other finalists for the award included Te Puea Memorial Marae Indigenous Homeless Service Delivery Model and Trees That Count groups.

Two years have passed since the grim massacre of 51 Muslims in New Zealand’s Christchurch which shook the worldwide.

Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand and the seat of the Canterbury Region.

It is also home to 404,500 residents, making it New Zealand’s 3rd most populous city behind Auckland and Wellington.

📚 Read Also:  NZ Marks 2nd Anniversary of Christchurch Terror Attack

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/australia/christchurch-mosque-victims-group-named-nz-community-of-the-year/

Muslim Barristers Design Hijabs for Court

Two Muslim junior barristers have launched hijab for court after spotting a gap in the market.

The idea came after regulatory and crime lawyer Karlia Lykourgou and criminal advocate Maryam Mir could not find hijabs at any of the usual court outfitters.

“It came about after I spoke to Maryam, who I have known since university, who said she finds it hard to get a hijab that is right for court,” Lykourgou told Sky News.

“I thought this was crazy, so we decided to design one that would be comfortable for a hijab-wearing barrister but also fit well with the rest of the outfit.”

The new hijab is made of bamboo silk to keep barristers warm during the winter and cold during the summer.

📚 Read Also: UK Appoints First Muslim Hijab-Wearing Judge

The hijab, designed by Lykourgou, will come out on sale on March 31 in white and black colors.

Hijab-wearing barristers are exempt from wearing the traditional wig in court, but there isn’t any guidance on what this should look like.

“It can take years for someone to find one that works, it has to tuck inside the collar or suit but also be comfortable,” Lykourgou added.

“There aren’t many hijab-wearing barristers, but in the crown court I have seen white hijabs worn and in the magistrates, I have seen black, so we decided to design both.”

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.

In May 2020, Raffia Arshad, 40, became the first hijabi Muslim woman to become a judge in the UK

Arshad was appointed a deputy district judge on the Midlands circuit after spending seventeen years working in law.

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/europe/muslim-barristers-design-hijabs-for-court/

Biden Nominates Zahid Quraishi as First Muslim Federal Judge

Departing from his predecessor’s policies, US President Joe Biden has nominated several people of color to different posts.

Adding to that, he just nominated on Tuesday (March 30) an Asian American and the first Muslim ever to federal judgeships in a push for diversity in the US court system.

If approved, Judge Zahid N. Quraishi would be a federal judge on the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, and the first-ever lifetime-appointed Muslim federal judge.

“This trailblazing slate of nominees draws from the very best and brightest minds of the American legal profession,” the White House said in a statement Tuesday about a list that also included 10 other nominees, Fox News reported.

“Each is deeply qualified and prepared to deliver justice faithfully under our Constitution and impartially to the American people — and together they represent the broad diversity of background, experience, and perspective that makes our nation strong.”

📚 Read Also: What Muslims Demand from Biden

Quraishi is of Pakistani ancestry and currently serves as a magistrate judge in New Jersey.

“Judge Quraishi has defended and served our country with distinction in numerous roles — and will make history if confirmed as the first Muslim American federal judge,” said New Jersey senator Cory Booker.

Breaking with his predecessor Donald Trump who stuffed federal courts with largely white male conservatives, Biden unveiled his first 11 picks for judges, with only two of them men, neither of them white.

At the top of his list was nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is African-American, to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which is known to handle major cases.

The nominations as a whole “represent the broad diversity of background, experience, and perspective that makes our nation strong,” Biden said in a statement.

📚 Read Also: Meet American Muslim Nominees in Biden’s Cabinet

 Who Is Quraishi?

Quraishi got his law degree from Rutgers Law School, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor. 

He also served as a military prosecutor with the JAG Corps during his time in the Army and did deployments in Iraq in 2004 and 2006, according to his Rutgers bio page. He later worked with the Department of Homeland Security then served as a federal prosecutor in the District of New Jersey. 

Quraishi was appointed in 2019 to be a magistrate judge in the District of New Jersey by the judges he now seeks to join on the bench.

The Biden nominee has also received several honors for his work, according to his Rutgers bio, including the 2019 New Jersey Muslim Lawyers Association Trailblazer of the Year Award.

Just before his magistrate judge appointment, Quraishi worked in white collar private practice at the law firm Riker Danzig, according to Rutgers, where he was also the chief diversity officer.

“The first Muslim-American who was nominated to serve on the federal bench was denied that opportunity to serve and that was Abid Qureshi,” said Lena Zwarensteyn, the fair courts campaign senior director at the liberal Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights.

“It is certainly time that there is much more representation in terms of various faiths or even no faith on the bench,” Zwarensteyn said. 

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/n-america/biden-nominates-zahid-quraishi-as-first-muslim-federal-judge/

Spirituality Within Sexuality – Sex as a Spiritual Boost

Those moments of intimacy and sexuality with your spouse, those special moments when no matter how much noise might be outside of the window, you are only aware of each other.

That deep connection which is connected to your trust, vulnerability, emotions and your faith. 

Sex , when done in an ethical and halal manner, can not only be connected to your spirituality, it can also be a spiritual boost. For far too long, people have associated religion and spirituality with caged sexuality and something shameful.

As if religious followers are not allowed to enjoy intimacy and they are limited only to missionary with the lights off.

Sexuality does not diminish one’s modesty nor is it inappropriate for a woman to be highly sexual. One can still maintain modesty while being completely the opposite in the bedroom.

Some take the stance sex is meant for creating children and nothing more, but I do not know of any religion that truly condemns sexuality as some shameful act.

Sure, many religions have conditions surrounding sexuality such as they state it cannot occur till after marriage or restrictions are put on engaging in sex during a woman’s menses, but this does not mean sexuality is shameful or discouraged. It simply means it has a correct place and time, it is not a free for all.

“…in man’s sexual Intercourse (with his wife, ) there is a Sadaqa. They (the Companions) said: Messenger of Allah, is there reward for him who satisfies his sexual passion among us? He said: Tell me, if he were to devote it to something forbidden, would it not be a sin on his part? Similarly, if he were to devote it to something lawful, he should have a reward.”


Sex as a Spiritual Boost 

When we frame sexuality as a blessing and we are grateful for it, we are more likely to treat it with care. If you abide by the rules of your faith and see sexuality as a pleasurable blessing meant to be shared between you and your loved one, you will benefit more spiritually from that connection .

Think of it like this, within religion and spirituality, striving to do acts which are permitted and finding joy and gratitude in those acts  is showing gratitude and enjoying the blessings bestowed upon us. When someone with faith appreciates their blessings and enjoys them, it is an act of worship.

Sexuality is also a way to give to your spouse and be generous. Sexuality should not be approached with a selfish attitude of “get what I want and leave.” Taking the time to make it pleasurable for your spouse and keeping their needs in mind is serving your spouse, which is a form of worship when you are enjoining good with them.

Mental Health Benefits of Sexuality

When you orgasm, you release prolactin. This hormone is associated with feelings of relaxation and can help you sleep better. Additionally, studies show women that get more  sleep often have higher libidos.  Healthy sleep impacts our ability to focus, our mood and even our appetite.

A healthy sex life can help you reduce anxiety and depression. Oxytocin is released during foreplay and sex,  this lovely hormone helps reduce anxiety and is linked to empathy and generosity.

That natural high people achieve when they do an intense workout at the gym is the same natural high you can get from making love to your spouse.

Sex can boost your self-esteem if your partner makes you feel desired and seductive. Beautifully, your self-esteem is also lifted when you realize you are providing intense pleasure for them. Imagine making your wife or husband scream, it makes you feel good about yourself doesn’t it?

Marital Benefits of Sexuality

During foreplay, oxytocin is released which impacts bonding. That closeness you feel with your partner during sex can extend beyond the bedroom and improve your overall bond. It is not a surprise that many people joke about “make up sex” as it is a way to reconnect and heal, even if you were yelling 30 minutes prior.

Unhealthy and unfulfilling sex lives are linked to a higher chance of divorce. A healthy sex life that is full of exploration, depth and openness can provide a happier marriage. That is not to say that sex can cure all marriage issues, but it certainly can help.

Communication is often improved by couples that are more willing to explore their sexuality together. Trust is a component of any healthy relationship. Often, intimacy requires feeling vulnerable and open. When we are that exposed to someone else and we invite them into it, we are building trust.

Final Thoughts

You know those transcendental moments of love, ecstasy and bliss. What a blessing from Allah (the most revered, most glorified) sexuality is.

In those special moments, you are connecting to the love of your life in an emotional, spiritual and loving way.

It is a blessing we should be grateful for. Sexuality is not against religion and spirituality; it aligns with a deeper spiritual connection, gratitude for this special act and a way to serve your spouse

Republished from the author’s blog, original posted on PsychCentral 

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source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/self-development/spirituality-within-sexuality-sex-spiritual-boost/

«Son Meilleur Bienfait Est De Vous Donner Juste Ce Qui Suffit»

Dans son célèbre livre «Al-Hikam» (Les Aphorismes), Cheikh Ahmad Ibn `Ataâ’illâh As-Sakandarî, alias Ibn Attâ’, a dit:

«Son meilleur bienfait est de vous donner juste ce qui suffit, et de vous priver de ce qui peut vous conduire à mal agir. En ayant moins de choses qui rendent heureux, vous avez moins de choses qui peuvent vous attrister.»

Quand Le Peu Vaut Mieux Que L’abondant

Cette étape de notre chemin vers Allah est liée à la question de la providence et de sa conception correcte. Le Hadith prophétique qui dit: «Le peu qui suffit vaut mieux que l’abondant qui distrait», a été expliqué par Ibn Attâ’ dans ses propos bien sages.

Le Cheikh Ibn Attâ’ a dit:

«Son meilleur bienfait est de vous donner juste ce qui suffit, et de vous priver de ce qui peut vous conduire à mal agir.»

Allah Donne Et Prive Suivant Sa Sagesse

Allah, Exalté soit-Il, peut donner à un Serviteur juste ce qui lui suffit, ni plus ni moins. Quand cela arrive, c’est le meilleur bienfait d’Allah. Si Allah donne une subsistance abondante à une personne, celle-ci court le risque de transgresser les règles. Allah dit:

«Prenez-garde! Vraiment l’homme devient rebelle, dès qu’il estime qu’il peut se suffire à lui-même (à cause de sa richesse). Mais, c’est vers ton Seigneur qu’est le retour.» (Coran 96: 6-8).

La Nature Humaine

Allah nous informe également sur notre nature humaine dans le verset suivant:

«Si Allah attribuait Ses dons avec largesse à [tous] Ses serviteurs, ils commettraient des abus sur la terre; mais, Il fait descendre avec mesure ce qu’Il veut.» (Coran 42: 27).

C’est une loi universelle liée à la nature humaine; si Allah nous donne une subsistance abondante, on agira mal. Ainsi, Allah {fait descendre avec mesure ce qu’Il veut.}.

Allah, par Son Omniscience, sait si en donnant à une personne de la richesse celle-ci n’agira pas mal. Alors, Il lui procure la richesse. De même, Il sait qu’en lui donnant le pouvoir, la personne commettra des injustices. Par conséquent, Allah ne lui donne pas le pouvoir et vice versa.

Ceci s’applique à différentes sortes de dons et de privations. Donc, ce dont vous disposez est un bienfait d’Allah sur vous. Il vous protège, même de vous-même. Alors, ne regardez pas seulement ce dont vous êtes privé et ne souhaitez pas obtenir une chose qui pourrait vous conduire à mal agir car «le peu qui suffit vaut mieux que l’abondant qui distrait», comme l’a dit le Prophète (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam).


Ainsi, le Cheikh Ibn Attâ’ a dit:

«En ayant moins de choses qui rendent heureux, vous avez moins de choses qui peuvent vous attrister.»

En Islam, il n’est pas interdit de se réjouir. Allah dit:

«Dis: [Ceci provient] de la grâce d’Allah et de Sa miséricorde; Voilà de quoi ils devraient se réjouir. » (Coran 10: 58).

Le croyant se réjouit des bienfaits qu’Allah lui procure. Toutefois, il ne doit pas s’attrister de ce qu’il n’obtient pas. Allah dit:

«afin que vous ne vous tourmentiez pas au sujet de ce qui vous a échappé, ni n’exultiez pour ce qu’Il vous a donné. » (Coran 57: 23).

Si les choses de ce monde vous réjouissent, vous devez savoir que tout a une fin. Un proverbe arabe dit: «Si ce que vous possédez restait entre les mains de la personne qui vous a précédé, vous ne l’auriez jamais obtenu!». Allah dit:

«Tout ce qui est sur elle [la terre] doit disparaître.» (Coran 55: 26).

Par conséquent, en ayant moins de choses qui rendent heureux, vous avez moins de choses qui peuvent vous attrister. C’est par Sa Bonté qu’Allah vous a donné juste ce qui suffit pour que vous ne vous attristiez pas de ne pas avoir des choses dont vous n’avez pas besoin. Si vous avez assez de nourriture, de boisson et de subsistance, c’est un grand bienfait d’Allah pour lequel vous devez Le remercier. Allah a une sagesse parfaite par laquelle il donne et prive. Il vous donne le meilleur, et vous devriez en être satisfait.

Vous pouvez lire la version anglaise originale de cet article ici.

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¿Ideología o religión?

Este mundo es rudo. Crecemos rodeados de ciencias falsas y falsas ciencias, de creencias absurdas y otras no tanto. Prácticamente vivimos inmersos en un mar de ideologías y religiones donde todos aseguran lo que yo sigo es verdad. Ideología o religión, no son incompatible.

Y seamos sinceros ¿quién de vosotros realmente se pregunta si lo que seguís o lo que hacéis se basa es la verdad? 

Mi abuelo me dijo una vez: mientras estés vivo o sigues una religión o sigues una ideología. Esto es porque la religión es el conjunto de preceptos que un hombre sigue para adorar a una deidad. No puedes seguir una ideología y una religión al mismo tiempo; o es la una o es la otra.

La lógica de la ideología o religión

Juguemos con la lógica como cuando era pequeño. O sigues una ideología o sigues a Dios pero si sigues una religión entonces sigues a Dios.

Y es muy importante decir que los que niegan a Dios ni siquiera pueden refutar las cinco vías tomistas, el argumento del Kalam, el argumento neoplatónico y mucho menos el argumento racionalista los cuales comprueban la existencia de dios. Son verdades metafísicas. 

Al no poder hacer esto deberán aceptar que es infinitamente mejor seguir una religión que seguir una ideología. Los que niegan la verdad suele decir: yo no creo en dios porque no puede ser comprobada su existencia por el método científico.

 Y tienen razón. Así como también el método científico no puede comprobar las verdades metafísicas, ni las verdades matemáticas, ni lógicas de la que es dependiente el mismo; y mucho menos puede comprobar las verdades de la ética

Ciencia, ideología y religión

Se puede hacer una contra pregunta para explicar mejor este punto: ¿la ciencia da mejores resultados con la ideología o con la religión?

Y, si el fin de la ciencia a través del auto-contradictorio y limitado método centífico, es encontrar la verdad aunque sea solo de forma cuantitativa y exponerla al mundo, entonces sin duda va mejor con la religión porque la religión es el conjunto de preceptos revelados por Dios, el Ser perfectísimo

Dios es el creador, es el primer motor, la primera causa no causada, que no fue creado, que no engendró ni fue engendrado, que no tiene iguales, entonces, necesariamente, la religión fue es y será una sola: la religión de Dios.

Las ideologías, por otra parte, Dios las deja sin significado en tres versículos. En la Sura 26 Dios dice, en el verso 224 que sólo los descarriados siguen a los ideólogos, dándoles prioridad sobre la religión:

Así como sobre los poetas a los que siguen los descarriados. ¿Es que no ves como divagan en todos los sentidos? ¿Y que dicen lo que no hacen? 

Corán, 26:224-226

Buscar la verdad

Este mundo es una guerra de ideologías e indagar hasta encontrar la verdad es el arte de la guerra. La vida es el dominio de la probabilidad de vivir o morir siendo creyente, por lo tanto es forzoso manejarla bien porque es o el camino a la victoria -esto es mantenerse sometido a los preceptos de dios sea cual sea la circunstancia, o es el camino a la derrota total -esto es la pérdida de lo más amado, no poder seguir a los profetas-.

Y estoy seguro que después de toda esta explicación de lógica pura habrá todavía gente que dude de dios y su religión y que dirán que todos surgimos del azar, independientemente de que decir esto es un intento pobre de

Refutar el argumento del ajuste fino. 

Poincaré dijo: “es a causa de nuestra ignorancia que existe el azar para nosotros”. Incluso sin salir de nuestra débil humanidad lo que es azar para el ignorante no lo es para el sabio. El azar no es más que la medida de nuestra ignorancia. Los fenómenos fortuitos son por definición aquellos de los que ignoramos las leyes


Y no enviamos a los enviados sino como gente que anuncia buenas noticias y advierte.

Pero los que no creen, discuten con falsedad para anular así la verdad y toman Mis signos y aquello de lo que se les advierte a burla… ¿Y quién es más injusto que aquel que habiendo sido amonestado con los signos de su Señor se aparta de ellos y se olvida de lo que sus manos tendrán que presentar? Es cierto que les hemos cubierto los corazones para que no puedan comprender y hemos puesto sordera en sus oídos de manera que si los llamas a la guía no podrán seguirla nunca. Y tu Señor es el Perdonador, Dueño de la misericordia.

Corán, 18:56-58

The post ¿Ideología o religión? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/es/introduccion-al-islam/ideologia-o-religion/

Ethnic Differences in Mosques – Solutions and Success Story

How can we eliminate problems arising due to ethnic differences in mosques?

Can we help in establishing peace and harmony for Muslims to live together?

Solution for Ethnic Differences in Mosques?

In fact, there are resources to tackle this issue. Learn about one of them in this video.

The speaker also recounts one successful story. An African American mosque received a lot of Muslim immigrants of different origins. Therefore, as the community was growing with the newcomers, some disputes and issues started to appear.

So, how did the mosque tackle this issue?

Check this video and learn more about this beautiful experience.


Video from MAS-ICNA Convention

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source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/shariah-and-humanity/remodeling-mosques/ethnic-differences-in-mosques-solutions-success/

How to Empty the Heart from Dunya and Think About Allah?

Today we’re going to spend a few moments talking about how we can empty our hearts of love for this world for Allah’s sake, so we can think of Allah.

And look what we’ve done for the setting. In a beautiful setting like this, we’re on the Nile in Cairo in Egypt: palm trees, beautiful water, sunshine…

Who would not think of Allah Almighty with such beauty around?

So that’s our setting.

You know, life is very busy and it’s very easy to get trapped in all the business of this life. We want to be good Muslims, but we find ourselves pushed about, and all the “hustle and bustle” takes us away from Allah.

And often we find ourselves, from one day to the next, we’re not really thinking about Allah at all, even in our prayers. We’re missing thinking about Allah; and we’re thinking about football, about business, about work, how we’re going to get along, how we’re going to feed the kids…

How to Think About Allah?

And so, as Muslims we’re asked to think about Allah Almighty. So how do we do that?

How do we get rid of the things of this world to think about Allah?

Well, first of all, it’s very important to remind ourselves that there are no monks in Islam, there are no monasteries in Islam, there is no fleeing from this world in Islam. This is very important; and it tells us something very important: this world and everything in it is good.

Allah Almighty made this world and everything there is; so we’re starting with the very basis, not of fleeing the world; that would be a mistake, we’re starting on the basis that this world is very beautiful.

Work for this World and the Next

And we enjoy all its richness in moderation, but we’re trying to think about how we concentrate on Allah and not get caught up in the things of this world.

You know, there is a prayer that we say “Rabana atina fi dunya hasanah wa fi al akhira hasanah”, we pray to our Lord for blessings in this world and the next. So we wouldn’t pray that if this world is bad, this world is beautiful, just look at that behind me. Subhanallah, this world is very very beautiful.

So what we’re asked to do then is we are asked to concentrate on what is important in life, maybe that’s the difference.

You know sometimes, this world sucks us in to the things that are not important, and it sucks us into things that take us away from Allah. Let’s think for example of films or music or whatever it may be.

You know, if I had a knife in my hand. A knife is neither good nor bad, it’s just a knife. But with that knife, I can either spread butter on my toast or I can stab you in the heart. So the knife in itself isn’t bad.

In the same way, the things of this world, music, films, television, … all the things we have around us in themselves are not bad things, but we could watch a bad film or we could watch a beautiful film about fish on the Nile. There nothing wrong in watching beautiful programs about nature and so on.

So what we must try and learn to do is avoid the things that take us away from Allah and instead concentrate on the things that take us to Him.

How Do We Do That?

First of all, we need recreation, we need to set aside time, if we’re serious that we really want to know Allah. That intention in itself will be enough to start the process.

I learned long ago, there is a lovely saying: “You become good by doing good things”. You know, if we do good things, it has an effect in our lives, it makes us good people, and the converse is true, if we do bad things, it takes us away from Allah.

So we need to be realistic, we need to know ourselves. For example, we’ve got a computer. Computers are good, nothing wrong with computers. But on computers, we can watch good things or bad.

Now, know yourself. If the computer is taking you away from Allah, for example, you’ve got a computer up in your room, no one knows what you’re watching, if you know that watching stuff is taking you away from Allah, be realistic, take the computer out of your room.

It’s obvious, you go to the cinema a lot with your friends. You’re going to watch films that are not really good films… stop going. You have to make choices. If you want to be close to Allah, you have to make choices of what you want to do.

You need, for example, to set aside time for Him. It’s not just a case of going through the motions of doing things. You know, some of us Muslims, we use sibha (beads) saying subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, allahu akbar. It’s very beautiful.

Listen to those words. If we are just mumbling, this isn’t going to take us close to Allah; we need to take time. Take time and think about what we’re doing.

Reflect on Allah’s Message

We recite many chapters of the Quran, but how many times, my dear brothers and sisters, we’re reciting Quran and we’re not even thinking about what we’re reciting.

I invite you, if you want to come close to Allah and leave the things of this world aside, when you get up in the morning for fajr prayer, after you’ve prayed, sit down quietly, sit in your room, sit in the mosque, sit by the bank of the Nile… wherever is your quiet place, sit and take the Quran and just take one verse and ask yourself, what is Allah Almighty saying to me today? What does He want me to do?

“This day, I’ve perfected your religion to you…” reflect on that verse. You know, instead of just reciting, instead of just mumbling with the beads, instead of just going through the prayer five times a day… take time. If you want to be close to Allah, you have to give Him time. Relax, look at beautiful things.

If all you’re doing is watching the television all day long, all night; if all you’re doing is chatting on the internet all the time, well this world is going to be so cloudy in your mind that Allah doesn’t really have a place in it, and when you go for praying you go for salah all you’ve been thinking is the football, or the internet or whatever you’ve been thinking about you need to give yourself time my dear brothers and sisters.

So if you want to empty your heart of the things of this world. All things in this world are good; all things in moderation from Allah are good.

You know, when we excessively spend too much time on stuff that isn’t of Allah, how could we think about Him?

When your forehead touches the ground in prayer, just take time, let your forehead stay there a bit longer than normal and say to Allah: “O Allah, help me to be a better person, help me to be a better Muslim” and surely He will reply. He will help those who want Him to help them. Surely He will help you.

Give yourself some space. If you’re with people all the time, if the radio is on all the time, if the television is on all the time… Give yourself some space; turn it off. Just sit quietly, sit and think: “Allah I thank You for all the good things in my life.”

Sit and think, think about your wife, your children, your husband, your parents, your friends, think about the fact that you can breathe and see and hear and speak.

Think of Those Who Have Less

Final thought I’ll give you.

You know once, I was travelling to make a television program here in Egypt and a friend of mine was making a program for the first time, he’d never been on TV and he said to me: “Idris come and be my guest, it will make me feel comfortable”

So I traveled all the way from Alexandria to Cairo, it was about three hours, and when we got to the studio, there was a total chaos, nothing was set up. We were supposed to start recording straight away, there were no lighting, no set and there were people melding away, producers, directors, engineers, electricians… There was complete chaos, and we had to wait around for many hours.

We made the program eventually, about six hours later, and the interviewer asked me: “O Idris what about this in your life, and that …” And his final question was, he said: “Idris, tell us how we can avoid the things of this world? How we can avoid believing in our importance rather than concentrating on what is essential in Islam?”

He said: “You know, you make films all over the world, you write books, you write in newspapers… how do you avoid getting sucked in to thinking you’re very important?”

I said: “Muhammad, it’s very simple. When we had all this business today, there was a little boy called Ahmad, and he went down on his hands and knees and he cleaned underneath where you’re are sitting now, and he cleaned underneath my seat and I talked to him and Ahmad was very pleased that he had some money to take home to his parents.

“You know Muhammad” I said to him, “if we never forget the Ahmads in this world, we’ll stay grounded in what is important.”

If we think, my dear brothers and sisters, of those who are less fortunate than we are, we won’t get carried away, computers won’t have any importance to us. You know television, business won’t have any importance.

By doing good things, by helping people who are less well-off, by relaxing and reciting the Quran and meaning what we’re doing.

By relaxing Allah’s presence and praying to Him and asking Him “O Allah make me a better person, make me a better Muslim” we’ll avoid all the business of this life.

On a day like this, it’s easy to think about Allah. You just take your own quiet time; forget what the world is telling you, forget all the commercials and the brand names… all of those are as nothing.

Look at that instead, that’s the best brand of all, the brand behind me. It’s called Allah Almighty. He made it better than any company.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post How to Empty the Heart from Dunya and Think About Allah? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/how-to-empty-the-heart-from-loving-this-world/

3 Easy Steps to Overcome the Anxiety of Ramadan

No doubt you have heard that Ramadan is just around the corner–whether that corner is a day, a week, a month or more away.

And maybe you are eagerly anticipating the special blessings which come at that time of year.

Or, maybe, you’re anxious about fasting during the long summer days, managing your responsibilities with a daunting new sleep schedule, or just trying to find your place in the Muslim community.

And while the internet abounds with Ramadan-related advice, I am just going to focus on overcoming Ramadan-related anxiety. The key is to harness your anxiety, and direct it towards preparation.

Find the Source of the Anxiety

To start, take some time to think about what specifically is causing you anxiety.

If you’re not sure, or you’re feeling anxious about Ramadan generally, then what you can do is imagine yourself when Ramadan actually begins, and think through the first few days and night in great detail.

In your mind, you’ll play through those first days, plus any other big days or events that are significant for you–like a birthday, family gathering, a presentation at work, or travel–and which could be additional sources of anxiety because they fall in the month of Ramadan.

While you’re thinking through these days or events, take note (literally, write it down!) of anything that seems to trouble you. We’ll call those your pain points. Here are some things you may want to consider:

(1) When is the first day? Do you know when you will start fasting? If an announcement will be made later, do you know how you will find out? (Email, phone call, check a website, or facebook?)

(2) When will you start and break your fast? Do you have a prayer timetable or app to help you with this?

(3) What will you eat for suhoor (before fasting)?

(4) What will you do after fajr? Sleep, work, read Quran?

(5) What will you eat for iftar (to break the fast), and where? Home, mosque, restaurant?

(6) When will you be able to sleep? Especially if the time between isha and fajr is very short where you live, you may wish to plan for additional time to sleep during the day.

(7) What will it feel like to go about your day without eating or drinking? Do you have a caffeine addiction?

(8) Is there an activity you are used to that may be affected by Ramadan? Exercise, TV, dose of medicine?

(9) Are there any ways to make your days easier?

Planning for the Pain Points

After discovering the sources of your anxiety, you can plan ways to help you deal with them. You may have a unique situation which you have to prepare for, so you are the best person to develop a solution, though it may help to ask friends or colleagues for ideas.

Deal with each pain point individually, and determine a solution to help you prepare for it. Some things, like hunger and thirst, cannot be entirely avoided. However, their impact can be reduced with thoughtful preparation, like adjusting your schedule and careful meal planning.

One friend of mine used to go in to work extra early in the morning, soon after eating suhoor and praying fajr, so she could get her work done before getting too hungry. Someone else would break up work into chunks throughout the day–some time in the morning, and then some later after a mid-day nap, and sometimes even in the middle of the night. Not everyone has such a flexible work schedule, but find out what you can do that will help.

Planning meals to maximize nutrition while minimizing negative after-effects is also a wise way to prepare for Ramadan. With such a short time to eat during the long summer months, it’s very important to make those meals healthy. Drinking plenty of water throughout the night (keep a water bottle handy so you can keep sipping!) will also help you stay hydrated.

One friend of mine bought an extra large bottle for this purpose, to ensure she would drink enough water every night. A coffee or soda habit may have caused a caffeine addiction–what worked for me was having some caffeine with suhoor andiftar, in order to avoid headaches, though there are undoubtedly many other solutions.

Ramadan will likely affect your routine, so you may need to reschedule an activity, or take a temporary break from it. Plan ahead–if exercise is important to you, then find a time when it will work best for your fasting body (or non-fasting, if necessary–working out after iftar) and schedule it accordingly.

If you’ll miss your favorite TV shows while you’re at taraweeh prayers, plan to record or DVR them or watch online. I had one friend who loved watching certain shows, but every year without fail she would record them on video tapes, and spend each night praying, and then catch up on the shows after Ramadan.

Reviewing Your Plans

After developing a plan to deal with the sources of your anxiety, you should mentally rehearse your plans in detail. Imagine waking up to prepare suhoor–how dark it will be, how you will prepare the food, what you will eat and drink.

Imagine going through your day while fasting–adjusting the schedule as necessary, including prayers. Imagine how you will spend your iftar–try not to be alone, but imagine where you will be when you break your fast, what you will eat and drink. If there is a special situation, review it also in detail to prepare for it. Imagine your interactions with non-fasting family members and co-workers.

Imagine any additional problems that may come up–oversleeping, exhaustion, overheating. Figure out how they can be prevented (like setting an alarm clock), and add that to your plans. Also imagine how to deal with these problems if they do occur–is there a place you can go that is cool and air-conditioned?

Continue to review your plans and preparations, in as much detail as you can, first with all the problems you may encounter. And then, at last, imagine spending Ramadan immersed in its blessings, with everything going perfectly.

Lastly, remember what Allah says after the verses which prescribe fasting:

… Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful. (Al-Baqarah 2:185)

So make duaa that Allah will give you mercy, forgiveness, and success in Ramadan. You’ll be ready for the pain points, and prepared with their solutions. You’ll have made your anxiety work for you, so that when Ramadan comes you can really enjoy it In-Shaa-Allah.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

The post 3 Easy Steps to Overcome the Anxiety of Ramadan appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/3-easy-steps-to-overcome-anxiety-ramadan/

Develop Adaptability and Flexibility Raising Kids

It is important for parents to develop a sense of adaptability and flexibility when raising our children. It might have to be different to how we were raised.

As parents we rely on the blueprint of our parents to inform our own parenting style. This is not a bad thing but we do need to be careful also when doing this.

Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) said: “do not raise your children just as your parents raised you, for they were created for a generation different than yours.” Our parents raised us a certain way but we were children in a different era and a different time. So if we take that exact blueprint of our parent’s way then we are likely to fail.

There are aspects of parenting that need to be consistent. Consistent with values and approach to discipline etc… There are also aspects of parenting that require us to be adaptable. We can see this in our time more than any other time before.

With the internet we know our children are going to be exposed to information that we were never exposed to as children.

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/develop-adaptability-and-flexibility-raising-kids/

Beautiful Reminder – Allah is in Charge!

Here is a beautiful reminder for all of us. Remember Allah is in charge of everything so try and stop worrying!

Allah (swt) says that He knows everything. He (swt) knows what time we will be born and what time we will die. Allah (swt) will provide for us but the problem is that we become dependent.

He has given us all these things as a test, will we still be humble even though we have so many luxuries of this world?

If you rely on Allah (swt) and understand that He created you, He (swt) will definitely provide for you. Allah (swt) remembers to give provision to the smallest ant, how can he forget to give it to us?

The post Beautiful Reminder – Allah is in Charge! appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/beautiful-reminder-allah-is-in-charge/

¿Podré estar junto al Profeta Muhammad en el Paraíso?

En este mundo puede haber reyes, príncipes y presidentes, pero en el próximo, no habrá ninguno. En el Paraíso el lugar de cada uno depende de sus acciones y piedad. 

Todos llegamos a la tumba igual

Una tarde, pasé por una mezquita en un taxi y había muchos coches. De hecho, la cantidad de automóviles era tan numerosa que bloqueaba el tráfico.

Estaban allí para un funeral.

El taxista me dijo que debía ser el funeral de alguien importante.

Le respondí: “¡Ya no es importante!”. La muerte es un gran igualador. 

No importa lo que hayamos sido, o lo que hayamos tenido en esta vida, a la tumba vamos iguales. No nos llevamos honores ni riquezas.

El mejor de vosotros ante Allah

Hay un pasaje muy hermoso en el noble Corán, que los musulmanes creen que es la palabra de Dios:

¡Hombres! Os hemos creado a partir de un varón y de una hembra y os hemos hecho pueblos y tribus distintos para que os reconocierais unos a otros. Y en verdad que el más noble de vosotros ante Allah es el que más Le teme. Allah es Conocedor y está perfectamente informado.

Corán, 49:13

Vemos cómo en este verso Allah dice que el más noble nosotros no es el que tiene más dinero o el mejor trabajo.

No dice que el más noble sea el que tiene muchos sirvientes o a mucha gente esperando.

No, Allah Todopoderoso nos deja muy claro que los más nobles de nosotros ante Él son los más piadosos.

Por eso, en la mezquita, elegimos a quien tiene más conocimiento de la congregación para dirigir las oraciones.

No le pedimos al hombre con el coche más grande que dé un paso adelante como nuestro imán (el líder de la oración), ni al que tiene la mayor cantidad de trajes en su armario.

De la misma manera, como musulmanes rezamos en congregación en filas. La primera fila no está reservada para los más ricos ni la segunda para quienes tienen buenos trabajos, etc.

Cuando nuestras cabezas tocan el suelo en oración, no hay príncipes en la mezquita. Solo hay musulmanes.

Me impresionó mucho el funeral del último rey de Arabia Saudita.

Dignatarios de todo el mundo asistieron para presentar sus respetos a uno de los líderes más importantes del mundo, pero cuando llegó el momento del entierro, el rey fue envuelto en un sencillo sudario blanco y enterrado en una tumba sin nombre. Esto es Islam.

¿A quién promete Allah entrar en el Paraíso?

¿Cómo pueden las personas sencillas, como tú y yo, ser admitidas en el Paraíso y habitar allí con todos los profetas de la antigüedad, incluido el último mensajero de la humanidad, Muhammad (la paz sea con todos ellos)?

¿Cómo es posible que, dado que cometemos faltas y somos débiles, estemos en el Paraíso con los hombres más grandes que hayan vivido?

Allah Todopoderoso nos dice que en el Día de la Resurrección:

Se soplará en el cuerno y quienes haya en los cielos y en la tierra quedarán fulminados con la excepción de quien Él quiera, luego soplará en él otra vez y quedarán en pie a la espera.

Corán, 39:68

Como musulmanes, creemos que, en el Día del Juicio, todos estaremos ante Allah Todopoderoso y tendremos que dar cuenta de la forma en que vivimos nuestras vidas:

A todo ser humano le hemos atado su destino al cuello y el Día del Levantamiento le sacaremos un libro que encontrará abierto. ¡Lee tu libro! Hoy te bastas a ti mismo para llevar tu cuenta.

Corán, 17: 13-14

¡El Islam es para adultos! Necesitamos tomar responsabilidad de la forma en que vivimos.

En el Islam, no hay sacerdotes ni papas que medien en nuestro nombre.

Necesitamos escuchar el mensaje del Corán y las palabras del Profeta (la paz sea con él), y luego tomarlas en serio, si Dios quiere.

Allah Todopoderoso nos ha llamado a ser musulmanes (aquellos que someten su voluntad a la voluntad de Dios) y Él nos dará la fuerza que necesitamos para estar a la altura de ese llamada. Él nos dice:

Allah no impone a nadie sino en la medida de su capacidad

Corán, 2:286

¿Podré estar con el Profeta en el paraíso?

Entonces, hermano, ya seas nuevo en el Islam o hayas sido musulmán toda tu vida, se no  llama a vivir cada día en la presencia de Allah Todopoderoso, haciendo todo lo posible por vivir como musulmán.

La mayoría de nuestros esfuerzos son pobres y desganados, pero de vez en cuando, decidimos ser mejores.

Como musulmanes, se nos ha prometido a todos que heredaremos el Paraíso si vivimos de una manera que agrada a Allah.

No te dejes intimidar por aquellos musulmanes cuya piedad externa parece muy difícil de igualar. Allah solo conoce las intenciones de nuestros corazones.

Deja que Él juzgue quién es un buen musulmán. En cambio, esfuérzate por ser fiel a la oración, pagar el Zakah, ayunar en Ramadán y, si es posible, hacer la peregrinación una  vez en la vida a la Meca.

Y finalmente, rgocíjate con estas palabras que Allah nos dirige a cada uno de nosotros:

A quien crea en Allah y obre con rectitud le haremos entrar en jardines por cuyo suelo corren los ríos en los que será inmortal para siempre. Allah le habrá hecho buena la provisión.

Corán, 65:11

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source https://aboutislam.net/es/creencia-y-espiritualidad/podre-estar-junto-al-profeta-muhammad-en-el-paraiso/

Les Prières Surérogatoires

En plus des cinq prières quotidiennes obligatoires pour le musulman, il existe d’autres types de prières que l’on peut effectuer. Ce sont les prières surérogatoires qu’on appelle aussi «nawâfil» ou «rawâtib».

Comment les prier? A quel moment? Quels sont leurs bienfaits et leurs récompenses? Ya-t-il des types de prières surérogatoires? Peut-on les prier lors des moments interdits ou non? Doit-on choisir un type de prières surérogatoires et s’en acquitter constamment? Est-ce que si on avait l’habitude de pratiquer une des prières surérogatoire et qu’on la délaisse, devient-elle une dette? Autant de questions que Prof. Ismaïl Mounir nous propose d’aborder dans cette vidéo.

Raison Des Prières Surérogatoires

Allah a-t-Il légiféré ces prières surérogatoires pour  surcharger le croyant? Absolument pas. Comme on le sait, d’après le Prophète Mohammad (Sallah Alaihi Wa Sallam), la première chose sur laquelle on sera interrogé au Jour du Jugement Dernier, ce sont nos prières obligatoires. S’il y a des manques, Allah demandera aux anges de vérifier si jamais nous avions pratiqué des prières surérogatoires qui viendront ainsi compléter celles obligatoires.

Ainsi, les prières surérogatoires permettent au croyant de parfaire ses prières obligatoires, de rectifier les manquements qu’il a eus lors de l’accomplissement de ces dernières.

Ces prières surérogatoires pour le musulman, sont une opportunité de faire le bien qui lui est accordé gracieusement par Allah.

Divers Types De Prières Surérogatoires

Il y en a celles qui sont absolues, c’est-à-dire qu’elles ne sont liées à aucune cause ni à aucun événement. A tout moment, sauf aux moments interdits, le croyant peut faire ses ablutions, accomplir ces prières surérogatoires et invoquer Allah Qui l’écoute sans aucun intermédiaire entre le croyant et Lui.

Autrement dit, si jamais vous avez un problème ou l’envie de vous confier à Allah, faites vos ablutions, accomplissez deux rak`âts (deux unités de prière) et pendant le «Soujoud» (la prosternation), invoquez Allah, etc.

Moments Où La Prière Est Interdite

Ce sont:

  • Après la prière de «Fajr» (l’aube) jusqu’au «chorouq» (le moment où le disque solaire se lève à l’horizon).
  • Au moment où le soleil passe le zénith.
  • Dans l’intervalle du temps séparant les deux prières  de  «`Asr» et du «Maghrib».

En dehors de ces trois moments, vous pouvez faire des prières surérogatoires qui ne sont liées absolument à aucune cause.

Les Prières Surérogatoires Liées A Une Cause

La Prière Faite Après Les Ablutions

Après avoir fait vos ablutions, vous pouvez accomplir deux rak`âts. Ce n’est pas obligatoire, mais en le faisant, vous serez récompensés.

La Prière De La Salutation De La Mosquée

Aussi, en entrent à la mosquée, vous pouvez accomplir la prière surérogatoire connue par «Tahiyyat Al-Masjîd» (la salutation de la mosquée). Mais, si au moment de pénétrer à   la mosquée, vous trouvez les gens en train de s’acquitter de la prière obligatoire, vous n’avez pas à prier «Tahiyyat Al-Masjîd». Là, vous entamez tout de suite la prière obligatoire, car le surérogatoire ne peut pas détourner le croyant de l’obligatoire.

La prière d’Ad-Doha

Cette prière s’accomplit au moment où le disque solaire ait quitté l’horizon. Elle marque donc le temps de l’ascension du soleil. Selon les savants, son temps est généralement à vingt minutes après le «chorouq». De plus, on peut s’acquitter de cette prière de «Ad-Doha» (le jour montant) jusqu’avant l’heure de celle «Zhohr».

Donc, il est possible de faire des prières surérogatoires comme «Ad-Doha» et d’autres encore, et ce autant que vous voulez.

D’ailleurs, si vous vous trouvez au sein de la mosquée pour la prière du «Fajr» et que vous y restez à invoquer Allah jusqu’au «chorouq», continuez pendant 15 autres minutes à invoquer Allah, puis faites la prière de «Ad-Doha», vous aurez ainsi la récompense complète d’un Hajj et d’une `Omra, comme l’a dit le Prophète Mohammad.

Le Cas De La Femme

Précisons que si une femme, étant incapable de se rendre à la mosquée, qu’elle s’acquitte de la prière du « Fajr » chez elle, puis reste sur son lieu de prière à invoquer Allah, et ce jusqu’au «chorouq», puis qu’elle fasse la prière de «Ad-Doha», et ainsi, elle pourra aspirer à avoir la récompense mentionnée dans le hadith d’un Hajj et d’une `Omra complète.

Les Prières Surérogatoires, Un Fardeau?

En consultant les livres de jurisprudence, on s’aperçoit qu’il y a beaucoup de prières surérogatoires. Pourquoi il y en a autant? Est-ce que pu surcharger le musulman?  Non, cela tout simplement est dû au fait qu’Allah souhaite que nous fassions le bien, et donc, par miséricorde, Il nous a présenté une multitude de portes pour pouvoir le faire.

Certes, les portes du bien en islam sont innombrables, que ce soit avec la prière ou même par d’autres actes. Seul ce qui importe pour nous, est de toujours rester dans le bien.

S’en Acquitter Régulièrement

Il y a une règle qui dit que la meilleure des choses, c’est ce qui est régulier. Donc, les prières surérogatoires que vous accomplissez, essayez de les faire de manière régulière autant que possible.

Le compagnon du Prophète, Bilâl, avait l’habitude de faire deux rak`âts surérogatoires, à chaque fois qu’il fait ses abltutions. Ceci lui a valu un mérite grandiose, comme l’a confirmé le Prophète Mohammad, par lui-même.

Un Programme De Prières Surérogatoires

Il s’agit des douze prières surérogatoires connues par «rawâtib », pluriel de « râtiba ». Elles sont accrochées à celles obligatoires.

Dans un hadith authentique, le Prophète a dit que toute personne qui prit douze rak`âts par jour, Allah lui construira un palais au Paradis.

En fait, ces douze prières surérogatoires sont ainsi réparties:

Nombre de rak`âts Temps
2 Avant la prière obligatoire du «Fajr»4
4 Avant la prière obligatoire du «Dhohr» (deux à deux)
2 Après la prière obligatoire du «Dhohr»
2 Après la prière obligatoire du «Maghrib»
2 Après la prière obligatoire du «`Ichâ’»

Ainsi, vous auriez prié douze rak`âts et Allah promet de vous construire un palais au Paradis.

Et Si L’On N’arrive Pas…

Si vous êtes habitué à pratiquer les prières surérogatoires comme les douze susmentionnées, et qu’un jour, un certain événement vous en empêche, vous pouvez les rattraper.

Si vous avez également l’habitude de les pratiquer, mais que par faiblesse, ou à cause d’une maladie, un voyage, etc., vous ne les accomplissez pas, Allah vous les comptabilisera comme si vous les aviez accomplies. A ce moment-là, Allah prend en compte votre habitude qui va être récompensée.

 Enfin, si vous aviez fait cet acte-là et que vous l’avez délaissé, vous n’avez ni dettes ni péchés, puisque ce sont des prières surérogatoires.

The post Les Prières Surérogatoires appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/fr/les-prieres-surerogatoires/