Muslims Applaud Biden’s Order to Repeal ‘Muslim Ban’

American Muslims have applauded President’s Joe Biden decision to reverse multiple immigration policies that formed the cornerstone of his predecessor’s time in the White House, including the so-called Muslim travel ban imposed in 2017 on many countries.

“We commend President Joe Biden on the decision to reverse the Trump administration’s #MuslimBan. The Ban was a blight on our nation but its rescission offers an opportunity to fast track comprehensive immigration reform,” the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) wrote on Facebook.

“The Muslim Ban was far from being the only discriminatory, xenophobic policy over the past four years. We must address family separations, the public charge rule, border militarization, and attend to the social divisions that are a result. We must take action to heal. Day 1 is underway. Let’s get to work!”

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Biden signed an executive order ending the travel ban on citizens from more than a dozen countries, including Eritrea, Yemen, Nigeria and Sudan.

 The bar was imposed by former president Donald Trump when he first entered office. Condemned as a “Muslim ban” when it was first revealed, it went on to eventually include some non-majority-Muslim nations.

The move to repeal the ban has been hailed by several civil rights organization, including the American Civil Liberties Union, which called the policy a “cruel Muslim ban that targeted Africans.”

Day One Promise

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has also welcomed President Joe Biden’s decision.

The Administration said the order the president signed Wednesday will restart visa processing swiftly.

“We commend President Biden for immediately moving to repeal the Muslim and African Bans, which is an important first step toward undoing the anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant policies of the previous administration. It is an important fulfilment of a campaign pledge to the Muslim community and its allies,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement.

“We expect the Biden administration to go further by supporting passage of the No Ban Act and addressing systemic injustices within the federal government that led to religious and racial profiling of Muslims and immigrants under multiple administrations.

“CAIR also welcomes the Biden Administration’s move to preserve and fortify protections for Dreamers; inclusion of all persons – including the undocumented – in the U.S. census count; ordering the removal of barriers preventing minorities and underserved communities’ access to federal programs and institutions; and other impactful executive orders.

“Finally, the American Muslim community urges President Biden to fulfill his campaign pledge to appoint Muslims at every level of government.”

The post Muslims Applaud Biden’s Order to Repeal ‘Muslim Ban’ appeared first on About Islam.


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