4 Ways to Find Joy and Happiness in Life

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and exhausted. We are worried about the future, and what tomorrow brings. One minute we feel on the top of the world. And the next minute we are in the depths of despair.

Many times our feelings are really just a matter of perception. Let’s try and see what is around us in a positive light. We can look at a cup of coffee of being half full or half empty.

What can we actually contribute to making ourselves feel better? And what talents has Allah given us that we can make use of? What capabilities can we develop to actively shape our future?

Didn’t He give us the greatest gift ever? Our faith in Him and our love for Him?

Let’s look at the bright side of life.

Remember the Blessings and Talents Allah Has Given Us

Many times we are so lost in our problems and difficulties that we are unable to feel the joy and happiness in life. We do not see the blessings around us. The joy in the big and small things. We also do not see the capabilities in ourselves that Allah has bestowed us with.

Let’s make an effort and train ourselves to see and feel the joy in our life. And let’s find a reason to rejoice every single day of our life.

Are you good in writing or speaking? Thank Allah for it and try to develop this skill further to help you set up your independent life.

Has Allah given you computer skills, skills in handicrafts or any other amazing skill? Be grateful to your Lord and use that skill to drag you out of your anxiety about the future.

If we only see the negative things in life, we will fall deeper and deeper into darkness. Let’s say thank you to our most merciful Creator for giving us the blessing of life, the blessing of breathing, the joy of smelling the beautiful fragrances around us, the blessing of believing in Him.

Rejoice in the very fact that you are one of the fortunate ones that accepted Allah in his or her life. Thank Him for the skills and talents He has gifted you with.

The Gift of Faith

No matter how low we might feel, we need to remember that we have been given an amazing gift. The most important and most beautiful gift that one can have in this world. Allah has given us faith and planted it in our heart. He, the Giver of light, has kindled the light of faith and love for Him in our hearts. Let’s make this light bright and shining.

Our faith, our belief in Allah, is an amazing source of happiness and joy. To have and feel Allah in our life can erase the darkness from our heart. Turning to Him, we can find peace and contentment.

The gift of faith can bestow us with a great determination to help and contribute to the Muslim community. Helping others and contributing to our societies in whatever way is also a good cure for any fear or sadness we might have. Gain joy and happiness by spreading kindness.

The Best Listener

Whenever you feel stressed out, sad and depressed or fear for your future, you should go to meet Allah. Meet Him in your prayers. Meet Him in your supplications. Talk to Him, tell Him about your problems, pour out your heart to Him.

Allah is waiting for you to do so. He is the All-Hearing, the Best Listener we can have. We can tell Him everything without that uncomfortable feeling we sometimes have with people because we are worried to burden them.

Allah is there! Always! He is close, protecting Friend of the believers, and it is He who brings us out of darknesses into the light.

We just have to make the first small move. Try to wake up in the last third of the night and supplicate to Allah. Ask Him to help you. And ask him to remove your anxiety from your heart. Ask Him to show you the right way, the way that leads to His pleasure and to your success in this world.

If you feel left alone with your worries, rush to meet your Lord and seek comfort in His company by standing or sitting on the prayer mat or by remembering Him in your heart. Allah says in Quran that only in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace, rest and comfort.

Finding Joy and Happiness in Our Faith

Let’s try and make an effort everyday to add a little bit more joy and a drop more happiness to our life. Make a conscious choice for a joyful and happy life today. See all the beautiful things around you and feel the great amount of blessings Allah has bestowed on you.

Anse Tamara Gray wrote a beautiful book that can help you on your journey to more happiness and more joy in your life as a Muslim. In her book “Joy Jots: Excercises for a Happy Heart”, she writes how living a religious life can bring happiness and contentment to your life.

In 52 chapters, she provides guidance on how to find true joy and happiness in Islam. Every chapter concludes with a reflection and exercise to help you put her lessons into practice in your life.

Once you find joy and happiness in Islam, your life in this world will become easier. Any problem will not seem that much of a deal anymore. Feelings like anxiety or fear what will happen in the future will become less. You will know that Allah only wants the best for His servants and that He will also give you what is best for you. Just ask Him to turn you in the direction that is best for you.

May all readers and all Muslims and all people find true joy and happiness in their life. Ameen.

Disclaimer: In this article, when we talk about feeling depressed, we do not talk about clinical depression. If you suffer from prolonged depression and other related symptoms, you might want to consider to seek professional medical help.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post 4 Ways to Find Joy and Happiness in Life appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/4-ways-to-find-joy-and-happiness-in-life/

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