4 Easy Ways to Rid Ourselves of Shaytan

Since the beginning of creation Shaytan has deceived people. Shaytan is our enemy but there are 4 easy ways to rid ourselves of him.

Allah tells us in the Quran that Shaytan is our enemy and we should treat him like our enemy. Shaytan will not spare any effort to misguide us and take us to Hellfire.

We have to seek refuge with Allah from him as much as we can. How can we do that? 4 ways!

First, when we leave the house we should say: “in the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah and there’s no power, no might except Allah.”

When we return home we say “bismillah, assalamu alaykum.”

When you enter the masjid, you should say the following dua: “I ask Allah with His great noble face and with His eternal domain, Allah’s power has no beginning and no end just like Allah. There is no one before Him and no one after Him.”

When we sleep we should say Ayat-ul-Kursi. This will keep the Shaytan away from us for the whole night!

Stay away from him all through the day with these dua!

The post 4 Easy Ways to Rid Ourselves of Shaytan appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/4-easy-ways-to-rid-ourselves-of-shaytan/

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