Think of Your Hardships as Blessings in Disguise

When I look back on my life, I often think about how it could have all gone so terribly wrong if I had only gotten what I wanted.

If I had been independently wealthy, I wouldn’t have worked so hard to get an education.

And if I hadn’t gone to college, I wouldn’t have learned about Islam. If I hadn’t learned about Islam, I don’t even want to think about where I would be.

It is the path that we don’t want to take that turns out to be the best for us in the long run. It is the flat tire that made us avoid getting involved in a deadly accident or the waitress bringing us the wrong order that allowed us to avoid getting food poisoning that are the blessings.

The hard part is recognizing that things not going the way we wanted them to is a blessing in disguise.

Giving Shots

Nothing taught me more about blessings in disguise than being a pediatric medical assistant. In this position I was tasked with giving the shots for the well patient check-ups.

Giving shots to little babies was only traumatic for me and the parents. The baby would smile and coo at me, having no idea what was about to happen. Then once the sharp needle pierced the skin the baby would cry for a moment, and then go back to smiling and cooing.

As the child got older and started to understand and remember, giving shots was an entirely different story. Around the age of 2 years, and often earlier, children would scream, kick and struggle to get out of getting shots. All they could think of was the pain from the previous shot.

Most children thought I was trying to harm them and couldn’t understand why their parents were complicit in this. They felt betrayed and trapped because prevention of disease was a concept that the child could not grasp.

Now, could the child grasp the concept that was only done for his sake. It was a blessing for him to be able to receive the shots, but he saw it as a tragedy.

The Bigger Picture

The child has a narrow view of the world. He cannot understand that the shot’s pain is only small and temporary, but will prevent disease that can cause pain and suffering that is markedly worse.

He cannot see past the pain, and in focusing on the pain, the child panics and makes the shot even worse in his own mind.

Even though we can understand the concept of disease prevention, the adult is not much better at seeing past his or her small scope.

And often we have a hard time thinking bigger than a small pain right now that prevents bigger pain and suffering later. We even make our suffering worse by only focusing on the pain it causes like the child getting the shot.

We often fail to remember that blessings always come out of hardship. If it wasn’t for the fire, the forest would rot and die.

And if it wasn’t for the rain, we would never see the fruit of the earth.

If it wasn’t for the hardship in our own lives, we wouldn’t become stronger people.

What Allah and the Prophet Have Said about Blessings

Even a small thing like a fever is really a blessing. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Allah removes the sins of a Muslim for his illness as fire removes the dross of gold and silver. (Abu Dawud)

And like the fever being a way to purify us, everything we suffer is a form of good. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

I am amazed by the believer. Verily, Allah does not decree anything for the believer except what is good for him. (Muslim)

The greater the hardship, the greater the blessing, if we can only see it for what it really is. The Prophet Muhammad said:

A mighty reward is associated with a large affliction. Indeed, when Allah loves a people, He afflicts them in trial. Thus, he who is pleased, for him is (His) pleasure, and as for him who is angry, for him is displeasure. (At-Tirmidhi)

Allah tells us in the Quran that the difficulty He places on us is so that it can make us better people:

Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you and to complete His favor on you that you may be thankful. (5:6)

Acceptance of Allah’s Plan for Us

In my time in the medical field as the bearer of shots, every now and then there would be a child that was so calm and accepting of the situation that it would surprise me.

Even though the child didn’t understand why the shot was necessary, she trusted that the doctor’s knowledge was greater than hers and that the doctor who prescribed the shots only wanted good for her. And without the struggle to resist her fate, the shot was next to painless.

We should all strive to be more like the child who is calm and accepting of the shot, but on a much grander scale.

Also, we need to understand that even if we cannot perceive the blessing, we should still trust that Allah knows what He is doing and He only wants good for us.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)


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Do Men Have Obligations towards Their In-Laws?

Do men have obligations towards their in-laws? There are no religious obligations towards their in-laws. Allah knows best.

However, if you don’t want to have bad relations with your in-laws then you have to pay attention to cultural obligations, social obligations and that is what is recognized to be good.

You should do your best to be kind and generous and stay in touch with your in-laws.

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Kids Don’t Pray – How to Encourage Them?

Often people feel sad because they pray but their kids don’t pray. So how do we encourage them? We have to remember that children are watching us!

Often you will see when people pray, their expressions are sad. It is like they are fulfilling a job that is very difficult. When children see this, they will not be interested in praying.

You have to change your attitude towards praying. On Fridays, try and be the first ones in the lines. Go to the mosque early. This sends a clear message to the kids.

When you wake up early for Salat ul-Fajr and you are enthusiastic about it what do you think your children will think. If you are smiling and you have a good expression, what do you think your children will see?

When children see their parents engaging in an act if worship that they are enjoying, they will see the contentment in your face because you prayed. This will make them want to be like that!

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Converts – A Mentor is a Must!

Imagine you’re in a city you have never visited before. What’s the most important thing would help you discover the beauty of the city?

A map or GPS to show you directions and places to visit… right?

Similarly, as a new Muslim, finding your new way in the midst of all the puzzled thoughts, fears, and uncertainties becomes difficult if you don’t have the right mentor.

Some new Muslims neglect this step; they think there is no need to have a mentor because they already know how to live Islam and practice it properly.

Before their decision to become Muslims, they spent good time searching and researching everything concerning Islam.

But, entering the fold of Islam is a lifelong journey; there is more in Islam to discover and learn about.

Mentorship in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad

If you look at the journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), you will find that Allah is building his fantastic character.

Let’s look at mentorship from the perspective of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the best of mentors. He used to sit in a circle with the companions, maybe he would go to their houses or they would come to his house, or sit in the masjid; he would sit on the same level as them and teach them, then would tell them to go and teach their children and families.

His expectations on his companions were different from the new Muslims, who were having some problems being strong.

Lessons from Prophet Muhammad’s Advice to Mu’adh

When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent Mu’adh ibn Jabal to Yemen, he told him exactly how to teach people.

1- Teach them shahadah by teaching them to love Allah and His messenger. Because if you haven’t had time to build your iman and closeness to Allah and you haven’t had time to know Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then you haven’t had time to make that connection between yourself and Allah and between you and Prophet Muhammad.

When you have a strong connection at the foundation level, it’s the first bit of building blocks of being Muslim.

2- Once they accept the shahadah, then teach them salat, prayer, and how to connect with Allah the Almighty.

3- Teach them zakat. He told him to be gentle and easy on them and not to take from the best of their wealth.

The context of this actual hadith is where Prophet Muhammad is actually talking about the way to treat and teach and be gentle with the people who are getting ready to embrace Islam.

Is a Mentor Necessary?

New Muslims came from huge changes. They might have to give up things that they’ve been doing throughout their whole lives and now they have changed so they need some knowledge.

In the first stages of learning about Islam, you may feel lost and may not know what steps to take next. So, you need help from your mentor, and you need to know and understand things deeply and properly.

Strangeness and Isolation

Have you ever felt like a stranger after you became Muslim? You could be around so many people, but you feel isolated even though you’re with a lot of people?

It’s very common for new Muslims to experience this strangeness and isolation.

Being isolated doesn’t mean that there’s a problem, Allah hasn’t left you, but maybe you need to leave people and turn to Allah first.

Isolation for a little while is good for you. Allah wants you to turn to Him.

When we look at the journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he was isolating himself to ponder and reflect.

Search for the Right Mentor

You should seek for a good mentor, who makes learning about Islam easy for you.

The right mentor is the one who follows the sunnah, teaches you gently and gradually, step by step, and doesn’t push you out of your comfort zone.

If he makes you feel you’re not good enough Muslim, this is not a mentor for you. He is going to damage you more than help you.

You need a mentor but not just any mentor; you need a mentor that you can connect with and you stay connected with for life.

If you’re a new Muslim share your experience and the benefits of the mentor for new Muslims.

Based on this video.

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Le Pouvoir D’un Cœur Reconnaissant

Tu t’endors en fermant les yeux. Cependant, la vigueur continue de couler dans vos veines et vos nerfs, vivifiant ton corps, sans jamais cesser ni ralentir. Qui les maintient en vie, actifs et vigilants pour vous? Qui les a créés et les a fait fonctionner à partir de rien, si ce n’était Allah?

Tu n’as pas été créé sur ta demande, de même pour le bébé ou l’embryon, ils ne demandent pas subsistance, mais c’est Allah qui les pourvoit de par Sa volonté. C’est plutôt le Généreux Donateur et Glorieux Créateur Qui a fait tout pour vous, par Sa Grâce. Certes, Il est Miséricordieux envers vousplus que vous l’êtes envers vous-même.

Signification De La Reconnaissance

Le terme «reconnaissance» est – au même titre que celui de «gratitude» – renvoie à la louange et à l’exaltation, et c’est là que réside sa valeur et son mérite.

Il importe, cependant que la langue exprime la gratitude tout en la ressentant dans le cœur et en la reconnaissant en son for intérieur, qu’Allah, en tant que source de tout bien octroyé, est Seul digne de tout remerciement.

À chaque clignement des yeux et à chaque battement du cœur, Allah Se fait connaître auprès de toute l’humanité par Ses bénédictions accordées et Ses dons octroyés.

Ces bénédictions et bienfaits, qui se renouvellent chaque jour et chaque nuit, doivent être reçus avec reconnaissance et remerciement envers Celui qui les a accordés.

«Et c’est Lui qui a assigné une alternance à la nuit et au jour pour quiconque veut y réfléchir ou montrer sa reconnaissance.» (Coran 25 :62)

Si vous offrez de la nourriture et un abri à quelqu’un, lui payey ses dettes, ou l’élèvez à un haut rang, puis, le voilà qu’il vous méprise ou vous tourne le dos malgré la bonté que vous lui avez déjà témoignée, vous le taxerez, certes, d’ingratitude et de méconnaissance.

Que pensesz-vous donc du Seigneur de l’Univers – qui crée à partir de rien, assure la subsistance, et nous comble de Ses grâces et faveurs au fil des ans, – en voyant ceux qui vivent de Ses bénédictions et s’en réjouissent, deviennent Ses opposants les plus tenaces et les plus résolus!

«Il a créé l’homme d’une goutte de sperme; et voilà que l’homme devient un disputeur déclaré.» (Coran 16: 4)


L’ingratitude est une bassesse. Le flot incessant de bienfaits est simplement gratifié de la sorte, en reniant le Donateur Suprême et en L’Offensant ouvertement!

En persistant dans cette attitude, le droit à encore plus est réduit à rien du tout! C’est pourquoi l’ordre est donné à tous les humains de remercier leur Seigneur et de Lui manifester leur gratitude.

Pourtant, la gratitude n’est pas une tâche aussi difficile nécessitant tant de patience. C’est plutôt le chemin de la perfection que les gens doivent emprunter avec détermination et en toute loyauté.

«Ô les croyants! Mangez des (nourritures) licites que Nous vous avons attribuées. Et remerciez Allah, si c’est Lui que vous adorez.» (Coran 2:172)

Se montrer pleinement reconnaissant envers les faveurs d’Allah, leur Pourvoyeur, avec quiétude et euphorie, rend digne de recevoir plus. Les bénédictions entre les mains d’une telle personne reconnaissante, sont comme de l’eau versée sur une terre fertile qui regorge de fleurs et de fruits. Verser plus ne peut pas être refusé ou retenu.

A l’opposé, arroser une terre aride est un gaspillage, et dès lors, l’eau est coupée.

«Si vous êtes reconnaissants, très certainement J’augmenterai [Mes bienfaits] pour vous. Mais si vous êtes ingrats, Mon châtiment sera terrible.» (Coran 14:7)

Une punition sévère s’avère donc légitimée pour la méchanceté de l’ingratitude.

Qu’est-ce que les gens perdront s’ils apprécient les bénédictions d’Allah, le Donateur, avec un cœur reconnaissant, en disant tout simplement: «Merci». Ou bien est-ce trop difficile?!

La Gratitude Du Prophète

La gratitude est plus un sentiment qu’un simple mouvement des lèvres. C’est un sentiment qui s’est superbement traduit en actions et comportements sincères tout au long de la journée et de la vie du Prophète Mohammad (Sallah Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam).

A chaque fois qu’il se réveillait, il disait:

«Louange à Allah qui m’a rendu mon âme, a rendu mon corps sain et m’a permis de me souvenir de Lui.»

A chaque fois qu’il finissait de manger, il disait:

«Louange à Allah qui nous a nourris, étanché notre soif et nous a rendus musulmans.»

A chaque fois qu’il venait de satisfaire ses besoins naturels, il disait:

«Louange à Allah qui m’a fait goûter les douceurs de cet aliment, qui a conservé en moi ses matières nutritives et m’a débarrassé de celles qui sont nuisibles».

A chaque fois qu’il portait un nouveau habit, il disait:

«Louange à Allah qui m’as vêtu de cet habit et me l’a accordé sans ni force ni puissance de ma part.»

A chaque fois qu’il retournait d’un voyage, il disait:

«Nous sommes revenus, repentants, adorant et louant notre Seigneur.»

A chaque fois qu’il lui arrivait quelque chose de plaisait, il disait:

«Louange à Allah qui par Sa grâce, toutes les bonnes choses arrivent à perfection.»

A chaque fois qu’il se passait quelque chose qui lui déplaisait, il disait:

«Louange à Allah en toutes circonstances.»

Et en priant, il disait:

«Ô Allah, aide-moi à me souvenir de Toi, et aide-moi à Te rendre un culte parfait.»

Le Plan De Satan

Quel a été le plan ourdi par Satan contre le genre humain après avoir été expulsé du paradis?

Ses efforts vengeurs consistaient à priver les humains de leur contentement et à les rendre ingrats.

Ses efforts vengeurs étaient de les distraire et de les aveugler en les couvrant des voiles de l’insouciance, de sorte qu’ils jouissent des bienfaits d’Allah sans daigner Le remercier et qu’ils voient Ses signes merveilleux sans daigner Le glorifier.

Quand les bêtes trouvent de la nourriture, elles la dévorent tout simplement sans rien sentir d’autre. Et quand elles manquent de nourriture et ont faim, elles ne pensent à rien d’autre. Tandis que lorsqu’elles sont en bonne santé, elles courent et sautent. Mais une fois devenues malades, elles se couchent et se reposent, sans se rendre compte de rien d’autre.

Elles ne connaissent pas la patience au moment de l’affliction ni la gratitude au moment de la satisfaction.

C’est le genre de vie que Satan veut que l’humanité vive, sans se souvenir d’Allah ni Le remercier.

C’était le serment prêté par Satan le jour où il a été chassé du ciel.

«Puisque Tu m’as mis en erreur, dit [Satan], je m’assoirai pour eux sur Ton droit chemin, puis je les assaillirai de devant, de derrière, de leur droite et de leur gauche. Et, pour la plupart, Tu ne les trouveras pas reconnaissants.» (Coran:16-17)

Les Conséquences De L’ingratitude

La pire sorte d’ingratitude, c’est quand elle devient un sentiment collectif dans lequel se vautre toute une nation. Comme s’il existait un consentement tacite partagé entre eux, pour ne rien mentionner de bon au sujet d’Allah, et même d’engouffrer Ses bienfaits, tout en les attribuant à quelqu’un d’autre que Lui.

Les nations précédentes, telles que ‘Ad et Thamud, ont-elles été détruites pour une cause autre que l’ingratitude?!

Il a été dit aux ‘Ad:

«Et rappelez-vous quand Il vous a fait succéder au peuple de Noé, et qu’Il accrut votre corps en hauteur (et puissance). Eh bien, rappelez-vous les bienfaits d’Allah afin que vous réussissiez.» (Coran 7.69)

 Il a été dit aux Thamud:

«Et rappelez-vous quand Il vous fit succéder aux Aad et vous installa sur la terre. Vous avez édifié des palais dans ses plaines, et taillé en maisons les montagnes. Rappelez-vous donc les bienfaits d’Allah et ne répandez pas la corruption sur la terre “comme des fauteurs de trouble”.» (Coran 7 :74)

Le flot de bénédictions et de bienfaits qui a coulé sur leurs territoires, passait inaperçu aux yeux de ces peuples ingrats. Par conséquent, à cause de leur ingratitude, ils ont été privés et dépossédés de ce qu’ils niaient, et ainsi leur tourment était justifié.

L’humanité est avertie de ne pas emprunter des chemins aussi pernicieux.

«Souvenez-vous de Moi donc, Je me souviendrai de vous. Remerciez- Moi et ne soyez pas ingrats envers Moi.» (Coran 2:152)

Mais malgré les avertissements d’Allah, seuls quelques-uns reconnaissent Ses faveurs ou se sentent reconnaissants.

«alors qu’il y a peu de Mes serviteurs qui sont reconnaissants.» (Coran 34: 13)

Extrait du livre «Le Côté Emotionnel De L’islam» par cheikh Mohammad Al-Ghâzalî.

(Vous pouvez lire la version anglaise originale de cet article ici.)

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Islamic Charities Set for Giving Tuesday

LaunchGood, a global Muslim crowdfunding platform, has announced it will be giving away $100K in prizes on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020.

The prizes will go to live campaigns on with the highest raised amounts and highest number of supporters.

According to the platform website, a campaign titled “A Pilgrim’s Global Fundraiser” was leading the board with $6,312 raised.

📚 Read Also: Muslim Crowdfunding Platform Raises More Than $700K On Giving Tuesday

Other campaigns such as “Apex Giving Tuesday Challenge”, “Get Noor Kids into Netflix”, and “MCM Youth Funding” followed in the leaderboard.

This is not the first time for the leading platform to hold #GivingTuesday challenge.

Last year, the crowdfunding platform encouraged more than $755,000 in donations in a single day.

Started in October of 2013, LaunchGood has grown to facilitate more than 9,105 campaigns in more than 130 countries. To date, $96,408,884 has been funded.

Charity Platform

Islamic Relief USA is also leading its own Giving Tuesday campaign to raise funds for families in need.

“This #GivingTuesday, we are dedicating our efforts to winter aid, across the world and here at home,” the group wrote on its website.

“No one should have to go to bed COLD and HUNGRY! And with the coronavirus pandemic looming over what’s sure to be a brutal winter, vulnerable families are going to need our support now more than ever.”

Giving Tuesday, often stylized as #GivingTuesday for the purposes of hashtag activism, refers to the Tuesday after US Thanksgiving in the United States.

It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season.

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Muslim Named Sunday Times Grassroots Sportswoman of 2020

A Muslim wife, mother, nurse and rugby player has been named the Sunday Times grassroots sportswoman of the year 2020, in recognition of her inspirational impact on female players across the UK, Ghana, and Morocco.

Known as Zee, Zainab Alema works in NHS frontline as an intensive care neonatal nurse at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.

The Barnes RFC player is also the founder of rugby charity “Studs In The Mud” which provides equipment and funding to allow women to play where rugby.

📚 Read Also: US Sports Clothing Co. Unveils First Hijab for Muslim Athletes

“Zainab is truly inspiring and we wish her the very best with all her future endeavors and congratulate her for the fantastic impact she is having in growing our sport,” said Barnes President, David Doonan, England Rugby reported.

The award has of course thrown Zainab and the whole family into great joy and wild celebration.

“I got a call from my team mate Sarah Bosworth after the school run one day and she told me she had nominated me and I’d been shortlisted,” says Zainab.

“It took a while to sink in that they wanted to interview me. I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone but when I did tell my family I’d won everyone was screaming. 

Charity Efforts

Studs In The Mud uses rugby to help change people’s lives for the better, shipping out kit around the world particularly for women and children to be able to play.

Zainab also has a project aiming to encourage more Muslim women to try rugby and become part of a truly diverse rugby community.

Smashing and demolishing stereotypes, Zainab defined her philosophy on life as a career woman, wife, mother and rugby player.

Zainab currently plays at Barnes Rugby Club where she feels very much at home and says “We had another black woman join us because of me, and that’s brilliant.”

Around the world, Muslim women are defying stereotypes to compete and excel at the highest levels of sports. This includes football, fencing, weightlifting, basketball, ice hockey and more.

In 2016, 14 Muslim women medaled in the Rio Olympics. This included American fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first Muslim woman to represent the United States on the podium.

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Jihad Turk on How He Grew Up With Islamic Values in the West

“An American kid from Arizona with an exotic name…” fought with his dad about having ‘Jihad’ or ‘Jay’ on his soccer roster. His dad won and Jihad went on to have pride in his Islamic identity. He even grew up to be the founding president of Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School, the nation’s first Muslim graduate school offering accredited Master’s degrees in the fields of Islamic Studies, Education, Chaplaincy and Leadership.

Turk spoke with Lauren Booth on Muslim youth facing their differences, using them for dialogue and to build positive identity. They also discuss the signs of children needing spiritual, mental and other help.

Turk reviews these three areas that are imperative for parents to understand to raise Muslim children:

1 – Create a Muslim Household

2 – Fully and Healthily Communicate with Your Children, Especially Teens!

3 – Make Prayer Time Special and Sacred as a Family

Watch video for Turk’s full excellent advice on raising children with a positive Muslim identity in the West:

Watch for more inspiration:

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What Are Children Rights in Islam?

Islam’s general approach to children may be summarized in a few principles:

First, it is a divine injunction that no child may become the cause of harm to the parents (Al-Baqarah 2:233).

Secondly, by implication the parents should reciprocate and cause the child no harm either.

The Qur’an recognizes very clearly that parents are not always immune from over protectiveness or negligence. On the basis of this recognition, it has, thirdly, established certain guidelines and pointed out certain facts with respect to children.

It points out that children are joys of life as well as sources of pride, seeds of vanity and false security, fountains of distress and temptation. But it hastens to stress the greater joys of the spirit and caution parents against overconfidence, false pride, or misdeeds that might be caused by children.

Everyone relates to God directly

The religious moral principle of this position is that every individual, parent or child, relates to God directly and is independently responsible for his deeds. No child can absolve the parent on the Day of Judgment. Nor can a parent intercede on behalf of his child.

Finally, Islam is strongly sensitive to the crucial dependence of the child on the parents. Their decisive role in forming the child’s personality is clearly recognized in Islam.

In a very suggestive statement, the Prophet declared that every child is born into the true malleable nature of faith (i.e., the pure natural state of Islam), its parents later on make it into a Jew, Christian or pagan.

Child rights

According to these guidelines, and more specifically, one of the most inalienable rights of the child in Islam is the right to life and equal life chances. Preservation of the child’s life is the third commandment in Islam.

Another equally inalienable right is the right of legitimacy, which holds that every child shall have a father, and one father only.

A third set of rights comes under socialization, upbringing, and general care.

To take good care of children is one of the most commendable deeds in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was fond of children and he expressed his conviction that his Muslim community would be noted among other communities for its kindness to children.

It is charity of a higher order to attend to their spiritual welfare, educational needs, and general well-being. Interest in and responsibility for the child’s welfare are questions of first priority.

According to the Prophet’s instructions, by the seventh day the child should be given a good, pleasant name and its head should be shaved, along with all the other hygienic measures required for healthy growing.

Caring for children is a religious duty

Responsibility for and compassion toward children is a matter of religious importance as well as social concern. Whether parents are alive or deceased, present or absent, known or unknown, children are to be provided with optimum care. Whenever there are executers or relatives close enough to be held responsible for child’s welfare, they shall be directed to discharge this duty.

But if there is no next of kin, care for the child becomes a joint responsibility of the entire Muslim community, designated officials and commoners alike.

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ما هي الأطعمة والمشروبات الحلال والحرام في الإسلام؟

القاعدة العامة للتمييز بين الحلال والحرام في الإسلام هي أن يأكل الإنسان الطيب ويجتنب الخبيث، إذ يقول الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم :{ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ كُلُوا مِمَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ} (البقرة 168).

كما يقول تعالى في كتابه الكريم: {يُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ} (الأعراف 157).

ففي الشراب أحل للمسلمين (الماء وألبان الحيوانات الطاهرة كالأنعام والإبل والأغنام والعسل والعصائر المستخلصة من الفواكه الطازجة غير المتخمرة، والمشروبات المستخلصة من الأعشاب الطيبة).

وحرم على المسلمين (الخمر والمسكرات والنجاسات والدم ألبان الحيوانات الخبيثة مثل الحمار).

ومن الحيوانات أحل الله للمسلمين (الأنعام كالإبل والبقر والغنم، والحيوانات البرية كالغزلان والزرافات والحمر الوحشية والأرانب).

وحرم (كل ذي ناب كالأسد والنمر والقط وحرم الخنزير والحمار والجرذان والحشرات والكلاب والثعابين).

أما البحر فهو حلال بكل ما فيه، ولا تستوجب أكل الحيوانات البحرية ذبحا أو ذكاة شرعية، حتى وإن كانت تلك الحيوانات البحرية مفترسة داخل البحر كالقرش.

الطيور حلال بكل أنواعها البرية والبحرية مثل الديك والدجاج والبط والأوز والحمام والعصافير، والديك الرومي ما عدا الجارحة ذات المخلب مثل الصقر والباز والشاهين والغراب.

النباتات حلال بكل أنواعها مثل الفواكه والخضروات والحبوب ما عدا النباتات السامة والضارة والمسكرة مثل الماريجوانا وغيرها.

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Sakina: ¿Si Allah está contigo quién podría estar contra ti?

Si Allah está contigo ¿quién podría estar contra de ti? Y si él está en tu contra ¿quién podrá estar contigo? Y si te has ganado el amor de Allah ¿que has perdido? Nada. Y si pierdes el amor de Allah ¿qué es lo que realmente has ganado? Nada. Si Allah pone Sakina en tu corazón, es todo cuanto necesitas.

El amor a Allah te da sabiduría

Las virtudes, los resultados, los beneficios y los frutos que adquieres como resultado de alcanzar el amor de Allah son innumerables. 

De entre estas virtudes, si Allah te ama pondrá el amor por ti en los corazones de la gente y si la gente te quiere esta es una bien invaluable. 

Si Allah te ama te concederá sabiduría y a quien le haya sido concedida sabiduría ha recibido una gracia inmensa.

Da la Sabiduría a quien quiere, y a quien se le da la Sabiduría se le ha dado mucho bien.

Corán, 2:269

Si a una persona se le da sabiduría será feliz incluso con un ingreso limitado, pero sin sabiduría será miserable incluso con ingresos ilimitados.

Si a una persona se le da sabiduría hace del enemigo un amigo, pero sin sabiduría hace del amigo un enemigo.

Es una ganancia invaluable que Allah te conceda sabiduría. La sabiduría es otorgada por Allah como recompensa para el creyente por su fe y adhesión a Sus órdenes. Uno de los frutos del amor de Allah es que Él te concede sabiduría. 

La sabiduría te trae Sakina al corazón

Cuando amas Allah, Él te concede sabiduría. Cuando te concede sabiduría también te da Sakina. La Sakina es un estado de satisfacción, felicidad, optimismo, fuerza y confianza. Esta tranquilidad te traerá felicidad incluso si no posees nada y serás miserable si lo pierdes, incluso si lo posees todo.

La gente de la caverna fue bendecida con esta tranquilidad durante su larga estancia en la cueva y los que estaban en palacios eran miserables sin ella

Al profeta Ibrahim se le concedió esta tranquilidad mientras estaba en medio del fuego:

Dijimos: Fuego, sé frío e inofensivo para Ibrahim.

Corán, 21:69

Esta tranquilidad le fue otorgada al profeta Yunus mientras estaba dentro del vientre de la ballena. Esta tranquilidad le fue concedida al profeta Muhammad mientras estaba en la caverna.

A alguien se le puede dar riqueza, salud, fuerza, inteligencia pero si no se le otorga sabiduría es el más miserable de entre los miserables. Puesto que la sabiduría trae Sakina.

La Sakina es solo para los creyentes

Por eso se dice que Allah otorga salud, inteligencia, riqueza y belleza a muchos pero sólo concede tranquilidad a los creyentes elegidos 

La Sakina es una de las mayores causas de la felicidad del ser humano. Es uno de los beneficios de tener el amor de Allah.

Es decir si eres amado por Allah, eres amado por el creador de los cielos y la tierra en cuyas manos está el control de todas las cosas. En cuyas manos está el dominio de los que están por encima de ti y de los que están debajo de ti. En cuyas manos está tu salud, tu familia y tus hijos. En cuya mano está tu vida, tu muerte y tu sustento.

Es por esto por lo que quien conoce Allah, lo conoce todo. Y quien desconoce a Allah, lo desconoce todo.

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What is Tasbih Fatimah? The Dua to Boost Your Energy!

One time Fatimah went to complain her husband, Ali, about how exhausting and tiring the housework has become on her.

Ali and Fatimah were very poor actually. Unlike many other homes, they had no money to afford to have a housekeeper to help out in the housework.

So Fatimah used to do everything, and you got to appreciate that because there were no washing machines, no dishwashers, no vacuums… it was all physical work.

So, Ali hearing this he says:

“O Fatimah! How about you get a servant?”

“How can I get a servant? We don’t have money?”

He tells her:

“I have heard that your father Muhammad (peace be upon him) just recently received some prisoners of war, and why not you go and request from him to give you one of those people to be a servant for us?”

Fatimah liked the idea and she heads there right away. She knocks on the door, Aisha opens the door, and they greet each other. Fatimah asks:

“O Aisha, is my father here?”

Aisha says:

“No, he’s not here.”

Then Fatimah basically wants to tell her exactly what the request is like, and she told her:

“I heard my father’s received some prisoner of war and I was hoping I can get one to be like a servant to help me.”

Aisha said:

“The moment your father comes back, I will surely let him know of what your need is.”

Fatimah goes back home.

The Prophet, after some time, comes back to his house, and Aisha tells him exactly why Fatimah came, and that she’s looking for a servant to help her out with all the housework.

Tasbih Fatimah

Being an amazing father, the Prophet did not delay it for two or three days, he says:

You know what, I’m going to go right now to the house of Ali.

As he gets there, Ali and Fatimah would like to stand up and greet the Prophet, but the Prophet says:

Stay the way you are, no need to stand up.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) comes and sits in between Fatimah and Ali and said:

Shall I not guide you of something that is better and more beneficial to both of you than whatever you have requested (having a servant)? Whenever you’re about to go to sleep, say Subhanallah 33 times, say Alhamdulillah 33 times, and say Allahu Akbar 34 times. This is better for you than having a servant. (Al-Bukhari)

Say these remembrances (dua) before you sleep and Allah will boost you with physical energy that you’re able to work the following day; you’ll feel as if someone is supporting you, as if there’s a servant helping you. That’s how much energy you will have.

And some other understanding of this narration is that you will not feel as exhausted whenever you do the actual daily work that you’re used to because of that dua you’ve said that night before.

Based on the video: Energy From Allah for Saying This Dua

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Story of Mary – The Striking Similarity in Bible and Quran

Mary (PBUH) spent most of her young life in the temple dedicated in prayer to God. She was not deterred from entering the house of God even though usually only men were allowed to worship there.

Mary (peace be upon her—PBUH—Maryam in Arabic) is a figure known and greatly respect in both Islam and Christianity.

When Mary’s mother was pregnant with her, she dedicated the child she was carrying to the service of God. Upon her birth, Mary’s mother was shocked that Mary was a girl and stated:

[…] the male is not like the female […] (Quran 3:35)

And certainly, the difference and capabilities of women was most evident in Mary’s (PBUH) life and purpose. She is listed in Surah al-Anbiya (chapter of the prophets) as one of the great prophets:

And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. (Quran 21:91)

Male prophets were given revelation in the form of words, recitation, and texts. Mary was given revelation in the form of a great human being.

Mary (PBUH) was given a blessed son who was created by God without a father. She was a virgin at the time of Jesus’ birth. And she herself was a model of human behavior. Both Islam and Christianity hold these characteristics of Mary to be true.

Encounter with Angel Gabriel

Mary’s (PBUH) encounter with the angel Gabriel is strikingly similar in the Quran and the Bible. Angel Gabriel said to Mary in the Quran:

Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah has chosen you and purified you – chosen you above the women of all nations.” (Quran 3:42)

And in the Bible:

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28)

Angel Gabriel reveals to Mary (PBUH) her child:

Behold! The angels said: “O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah” (Quran 3:45)

And this is also related in the Bible:

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.” (Luke 1:29-31)

Confusion about Her Pregnancy

In the Quran, God relates how Mary was confused by God’s creation of a human being without intercourse or a father:

“She said: ‘O my Lord! how shall I have a son when no man has touched me?’ He said: “Even so: Allah creates what He wills: when He has decreed a Plan, He but says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is!” (Quran 3:47)

Similarly, the Bible relates:

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1:34-5)

Her Experience in Labor

But the Quran’s account of Mary (PBUH) goes further than that of the Bible’s. In the Quran, we can read about Mary’s experience in labor with Jesus (peace be upon them):

The pains of childbirth drove her to clutch at the trunk of a date-palm tree and she cried out in anguish: Would that I had died before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight! (Quran 19:23)

In this verse, Mary’s experience gives a glimpse into the pain and hardship all mothers go through for their children even if the reader will never experience childbirth.

Once the child was born, Mary was exhausted and frightened. But the Quran narrates that she hears a voice calling to her:

Grieve not! Your Lord has provided you a stream of clear water under you; and shake the trunk of palm tree toward you; it will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you. So eat and drink and be glad […] (Quran 19:24)

To ease her, God provides Mary (PBUH) with everything she needs and comforts her distressed heart after such an intense experience.

From here, the Quran relates that Mary was not to speak to her people when she brought her son to them. Instead, God allowed Jesus (PBUH), as a baby, talk and explain who he was to his people.

The Quran relates that Jesus said:

Verily, I am a slave of God. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; and he has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me prater, and alms, as long as I live, and to be dutiful to my mother […] (Quran 19:30-34)

Mary (PBUH) is a central figure in both Islam and Christianity. She is venerated in both faiths. She is spoken about in the Quran and the Bible in strikingly similar verses. Even though many may not know Mary is a central figure in Islam, the Quran tells even more about the life and mission of Mary, may God’s peace and blessings truly be upon her.

(From Discovering Islam archive.)

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10 Surprising Facts about Muslims in France

Muslims have existed in France for a very long time. Here are 10 surprising facts about Muslims in France! Check them out here!

10. Muslims in France come from a large number of different countries. Most come from North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.

9. France has the largest number of Muslims in the Western world. This is mainly due to migration from the Maghreb region in North Africa. However, they also come from migration from the Middle Eastern countries. Muslims make up 8.8% of the population in France.

8. The first Muslims came to France many centuries ago. The largest number of Muslims came from France in the Contemporary era. This period is the aftermath of the Colonial Wars of Independence between 1954-1962.

7. The predominant Muslim population in France is in Paris. However, there are also large numbers in Marseille and Lyon.

6. France is home to the largest number of Muslims in the European Union. That is a third of the Muslim population in Europe.

5. In 2004, France banned headscarves, crosses and Jewish coverings in public schools. This is on the grounds that state institutions are supposed to be religiously neutral. In 2010, the niqab and burka were banned in public. France was the first to pass legislation for a ban like this.

4. Foreigners are included in this ban not just French people. The ban is for all public places. It applies to foreign tourists visiting France. If caught violating, you have to pay a fine of up to 150 Euros.

3. The grand Mufti of Paris Mosque testified in Parliament that the niqab was not something subscribed in Islam. He said that this ban was due to radicalization and it was a way to criminalize Muslims. He said that this went against France’s concept of being a secular state.

2. In 2018 the UN said France has heavily violated human rights. This was the first case to be addressed by the UN for the niqab situation. They said that France had not provided enough reason for their ban on the niqab. Not much has been done about it though.

1. France received more than half a million Muslim migrants between 2010 -2016. 80,000 refugees were accepted by France, the majority were Muslims.

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Dua to Get Married Soon

Here is a dua to get married soon with a good wife or good husband. This dua is recited by Saad Al Qureshi. It is in English and Arabic.

 اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنِّيْ اُرِيْدُ اَنْ اَتَزَوَّجَ فَقَدِّرْ لِيْ مِنَ النِّسَآءِ اَعْفَهُنَّ فَرْجًا وَ احْفَظَهُنَّ لِيْ فِيْ نَفْسِهَا وَ اَوْسَعْهُنَّ لِيْ رِزْقًا وَاَعْظَمهُنَّ لِيْ بَرَكَةً فِيْ نَفْسِهَا وَ مَا لِيْ فَقَدِّرْ لِيْ مِنْهَا وَلَدًا طَيِّبًا تَجْعَلُهٗ خَلَفًا صَالِحًا فِيْ حَيَاتِيْ وَ بَعْدَمَوْتِي

 Allahumma Innee Urreedu An Atazawwaja Faqaddir Lee Minan Nisaa-I A’fihunna Farjajan wa Ah’fadh’ihunna Lee Fee Nafsihaa Wa Awsa-i-Hunna Lee Rizqan Wa A-dhamahunna Lee Barakatan Fee Nafsihaa Wa Maaleee Faqaddir Lee Minhaa Waladan Tayyiban Tajaluhoo Khalafan Saalihan Fee Hayaatee Wa Ba`da Mawtee.

 “O’ Allah! I desire to marry, so arrange for me a woman from those who willingly abstain from what is unlawful and who safeguards her soul for my sake and because of her, not only my means of sustenance will increase, but also make there be in it abundance and also make it sure that she will give me a virtuous son, who will be a noble successor in my life and after my death.” Ameen

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How Optimism Will Change Your Life

We have all heard the expression, is the glass half full or half empty. How you perceive it tells you something about your own perception on life.

Do you choose to be optimistic and feel gratitude for the half full glass or do you choose pessimism and feel disappointment that the glass is half empty. This glass can represent your career, your marriage and even your faith.

Optimism is more than just having a sunny disposition. It embodies an attitude of perseverance, patience and not giving up in the face of difficulty. An optimistic person will notice opportunities instead of focusing on the hardships.

This all describes positive thinking patterns which in turn makes your emotions more stable. This cycle of positive thought patterns and emotions will undoubtedly lead to better behaviors.

Can You Be Overly Optimistic?

Some will say that being optimistic opens people up for disappointment and greater let downs. While that can be true to an extent, if you actively try to bring optimism into your life it gives you more resilience when faced with hardship.

We know that even a test or difficulty can have great reward and outcomes in the end. Focusing on that end result and having patience is more beneficial than focusing on the hardship.

“For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease” [Quran 94:5]

This is not to say that we should be unrealistic and always expect rainbows and kittens, sometimes hardships will come into your life. It is healthy to be logical and acknowledge risks associated with your actions.

Ideally you should strive for optimistic thought patterns that are also rational. I am not advocating for grandiose illusions that you will become a millionaire overnight and have the perfect marriage all because you chose to see the glass as half-full, that is not realistic.

Anxiety and Optimism

If we think about anxiety, we can summarize that as fear of the unknown which can hinder someone’s ability to function when not controlled. Anxiety disorders hold people back from going after their dreams because they are so afraid to fail that they don’t even try.

An optimist is more likely to pursue their ambitions because of their positive outlook; they see opportunity and believe they can achieve it.

We like to know we are right and often encounter self-fulfilling prophecies, which simply means we alter our behavior and thought patterns in order to cause those self-expectations to come true.

For example, an optimistic teacher expects a student to get an A on the exam so they spend extra time helping them study which results in them getting an A.

On the other side of that, a pessimistic teacher may expect a student to perform poorly so they don’t pay them much attention in class which results in a lower grade. We are not actually predicting anything; we are altering our own behaviors in order to make those expectations a reality.

Now imagine if you expected yourself to succeed at work, do you think this would cause you to work harder? What if you expected your marriage to fail, would you self-sabotage without realizing it just to prove yourself right?

Impact of Optimism

When someone decides to take steps forward to increase their optimism, they are choosing to bring more positivity and gratefulness into their life.

If you take on an optimistic perspective when failure happens, instead of becoming defeated you will have the power to see that as a temporary setback and even a lesson. If you have ever heard of failing forward, that is an optimistic mindset.

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