Covid-19 Back to School: How Do Your Children Feel?

Going back to school this year has given parents a lot to process. We’ve been following updates of daily counts of coronavirus, listening to health officials and politicians sound off on best policy-making, dealing with new work regulations.

Now we’ve had to decide what to do about our children going back to school or not. While you have been overwhelmed by these problems and feelings, what about your children? How do they feel?

Even while choosing what we hope is best for our children, it’s easy to overlook talking to them about what they are feeling..

Here is what some of the AboutIslam children are feeling about going back to school online and on campus during this era of Covid-19.

Back to Campus

“I’m very happy to go back to school. It has been a while since I stopped going there because of the coronavirus. I miss all of my friends, teachers, and captains, where I used to have fun with them. I am so happy to go back to school and super ready to study.  

“It has been a hard time since the coronavirus appeared. As I return to school, I will be very careful and keen on observing all precautions to maintain my safety and my friends too. I’m all hopeful that this new school year will be great and that the coronavirus will end to let us to go out and have fun as usual.” – Joud Mohamed, 9, Egypt

“I feel happy and excited to see my friends. I want to see who my new teacher is. I am a little bit nervous in case no one remembers me because I only joined the school in January and then we had to stop going to school in March. I am a little bit worried about catching COVID but I am excited to wear my new masks at school.” – Layla, 7, Canada

“I missed the social aspect of it. The lockdown was really lonely and I missed seeing friends and teachers in person.” – Maariya, 15, United Kingdom

“I would rather sleep in late and play fortnite all day if I was allowed to! But reluctantly actually enjoying being back at school.” – Bilaal, 12, United Kingdom

“Before we started I was a bit reluctant to go, I had gotten used to being at home and I didn’t think the work was that much.  But once I returned to school I realized just how much work there was and glad we were at school as I realized how much we needed to get through. Of course teachers being there makes it a bit easier. It’s also nice to be back with my friends.

“Getting used to the protocol gets easier. Seeing teachers always in masks, always sanitizing your hands becomes second nature.” – Ijaaz, 15, South Africa

“The first few days had definitely been tough. I’ve gotten used to the mask, but social distancing will never feel right. It’s much easier to do the work at school.” – Quraisha, 10, South Africa

Remote Learning

“I feel happy but nervous too. I am a little sad about not going to school. My new teacher is great! Remote learning is turning out pretty good so far.” — Noah Hazem, 9 years, United States

“I want to go back to school because I miss my friends. However, I’m also worried about Covid-19 and I hate to wear the mask for long hours. How would it be then?”

“I also don’t like online education, I don’t feel It would be like attending school.  I’m confused about my feelings!” – Lina, 12, Egypt

“I really want to go back to school everyday because I’m bored staying that long at home. I miss my friends very much and also my teacher. I miss playing football with my friends. But would we still be able to play together? or the teachers will make us sit at big distances?

“If you ask me about online education, I find it nice. I can attend the math class while lying on bed (smile). But I prefer attending school. I don’t like to wear the mask but I will do to protect myself and my friends. I don’t want anyone to get the virus.” – Adam, 9, Egypt

“I am doing online schooling, and it’s weird. Back at normal school, I had a chance to talk to everyone. I could focus more in class. I didn’t have to ask my friends if I can talk to them. So I guess it’s kinda sad.” – Mariam, 11, United States

What do your children say?

“We cope with difficult moments not by changing how we feel but by learning to regulate how we feel. And regulation comes from understanding and allowing,” explains clinical psychologist Dr. Becky Kennedy.

It’s important that we actually listen to our children’s concerns and feelings, even if we don’t have all the answers for them. Encourage them to tell you their concerns, listen without interrupting, and offer solutions when you can. But most importantly: be your child’s rock.

Read more:

The post Covid-19 Back to School: How Do Your Children Feel? appeared first on About Islam.


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