Unchaining Spirituality – Trapped in Matter

Man is made of body and soul. The former represents the physical, and the latter the metaphysical level of existence. As such, man is a microcosm. In it, the macrocosm, or universe, and the entire idea, as well as phenomenon, of existence are reflected.

Man is the crown of Almighty Allah’s divine creativity act. He created him with His Own Hands (Sad, 75) and in His Own Image (Sahih Muslim). Having fashioned him in due proportion, He also breathed into him of His Spirit (Al-Sajdah, 9).

By means of Allah’s creative will and power, man was thus transformed from frail and inconsequential clay to a being with a superior dignity, standing and purpose. He was made Allah’s vicegerent on earth. He was honored and favored far above most of Allah’s creation (Al-Isra’, 70).

Hence, man has been invested with countless signs (ayat). They generously testify to the existence, greatness and munificence of the Creator. The signs are manifested as much in the smallest as in the grandest aspects and features of man’s being and life. It follows that man’s multi-tiered existence is an ontological book that ought to be studied first and foremost by everyone. Each person should start with his personal volume.

Balance Between Matter and Spirit

However, man was not a finished product, in the sense that his terrestrial self and status connoted an end in themselves. Rather than being goals desired for their own sakes, the earthly man and his existential context were meant to be but means for attaining something else. The extraordinary especially spiritual and intellectual capacities given to man are expected to propel him to fulfil his high destiny.

This physical world with man’s physical dimension in it was meant to be a launching pad for man’s most genuine and most valuable personal and collective undertakings. The aim is the spiritual realm and the successes associated with it. All the obstacles that stand in the way should be eliminated at all costs.

Matter is just the carrier of the spiritual domain, deriving its meaning and purpose from it. The body is the carrier of the soul. Since it belongs to a lower grade of existence, matter feels comfortable with spirit, and the body with the soul, even if they fail to admit and appreciate it.

Read Also: 4 Steps to Increase the Power of the Soul

However, the same does not hold true as regards the spiritual kingdom. The soul does not feel comfortable coexisting with matter. It feels imprisoned and trapped, hence restless. It yearns for freedom and independence, and for its heavenly source and origins. It pines for a reunion with its corresponding realm of purity, virtue and impeccability.

While mired in cohabiting with the deficiencies of matter, the soul accepts only the prospect of conquering and controlling matter. It aims to subdue it to its noble goals.

Unquestionably, man’s entire life is an endless confrontation between matter and spirit, and between his body and his soul. Man can attain peace and happiness only when the spiritual side of life and of his very self prevails, and when matter becomes grounded and used only to serve a higher order of spiritual meaning, value and experience.

It is owing to this that in Surah al-Fajr, Allah identifies His servants who succeeded in their earthly mission as tranquil souls in complete rest and satisfaction, well-pleased (themselves) and well-pleasing to their Lord (Al-Fajr, 27-30).

The Consequences of Entrapment

That is a natural way. Nevertheless, it is grossly aberrant and so, repugnant if in man’s life matter prevails and the spiritual dimension is inhibited or suppressed. Such is furthermore unnatural and breeds correspondingly unnatural consequences for man and his wellbeing.

With it, man denies the spiritual components to perform their intended task of stimulating life and injecting it with a true meaning, spirit and purpose. Man also divests himself of an opportunity to elevate his complete being along with his wearisome life struggles to the higher planes of heavenly substance and worth.

In materialism (believing that nothing exists except matter and that material possessions and physical comfort are more important than spiritual values) man goes against his very nature and the nature of life en bloc.

From the very beginning since the dawn of the scientific revolution, man set himself on a collision course with every intrinsic spiritual and moral quality of life.

Read the full article here.

Trapped in Matter

The post Unchaining Spirituality – Trapped in Matter appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/unchaining-spirituality-trapped-in-matter/

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