Keep Them Alive, Keep Them Warm

Cold weather kills 20 times more people than the heat does.

This winter, millions of refugees are facing the bitter cold with little or no protection. Help provide life-saving winter essentials to those who need it most.

Nu’man b. Bashir reported Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) as saying:
The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.


Find below a list of the most trusted organizations through which you can support the refugees.

Islamic Relief

Donate now and help save lives

£50 can provide a family in need with food
£120 can provide a family with a winter survival pack (including food, blankets and warm clothes)
£480 can provide four families with winter survival packs (including food, blankets and warm clothes)

Donate Now

Muslim Aid

£20 Could provide a child with a warm winter gift, including a blanket and warm clothing.

£60 Could provide starving families with essential food nutrients for a whole month, giving them energy and warmth.

£90 Could provide clothes, blankets & heating to protect families from freezing temperatures.

£135 Could provide a family with essential heating and fuel during the cold winter months.

Dontae Now

Penny Appeal

Donate Now

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands team will be distributing emergency relief across the globe throughout the winter months.

They are working in war-torn Yemen and Syria, refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon, poverty-stricken communities in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Palestine and Kashmir (both sides of the border), as well as the UK.

Donate Now

Human Appeal

This winter, we are providing emergency winter kits for displaced people trying to survive in camps. They contain essential items, such as warm clothing, thermal bedding, fuel for heating, shelter repair kits, and nutritious food to last one whole month. They are a lifeline for those in desperate need.

Donate Now

Islamic Help

Winter aid includes food packs, clothing packs and blankets.

Donate Now

The post Keep Them Alive, Keep Them Warm appeared first on About Islam.


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