Richmond FC Hosts Soccer-Day to Empower Young Muslim Girls

  • Inviting 150 Muslim girls, the event aimed to promote inclusion and female leadership.
  • The camp provided empowering activities, including guest speakers and soccer games.

Seeking to empower young Muslim girls to join sport, Richmond FC opened its doors on the weekend to hundreds of people in a soccer-based event, promoting inclusion and offering role models to younger generations.

Held on Sunday at South Arm Park, British Columbia, the one-day soccer camp was organized by youth soccer club Richmond FC (RFC) along with Voices of Muslim Women (VMW), Coho Commissary, and the City of Richmond.

📚 Read Also: Uniting People, Lancaster Muslims Set to Host Football Tournament

According to RFC’s Marius Roevde, the aim was to “foster an environment where young girls can not only hone their soccer skills but also forge meaningful connections” to build towards female leadership, Richmond News reported.

He added that the event “exceeded expectations”, “leaving a positive mark on all those who participated.”

The camp provided empowering activities, including guest speakers, soccer games, and a meet-and-greet lunch after the games.

It also offered young girls a platform to refine their soccer skills, make connections, and learn from inspiring role models.


Attendants included Mayor Malcolm Brodie, MP Parm Bains, and teacher/anti-racism advocate Sara Raouf, who gave an inspirational address to the participants.

“I stand before you today as living proof that dreams have no limits,” Raouf told the camp.

“Looking out at all these bright faces, I see a room full of potential, strength, and determination. Girls, remember that you have the power to be brave.

“You can use your voices to make a difference, embrace your unique selves, and never underestimate the strength of your dreams.”

Voices of Muslim Women is a Muslim women-led organization that empowers all women and girls to become connected and informed leaders through educational and professional development opportunities.

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Rare Super Blue Moon Dazzles Stargazers Worldwide (In Pictures)

  • Rare phenomenon occurred on August 30 and will repeat tonight August 31
  • The last blue moon took place in 2009 and the next expected in 2037

Blessed is the One Who has placed constellations in the sky, as well as a ˹radiant˺ lamp, and a luminous moon.” Qur’an 25:61

A rare blue super moon dazzled stargazers on  Wednesday night as the glowing object illuminated the sky. 

📚 Read Also: How Small Are You to the Universe?

The closest full moon of the year was the second full moon in August, therefore making it a ‘blue’ moon, France 24 reported.

Saturn also joined the stunning celestial spectacle and was visible alongside the gleaming moon in parts of the world where skies were clear. 

The Whole Earth witnessed the Super Blue Moon 2023 on the night of 30th and will have a chance to see it again on 31st August 2023.

The previous super blue Moon occurred in December 2009, with the next set to come in quick succession: January and March of 2037.

📚 Read Also: Incredible Facts About Earth (Infograph)

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10 Hadiths on Health and Hygiene

Health, cleanliness and hygiene occupy a great part of Islam’s attention.

While some nations abandoned self-care and cleanliness to attain high spirituality, Islam made it obligatory to clean oneself in preparation for daily prayers.

Caring for one’s hygiene is not only deemed a good habit in Islam but also rendered into rituals that constitute part of the faith itself.

As mentioned above, a Muslim is required to be clean when performing daily Prayers, which includes properly cleansing oneself after using the toilet and practicing ablution.

In some cases, a full body bath is obligatory such as after spouses’ intimacy.

Moreover, the great encouragement for cleaning teeth as shown in the hadiths below reveals to which extent Islam was careful even for the details of personal hygiene.

That is no strange for Islam cares about the wellbeing of the human both in the world and in the hereafter. A healthy strong believer is better in the sight of Allah than a weak one as the former is more qualified to fulfill the objectives of Islam and serve the humanity.

This collection of hadiths presents only some examples of Islam’s stance on health and hygiene:

Cleanliness is part and parcel of faith

1. Abu Malik Al-Ash`ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Purity is half of iman (faith).  

Tooth brushing is highly recommended 

2. `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

The miswak (a twig used for tooth brushing) cleanses and purifies the mouth and pleases the Lord.” (An-Nasa’i and Ibn Khuzaimah; authenticated by Al-Albani)

3. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

Were it not that I might overburden my my followers, I would have commanded them to use the miswak before every prayer.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Personal hygiene is a human nature

4. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Five practices are of the fitrah (natural disposition): circumcision, shaving the pubic region, clipping the nails and cutting the moustaches short.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Rituals on Muslims’ best day

5. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Whoever takes a bath on a Friday and does it well, and purifies himself and does it well, and puts on his best clothes, and puts on whatever Allah decrees for him of the perfume of his family, then comes to the mosque and does not engage in idle talk or separate (pushing between) two people; he will be forgiven for (his sins) between that day and the previous Friday.” (Ibn Majah and authenticated by Al-Albani)

Keep environment clean

6. Mu`adh (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet warned,

Beware of the three acts that cause you to be cursed: relieving yourselves in shaded places (that people utilize), in a walkway or in a watering place.” (Ranked sound, hasan, by Al-Albani)

7. Abu Dharr Al-Ghafari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity (sadaqah).” (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

Using medicine is encouraged

8. Usamah ibn Sharik (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated:

I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions were sitting as (quiet as) if they had birds on their heads. I saluted and sat down.

The desert Arabs then came from here and there. They asked: Messenger of Allah, should we make use of medical treatment?

He replied: “Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely old age.” (Abu Dawud and authenticated by Al-Albani)

Be strong and healthy

9. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,

“A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good.

Keenly pursue what benefits you, seek help only from Allah, and do not give up.

If something befalls you, do not say, ‘If only I had done otherwise.’

Rather say, ‘Allah so determined and did as He willed,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to Satan’s work.” (Al-Bukhari)

Overeating is not healthy 

10. Al-Miqdam (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

No man fills a container worse than his stomach.

A few morsels that keep his back upright are sufficient for him. If he has to, then he should keep one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for his breathing” (Imam Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani)

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“How Islam Liberated Me” – A True Story

In this video, Mufti Menk shares with us a true life story that depicts how women are respected in Islam. Women today tend to be conscious of how they look, behave, and do things in order to seek attention from the opposite gender. Why do they do so? Click on this video to find out.

📚 Read Also: The Status of Women in Islam (Special Folder)

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4 Things Will Clear Your Confusion About Divine Decree

The sixth and last article of Islamic faith is belief in divine decree which means that everything good or bad, all moments of happiness or sorrow, pleasure or pain, come from God.

1- God’s Foreknowledge is Infallible 

God is not indifferent to this world or its people.  He is Wise and Loving, but this should not make us fatalists, throwing up our hands and saying, ‘what’s the point of making any effort?’

God’s foreknowledge does not compromise human responsibility. God holds us accountable for what we can do, what is within our capability, but  He does not hold us accountable for things we cannot do.  He is Just and, as He has given us only limited responsibility, judges us accordingly.

We should think, plan and make the right choices, but, if sometimes things do not turn out the way we want, we need not lose hope or get depressed.  We should pray to God and try again.  If in the end we still do not achieve what we wanted, we should know we have tried our best and are not responsible for the results.

God knows what the creatures will do, encompassing everything by His knowledge.  He knows all that exists, in entirety and totality, by virtue of His eternal foreknowledge.

Truly, nothing is hidden from God, in the earth or in the heavens. (Quran 3:5)

Whoever refuses this denies God’s perfection, because the opposite of knowledge is either ignorance or forgetfulness.  It would mean God would have been mistaken in his foreknowledge of future events; He would no longer be omniscient.  Both are deficiencies which God is free of.

2- Records in the Preserved Tablet

God has recorded everything that will occur until the Day of Judgment in the Preserved Tablet (al-Lauh al-Mahfuz in Arabic).  The life spans of all human beings are written and the amount of their sustenance apportioned.  Everything that is created or occurs in the universe is according to what is recorded there.  God has said:

Did you not know that God knows (all) that is in the heavens and the earth?  It is (all) in a record.  Surely that is easy for God. (Quran 22:70)

3- Nothing Happens without the Will of God

Whatever God wills to happen happens, and whatever God does not will does not happen.  Nothing occurs in the heavens or on earth without the Will of God.

4- God is the Creator of Everything

…He has created everything, and has ordained for it a measure. (Quran 25:2)

In Islamic doctrine every human act both in material and spiritual life is predestined, yet it is incorrect to believe the action of fate is blind, arbitrary, and relentless. Without denying divine interference in human affairs, human liberty is kept intact.  It does not discount the principle of man’s moral freedom and responsibility.  All is known, but freedom is also granted.

Man is not a helpless creature borne along by destiny. Rather, each person is responsible for his acts.  Lethargic nations and individuals indolent to ordinary affairs of life are to blame themselves, not God.  Man is bound to obey the moral law; and he will receive merited punishment or reward as he violates or observes that law.

However, if such is so, man must have within his power the ability to break or keep the law.  God would not hold us responsible for something unless we were capable of doing it:

God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear. (Quran 2:286)

Belief in divine decree strengthens one’s belief in God.  A person realizes that God alone controls everything, so he trusts and relies on Him.  Even though a person tries his best, at the same time he relies on God for the final outcome.  His hard work or intelligence does not make him arrogant, for God is the source of all that comes his way.

Finally, a person attains peace of mind in the realization that God is the Wise and His Actions are dictated by wisdom.  Things don’t happen without a purpose.  If something reached him, he realizes it could never have escaped him.  If something misses him, he realizes it was never meant to be.  A man achieves an inner peace, inwardly at rest with this realization.

Source: Islam

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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Baltimore, Montgomery Schools Offer Muslim Students Halal Meals

  • New rules meet the dietary needs of Muslim students and promote a sense of belonging and inclusion.
  • CAIR encourages Muslim families to contact schools to express dietary preferences.

A local Muslim civil rights group has welcomed the decision by Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to Muslim students halal dietary options.

The Maryland office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also encouraged Muslim families to express dietary preferences to BCPS and MCPS school cafeteria managers, urging other school systems to adopt similar policies.

📚 Read Also: ‘Eat Pork or Go Hungry’: Muslims Criticize Single Menu in French Schools

“By offering halal meal options, school systems enable observant students to uphold their beliefs while participating fully in school activities, including lunchtime,” CAIR’s Maryland director Zainab Chaudry said in a statement.

“We welcome these developments as the availability of halal meals in public schools not only meets the dietary needs of Muslim students but also promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion.

“It contributes to creating an educational environment where students can thrive without compromising their religious values.”

The concept of halal — meaning permissible in Arabic — has traditionally been applied to food.

“As a former public school student, I know just how difficult it is to consistently have pizza for lunch because you have no other options,” said CAIR’s Legislative Intern Dua Hussain.

“Working on halal meals, however, has given me so much hope because we’re going to be seeing more options for these students’ meals.” 

Earlier in 2021, the Atlantic City school district began serving halal food five days a week at several elementary and high schools.

Also, in 2018, New York City public schools launched a one-million-dollar program to provide halal and kosher lunches to children.

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Islamic Adhan to Be Publicly Broadcast in NY without Permit

  • Mayor Eric Adams takes the historic decision to foster inclusivity and respect for all faiths.
  • The new rules apply to Fridays and at sundown during Ramadan.

Mosques across New York will be able to broadcast Adhan, or Muslim call to prayer, freely every Friday and throughout Ramadan under new guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams to foster a spirit of inclusivity.

Under the new rules, commissioned by Mayor Adams and New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Edward A. Caban, mosques will not need a special permit to publicly broadcast the Islamic call to prayer, or adhan, on Fridays, and at sundown during the holy month of Ramadan. 

📚 Read Also:   The Dream That Sparked The Adhan

“For too long, there has been a feeling that our communities were not allowed to amplify their calls to prayer,” said Mayor Adams in a statement.

“Today, we are cutting red tape and saying clearly that mosques and houses of worship are free to amplify their call to prayer on Fridays and during Ramadan without a permit necessary.

“We want our brothers and sisters of Muslim faith to know that they are free to live their faith in New York City because, under the law, we will all be treated equally. Our administration is proud to finally get this done.”

Historic Step

The Adhan is the call to announce that it is time for a particular obligatory Salah (ritual prayer).

The effort represents a historic step forward in Mayor Adams’ continued efforts to foster a city that respects all faiths and allows people to practice their traditions safely and free from harassment.

Muslims praised the mayor’s decision as contributing to greater understanding and appreciation of Muslims.

Surrounded by Muslim leaders at a City Hall news conference, Adams said Muslim New Yorkers “will not live in the shadows of the American dream while I am the mayor of the city of New York.”

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What Prophet Muhammed Says about Kindness to Animals

When we mention the religion of Islam, often the first word that comes to mind is peace.  The word Islam is derived from the infinitive ‘sa-la-ma‘ which also is the root for the word salam, which means peace.

Islam is a way of life that promotes peace, dignity, respect, tolerance, justice and mercy. All of these qualities are tempered with serenity (calmness) that comes from submission to Allah. Perhaps the greatest of these qualities is mercy.

It is one of the overriding themes throughout the Qur’an.

{Certainly, We have brought them a Book (the Qur’an) which We have explained in detail with knowledge, – guidance, and a mercy to a people who believe.}  (Al-A`raf 7: 52)

Mercy for all

Mercy is that ethereal quality that embodies gentleness, piety, care, consideration, love, and forgiveness.  When these qualities are observable in this world, they are a mere reflection of Allah’s mercy towards His creation.

Allah the Almighty said clearly that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a mercy for all creation, not just for his family and friends, for the Arab nation, for the people of his generation, or for human beings alone.

{And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for all creatures.}  (Al-Anbiya’ 21: 107)

Prophet Muhammad was the embodiment of mercy. He showed compassion to all those around him, family, orphans, friends, strangers and even enemies.

The Prophet also treated the environment and animals with respect and mercy.  He taught his followers that because animals were part of Allah’s creation they should be treated with dignity and due care.

The traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) remind us that humankind was put on this earth to be the custodian of Allah’s creation.  Treating animals with kindness and mercy is just one of the responsibilities embedded in that custodianship.

How to treat animals

Prophet Muhammad’s words and behavior make it clear that causing defenseless creatures pain and suffering is not only completely unacceptable, but we will also be answerable to Allah the Almighty for such actions.

“If someone kills a sparrow for fun, the sparrow will cry out on the Day of Judgment, ‘O Lord! That person killed me in vain!  He did not kill me for any useful purpose.'” (An-Nasa’i)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,

Whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, Allah will hold him accountable on the Day of Judgment.

The listeners asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is a just cause?”

He replied, “That he will kill it to eat, not simply to chop off its head and then throw it away.” (AnNasa’i)

Islam expects humankind to treat all animals (all living creatures – birds, sea creatures, and insects) with respect and dignity.  Prophet Muhammad continuously advised people to show kindness.

He forbade the practice of cutting tails and manes of horses, of branding animals at any soft spot, and of keeping horses saddled unnecessarily (Muslim). If the Prophet saw any animal over-burdened or ill-fed he would speak mildly to the owner and say, “Fear Allah in your treatment of animals.” (Abu Dawud)

Care for animals’ emotions

However, refraining from physical cruelty is not enough; abstaining from mental cruelty is equally important.

Even a bird’s emotional distress should be treated seriously.  One of Prophet Muhammad’s Companions narrates,

We were on a journey and during the Prophet’s absence, we saw a bird with its two chicks; we took them. The mother bird was circling above us in the air, beating its wings in grief.

When Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) returned he said,

Who has distressed this bird by taking its chicks?  Return them to her.” (Abu Dawud and Authenticated by Al-Albani)

Cruelty Is Condemned

In pre-Islamic times, pagan superstitions and polytheistic practices included acts of torture and cruelty to animals.  Islam condemned this and put a stop to all such practices.

When Prophet Muhammad and his Companions migrated to Madinah, they noticed that people used to cut off camels’ humps and the fat tails of sheep for food.  The Prophet forbade them from doing this and said,

“Whatever is cut off an animal while it is still alive, is carrion (i.e., unlawful to eat). (At-Tirmidhi)

In Islam, the rules pertaining to slaughtering animals are very strict.  Protecting animals from pain and undue suffering is paramount:

“Allah has ordained kindness (and excellence) in everything.  If the killing (of animals) is to be done, do it in the best manner, and when you slaughter, do it in the best manner, sharpen the knife and put the animal at ease.” (Muslim)

Humankind must strike a balance in their treatment of animals. All living creatures were put on this earth by Allah for our benefit.  They are not at the same level as human beings but neither should they be treated cruelly.

It is humankind’s responsibility to see that they have food, water, and shelter from the elements.  Living creatures must not be overburdened, abused, or tortured and doing so will surely result in Allah’s just punishment.

A true believer in Allah demonstrates his or her belief by respecting the entire creation, and Prophet Muhammad’s character and actions are a shinning example of respect for all that exists.

Taken with slight modifications from:

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Gossiping: Will You Pass The Triple Filter Test?

Gossiping and backbiting are very bad attributes of human nature which Islam frowns greatly upon. As such, we need to double check the news or information we spread out in order not to pass the wrong ones. How can we do this? Here is a quick test to help you avoid falling into this destructive sin.

📚 Read Also: How to Overcome Guilt of Gossiping

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In Memory of Mohammed Yahia, My Mentor

In the textile of life, he was the vibrant thread that wove through the fabric of my existence.

That is what friends are for“; that is what he would always say to me. His words were like a soothing balm for every ache in my heart. Each time I sought his wisdom, simply the solace of his brilliant mind to untangle the knots of my troubles, Mohammed would always be there, as my steadfast friend. And that continued to be the case for over 15 years.

Through the retreat and flow of life, we weathered the storms of separation: my relocation to different cities, his demanding and active schedule, the tango of family commitments. But never did our bond fray; it remained unbreakable, a lifelong stretching across time and distance. He was my confidant, a guardian of my secrets, guiding me through life’s maze without a grain of judgment.

The year 2007 painted an ordinary day with extraordinary shades, as my relationship with Mohammed transformed from being mere colleagues into trusted friends. Initially, this posed some challenges on a personal level, from my side, perhaps because his words used to resonate differently, etching meaning into every syllable.

Yet, within the span of a short time, my relationship with Mohammed and his soulmate Ola evolved into kindred spirits, colleagues, and friends whose paths refused to diverge, even as our professional avenues shifted. He possessed the gift of wisdom, seasoned with a sprinkle of humor and vulnerability.

He embraced life ardently, embracing its myriad hues. Fear was foreign to him; he courted risk,
like an old friend, entertained multiple solutions, and embraced the unknown with open arms and an even more open heart.

What is the loss?” he’d question whenever doubt clouded my decisions. What indeed, I now wonder. He sailed through life’s crests and troughs, never faltering in public view.

Though I am certain moments of vulnerability graced his soul, he navigated them with a serene mind, for he was a master of harmonizing chaos, forever dancing on the edge of settlement.

His passing is a testament that he attained his desired horizon. If prayers were whispered, he must have yearned for a departure as peaceful as the one he embraced—airborne, flying over the skies.

He soared, not bedridden or landlocked, but free as a bird, soaring towards aspirations, and perhaps the dawn of a new dream in a realm beyond our reach. I can almost feel the quiet exhalation of his soul from its earthly body, a departure met with tranquil acceptance, an essence of his character.

After about two decades intertwined with Mohammed’s essence, the hourglass of his time on Earth ran dry. From the contours of his life that I’ve traced, I harbor a belief that he now resides in a realm more amazing.

In his 41 years, he orchestrated a symphony of accomplishments—woven from dreams of career pinnacles, a family’s warm embrace, hearts touched by his light, a legacy etched into the pages of time. I pray for his connection with God was equally profound, and full of mercy.

As our paths now diverge temporarily, until we meet one day again. Mohammed leaves behind a treasury of moments, a trove of lessons, a mentorship that transcends the bounds of mortality. His encouragement fuels my journey; and his gentle nudges steer me away from false hopes.

If you never had the privilege of knowing him, allow me to introduce him, as he once did on LinkedIn:

“I am an editorial and publishing director with over 10 years of experience in producing
science-related publications aimed at different audiences. I have demonstrated experience
in people management and leadership and producing bespoke products for clients. I also
have expertise in media and communication on both social media and traditional media.
I currently lead the Springer Nature editorial operation in the Middle East and work closely
with the VP of Editorial and VP of Publishing as we produce several new science
publications both in English and Arabic.

I am also closely involved with the science journalists community, both regionally and
internationally. I am one of the founding members of the Arab Science Journalists.
Association, and am the past president of the World Federation of Science Journalists

Beyond his titles, he was an extraordinary soul, a gem that life graces us with infrequently.

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Thousands Await First MuslimFest in Ottawa

  • Thousands are expected to attend the first MuslimFest in Ottawa on September 3.
  • The festival will feature live shows, concerts, comedy, a bazaar, food, an art exhibition, and a fun village.
  • MuslimFest is an annual cultural festival that brings together Muslims from all over Canada.

The largest and the Top 100 festival in Ontario is coming to Ottawa, Ontario for the first time on Sunday, September 3.

The full-day event will include LIVE shows, concerts, comedy, Bazaar, food, an art exhibition, a fun village, and more.

📚 Read Also: MuslimFest 2023: Thousands Attend Colorful Event in Mississauga

It will take place at Ottawa Uyghur Center, 3555 St Joseph Blvd, from 1:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Those attending the event will have the chance to browse and shop at many unique vendors over the weekend. They will also enjoy special art performances by Muslim musicians and performers.

Ottawa festival is the latest in a MuslimFest tour across Canada. The annual festival took place earlier in London and Mississauga.

Muslim Fest is an annual cultural festival that brings together Muslims from all over Canada and even across the globe.

It is one of Ontario’s top 100 festivals, listed among the top 40 best festivals in North America by

Launched in 2004, Muslim Fest is a joint project of DawaNet and Sound Vision. Today, it is one of North America’s largest Muslim festivals, attracting over 30,000 attendees annually.

In addition, the event has received various local and national recognition recently. This includes the Best Social Media Campaign and Best Greening of Festival awards.

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6 Patterns of Narratives in the Quran

The Quran contains many narratives (qisas, singular qissah), referred to in the Quran itself:

{We do relate unto thee the most beautiful of stories} (Yusuf 12:3)

These narratives, which illustrate and underline important aspects of the Quranic message, fulfill their functions in a variety of ways. The following are some of the more common patterns:

1. Explaining the general message of Islam

2. Giving general guidance and a reminder

3. Strengthening the conviction of the Prophet and the believers

4. Reminding of the earlier prophets and their struggles

5. Indicating the continuity and truth of Muhammad’s message

6. Providing arguments against some opponents of Islam, such as Jews and Christians

Quran Stories:

As far as the contents of these narratives are concerned, one may, broadly speaking, distinguish between the following three kinds:

1. Stories of the prophets of Allah, their peoples, their message, their call, their persecution, etc., such as the narratives about Nuh (Ash-Shu`ra’ 26, Nuh 71), Musa (Al-Qasas 28), `Isa (Maryam 19) and many others

2. Other Quranic narratives about past people or events, such as the narratives about the Companions of the cave, or about Dhul Qarnain (Al-Kahf 18)

3. References to events that took place during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, such as the Battle of Badr (Aal `Imran 3:13), the Battle of Uhud (Aal `Imran 3:121-128), the Battle of Al-Ahzab (33: 9-27), the Night Journey (Al-Israa’ 17:1)

More Quran stories:

* Read also about 4 Stylistic Tools Used in the Quran

** This article is part of the author’s Ulum Al-Qur’an, Chapter 4: Form, Language and Style.

You may like to read also:

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Haram Money – (Nasheed by Omar Esa)

In this interesting nasheed, Omar Esa reminds us of the need to be mindful of the source of our wealth. We must refrain from any source that makes us earn haram money because it will turn us against Allah (SAW). Choose the righteous path by strengthening your connection with Allah (SWT) and trusting in His provision for our needs.

📚 Read Also: Computer Bought With Haram Money: Permissible To Use?

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How to Understand Fate and Free Will in Islam

Knowing limits and balances and honoring them is key to following Islam. There are many demands in life that sometimes appear to be in conflict with each other. Nevertheless, one has to negotiate carefully with different needs and tread a middle path.

One such balance to be maintained is acting on free will while having faith in fate. Some people out of arrogance say that they make their own fate, as if God has no role. And some go to the other extreme of saying that free will is an illusion, suggesting that our lives have no point.

Seeing Fate in a Positive Light

We experience the consequences of our actions as well as situations that we did not create ourselves. Sometimes we pay for some of our mistakes.

At times, we feel like we’re paying more than our due. We feel that we couldn’t have done much to avert this situation; we’ve just run into this. At those times we look to God for guidance and mercy. The best approach in such situations is to maintain patience and pray for help.

Most of us will probably live for sixty to seventy years. If everything is left to our whims and fancies, this might not be possible. For all the carelessness in my actions, I may ruin my life in a very short span. Fate can be considered as the guiding force in our life. It shapes and completes our life.

Belief in fate is actually the belief that our lives are in Safe Hands. It gives us solace during troubled times. This verse helps:

Say, nothing can befall us, except what God has ordained for us. He is our Supreme Lord. In God let the faithful put their trust. (Quran 9:51)

Be Responsible, but Seek Mercy

How we get to act on free will while at the same time remaining bound to fate is known only to God. God, in His Infinite Wisdom, can maintain this duality. We ought to have faith in both.

The knowledge of free will and its consequences makes us accountable and responsible. It teaches us to take control. Belief in fate teaches us to be composed in good and bad times.

The last verse in chapter 2 aptly throws light on this subject.

God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. It shall be requited for whatever good and whatever evil it has done. Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not place on us a burden like the one You placed on those before us… (Quran 2:286)

The verse starts with pointing towards God’s kindness and wisdom in not burdening any soul beyond its capacity. It continues with the inevitability of the consequences of our actions. But all hope is not lost when we err. There is always scope for mercy.

God teaches us to invoke His Kindness and Mercy with the most beautiful and wise words. Memorizing this verse and reciting it often will provide a strong and stable anchor for our lives.


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Dealing with Depression and Anxiety – Inspiring Stories

“Don’t cry, get over it. Where’s your iman anyway? We’re Muslims – we don’t get depressed. Trust Allah. In fact, you should fear Allah – what are you going to say on Judgment Day?”

Depression and anxiety are buzzwords of current times.

Nearly everyone knows someone who is struggling with extreme sadness for a myriad of reasons.

It is impossible to categorize those who go through difficult times in boxes; everyone has their own journey to traverse. But feelings of grief, sorrow and sadness are normal challenges that every person faces. This is something that Allah has already put in us.

Sadness becomes dangerous when it spirals out of control into depression and anxiety. But still, as far as the Quran is concerned, there is always a way out. Going down that path is not an irreparable representation of one’s level of faith. In fact, rising from it is a sign of one’s determination and effort to make amends in a bad situation.

The Challenge of Depression

While modern society is well-known to turn to medicinal drugs for repairing almost anything, the problems of the soul have also not been spared. In fact, it’s so common to hear that the same will “fix” whatever is broken, alluding to a belief that humans are in fact, broken and need constant repair.

The Quran takes quite the opposite perspective. Allah takes pride in the creation of the human being. He even requested the celebration of Adam amongst His worshippers at that time (the Jinn and Angels).

Allah continues to talk about Himself creating man in the best of stature in Surah At-Teen, after taking many oaths to prove His point.

Without even going into depth of these verses, as Muslims we accept Allah’s word as the truth; and therefore need to honor the fact that we were created with nobility and dignity. But it’s up to us to put in determination and effort to live up to His expectations amidst a world of temptations that could also be a source of depression and anxiety.

Through this lens, it becomes easier to see sadness, depression and anxiety, as realistic challenges of the human being. Therefore, it is not a sign of a weak iman, but an opportunity for a person who is dealing with obstacles to come closer to Allah’s Book in order to rise above adversities.

Tales of Sadness in the Quran

To prove this point, every sad story that is seen today, is in the Quran, providing solace for those who are in the midst of their struggles.

Not only does God take these excerpts very seriously, but He also transcribes worst-case scenarios in order for us to be reminded that whatever challenges we are facing cannot be compared from a pea to a carrot; because stories in the Quran are a lot more devastating than what we face today. This is not to belittle our own challenges, but to put the Mercy of Allah in perspective and to give us hope in His plan alone.

(Note: The below examples barely scratch the background, depth and morals of the stories; they are starting points for you to reconcile your challenges by looking them up in the Quran and consulting reputable scholars for help).

Dysfunctional Marriages Found in the Quran

If you’re struggling with a non-committal spouse, think of the wife of Lot; he was transgressing the laws of marriage between a man and woman.

If you’re struggling with a non-practicing husband or wife, think of the despair of Noah; he struggled for an insane number of decades with his family, including his wife.

And if your spouse is an abusive one, Asiyah, wife of Pharaoh, probably had the most tyrannical husband in the course of history.

Family Strains Are Also Normal

God commanded Noah to give up on his son of many years; so keep reaching out to your children as their books are still open for reconciliation.

Jacob had to deal with multiple sons who attempted to murder their younger brother.

Ibrahim was cast off into the wilderness to fend for himself. And probably no one has an uncle like Abu Jahl and had to deal with him the way Prophet Muhammad did.

In fact, when it comes to family relations, reading about the difficulties the first companions had when converting to Islam will help put difficulties into perspective. They too were cast out and had their ties cut with their own next of kin.

Their solution was to find their own ways out of the difficulty, to turn to Allah and to keep open lines of communications with their loved ones, in the event there was hope to mend broken bridges.

Again, Noah keeps coming up for his continuous da’wah efforts for 950 years.

Moses struggled endlessly with the stubbornness and ingratitude of Bani Israel, whom he would put his life down for.

Prophet Muhammad himself, came face-to-face with death during the battle of Uhud and the loss of 70 precious lives.

Different Circumstances Bring out Different Forms of Anxiety

If you’re worried about childcare, think about the mother of Moses throwing him into an apple basket as the soldiers of Pharaoh.

Think about the trials of the Man with Two Gardens in Surah Al-Kahf, for perspective. The Sleepers in the Cave faced challenges of temptation and assassination for their non-conformity. So if you’re struggling spiritually in an environment full of fitna, find solace in their story.

In dealing with a difficult pregnancy, a challenging birth environment, recall the du’a of Maryam when she was giving birth all on her own, without the knowledge of her family and people for fear of exile.

If you are concerned for your children, think of Hajar’s heart-wrenched soul, while running to and fro in the middle of the barren desert in search of water for her crying infant son.

And if you’re worried about becoming a social outcast, having a notorious past, difficulties finding a job, and just are spiritually, economically and socially deadbeat, (without even a spouse to provide emotional support) – or a combination of two or more of the above – think about Moses traversing the sands from Egypt and ending up in the deserts of Madyan after accidentally killing a man.

Part 2.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

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Allah’s Mercy is Always There, Learn How to Tap into It

I was speaking to a young man and through the conversation I heard him say, “I don’t make du`aa’ anymore.”

I asked him, “Why not?” and he replied, “I made du`aa’ for some things and I never got them so I just gave up!”

I asked him if he was happy in his life, he said, “Not really.” Then I asked him if he felt he needed the mercy of Allah in his life, and at that he replied very enthusiastically, “Of course I do!”

Think About It!

Now this made me think very deeply about some things in life. Is it right that we (mankind in general) go on expecting things from our Creator while we sit down passively, mostly just observing life and hardly doing anything for anyone else unless it somehow fits in with our scheme of things?

Is it right if a kid wants something from his mum and dad but he is doing and saying things they do not like, going out without their permission, dressing in an unacceptable way, not pulling his weight around the house, and so on, then he just come right out and ask for money, or new clothes, or whatever, and then grumble when they refuse, and perhaps adding how unfair life is and how very unreasonable they are?

Let’s look at it another way.

Imagine you had someone you called your friend but this person spoke badly about you behind your back and only came hanging around when he wanted something—then one day he comes to you and asks a big favor. Most likely you would tell him to forget it and simply ignore him if he started complaining.

So we all acknowledge that on the human level life is a matter of give-and-take; it’s a matter of rights and responsibilities.

What about your relation with your Creator?

Is it right that we enjoy the bounty of this marvelous creation and, even though everything was created for the benefit of man, we go ahead and make use of things for our own benefit and comfort without thinking of others?

Is it right to fail to give others their rights and expect our rights, and often fail to take care of the creation that Allah provided for us?

How often do you use things that you know will pollute the environment—the same environment that Allah created for you?

We are dropping litter, using chemicals, and generally tapping into the wasteful and excessive way of life in the modern world, without really thinking seriously about our responsibility to yourself, those around us, the world, and our Creator.

Then when we get sick because of the polluted and chemical-filled environment, you turn in desperation to the Lord of all asking for help and healing. Then as soon as we are well again, you go back to the old habits of misusing, if not destroying, the environment.

How Merciful Allah is!

Even though you keep making the same mistakes; even though you misuse yourself, others, and the world around you, He still comes to your aid! He, the Almighty, gives you enough opportunity to change, to see the errors of your ways and to make a fresh start.

Have you ever noticed how your body heals as does the environment? So where is your place in all this?

A person can drink alcohol and abuse his body until he gets liver disease—and then blame fate! Likewise a person could neglect the rights of his family and even abuse them when he is in the prime of his life and filled with strength, but when he gets old and is left alone and feeling lonely, he curses life and complains how difficult life is! Do you find that you sometimes do things like this?

Have you ever passed by a river that is polluted and said how awful it is that “mankind” destroys nature? But then haven’t you ever tipped chemicals down the sink that end up in the river system, and somewhere along the line, contributed to this awful state of pollution?

Be Responsible

What I want to say is that you have to be willing to take your responsibilities seriously. The first step is to realize that Allah has called upon mankind to be the caretakers of this world.

Allah the Almighty said:

{You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin what is good, and forbid what is wrong and you believe in Allah…} (Aal-`Imran 3:110)

We have to understand that the nature of this life is not just to make money and live a comfortable life of ease.

📚 Read Also: Anxious About Future? Check Prophet’s Advice to His Cousin

We have to be willing to give: to give to those around us, our family and friends and our communities; to participate in the voice of society that calls for justice; to speak out against violations against mankind and the earth.

When toxic waste is dumped, what do you do? Logging companies are allowed to destroy one of the last remaining rainforests on earth, what do you do about that? What is your stance when people are abused and oppressed? If your answer is “nothing.” Then you should think again.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever, among you, sees something abominable should rectify it with his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do so, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should (hate it) in his heart, and that is the least of Faith. “(Muslim)

The post Allah’s Mercy is Always There, Learn How to Tap into It appeared first on About Islam.
