Muslim Cyclist Travels Across 10 Countries to Raise Awareness on Global Warming

Environmental sustainability is very important in Islam. Thus, preserving environment is grounded in honoring the relationship between oneself, Allah, and Allah’s creation. 

Allah says in the Qur’an, It is He who has appointed you vicegerent on the Earth … (Qur’an, 6:165)

In what seems to be in line with the above Quranic verse, a French Muslim cyclist has arrived Turkey in his global trek across 10 countries to raise awareness about global warming and its dangers, particularly among Muslims.

Nabil Ennasri, 41, a French citizen of Moroccan descent, began his biking trek in Paris and is due to finish his journey in the holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Anadolu Agency reported.

Starting his journey on April 22, Ennasri reached Turkey after cross through 10 countries, travelling 2,850 kilometers (1,771 miles) so far.

📚 Read Also: Environment & Ecology in Holy Qur’an

“My goal is to warn people, particularly the Muslim community, about global warming and about the fact that we have to face this most important challenge of our generation,” he explained.

The cyclist entered Turkey from Edirne, a Turkish city in the west of Istanbul. He was very excited to retrace the traditional journey of Muslim pilgrims.

Praising Edirne’s Selimiye Mosque, he called it “one of the most beautiful mosques in Türkiye and an important Islamic heritage site.”

“So, history is going to speak to me now personally. Hence, I am living every moment of the historical Ottoman Empire, which played a great role in Muslim history.”

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Ennasri will continue to the Mediterranean province of Antalya in the south before taking a plane to Jordan to continue his journey.

The post Muslim Cyclist Travels Across 10 Countries to Raise Awareness on Global Warming appeared first on About Islam.


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