5 Ways to Help the Needy This Winter

As a group, Muslims are exemplary in alms-giving and and providing services to those in need. Charity is built into our Sunnah.

During these exceptionally difficult winter season, we can push a little to give more and commit to some proven effective long term measures that reduce suffering.

Homeless people, refugees and those who have been reduced to begging on the streets are certainly in dire need.

Imagine the pitiful conditions of street children during these days when the temperature drops below zero.

So as winter bites, here are five ways to help people desperately in need:

You can do these!

1 – Start with a Smile

It’s one of the simplest charities many poor people crave for. Maybe you can’t do anything for them today, but this one, you can do. Smile and let them know, “I’m sorry I can’t today,” but believe in your heart that inshaAllah you will do something.

Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” Prophet Muhammad, On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree,  [Muslim]

2 – Feed Someone

Add a meal to that smile. It’s that simple. Headed to lunch? Pick up something extra and gift it to someone in need. Feeding someone by your hand is loaded with barakah and humbling. 

3 – Provide Some Relief

Many organizations are now encouraging individuals to create and distribute their own emergency relief packages. The idea is simple yet ingenious. Take a gently used purse, tote or backpack and fill it with essentials that homeless and people in need can’t readily access. Fill your relief package with:

  • Toiletries (multipurpose soap, good moisturizer for winter, pads for women, travel tooth brush, nail cutters, hand wipes are always super appreciates, etc.)
  • Warm Socks and Gloves
  • Shelf Stable Snacks (Peanut butter, cheese, tuna, granola bars, chocolate is always appreciated and good for you too!)
  • Gift Cards to Local Groceries
  • Reusable Water Bottle 

4 – Donate

It’s the easiest and often most effective way to give. Choose one of the many tireless charities supporting homeless people, refugees and street children. Commit to supporting them for at least three to six months through an automatic process of donating. You can also donate clothes, not only money.

Empty Your Closet

But don’t give it all to charity and thrift shops. Take warmer items and staples (such as jeans and sneakers) to homeless shelters or refugee services that are accepting such donations. If you can afford to purchase a few warm things to donate, go ahead and do that too.

5 – Volunteer

With the increase in need comes the increase in work to be done. Shelters are full to capacity, needing cleaning and other hands. Donated items don’t bundle and distribute themselves. There is loads of work you can do to help homeless people, refugees, street children, and those in most need. Have a brisk walk or drive to one of the services in your area, join up and volunteer.

It’s challenging to track how many homeless people die during these harsh months, but deaths are only part of the problem. The grim elements also contribute to many other problems.

“We know that while people won’t necessarily be dying of hypothermia, any extreme weather conditions exacerbate existing health problems and makes those underlying problems like mental health or addiction more difficult to cope with,” John Clifton, Salvation Army Captain.

While you can start helping now, while the need is highest, know that some of these efforts may go towards decreasing suffering next year and those after. Truly every little bit can help.

The post 5 Ways to Help the Needy This Winter appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/muslims-4-humanity/5-ways-to-help-the-needy-this-winter/

Do You Put Your Time to Good Use?

{It is He who made the sun a shining radiance and the moon a light, determining phases for it so that you might know the number of years and how to calculate time. Allah did not create all these without a true purpose; He explains His signs to those who understand.

In the succession of night and day, and in what Allah created in the heavens and earth, there truly are signs for those who ward off (evil).} (Yunus 10:5-6)

Time is a great blessing of Allah. It is also His blessing that He taught us the ways to calculate time and to know the number of months and years. Calculation of time is part of human civilization and culture. It helps us to keep track of time for our worship, work and life. It helps us to learn about the past and plan for the future.

Islam gives a lot of importance to time and reminds the believers to be conscious of time in their life. Islam does not emphasize only the calculation of time but it gives a lot of importance to quality of time. We should not only count time but also make our time countable.

A precious gift

Unfortunately we human beings waste a lot of our precious time. It is said that in a lifetime the average American spends about 184,000 hours (almost 21 years) watching television and/or surfing the internet. We also spend about 2-3 years’ time opening the junk mail or reading and deleting junk emails.

A wise man once asked, ‘What is the most valuable thing on earth for a human being? And what is the worst thing on earth for a human being?’ For both the answer he gave was, ‘Time.’ Everything in this world, he said, is acquired in time. By losing time we lose everything, even ourselves.

Allah Almighty reminds us in the Quran that in the movement of time and in the succession and variation (ikhtilaf) of the days and nights there are signs for those who wish to be mindful of Allah and grateful to Him (Al-Furqan 25:62).

Each one of us has 24 hours every day at our disposal. There are those who use their time wisely and accomplish a lot. There are also those who waste their time.

Time is a non-renewable and non-replaceable resource. If you lose your money you may get it back; if you lose any of your possessions you may find them or replace them, but no one can get back the time that is gone.

Time in the Quran

Surat Al-`Asr is a very short Surah. It does not take much time to read it or to memorize it. However, it gives a very profound lesson and carries with it volumes of meanings. The whole human history is a witness to what is said in this Surah. Allah says,

{By the (passing) time, man is [deep] in loss, except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness.} (Al-`Asr 103)

In several other Surahs we are reminded about the passing nature of time and how important it is to pay attention to every day and night, nay to every moment. Allah says:

{By the daybreak, by the Ten Nights, by the even and the odd, by the passing night—is this oath strong enough for a person of reason?} (Al-Fajr 89:1-5)

{By the enshrouding night, by the radiant day, by His creation of male and female! The ways you take differ greatly.} (Al-Lail 92:1-4)

{By the morning hours and by the night when it grows still.} (AD-Duha 93:1-2)

The post Do You Put Your Time to Good Use? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/refine-your-heart/advice/time-blessing-trust/

5 formas de saber que Allah te ama

¿Cómo saber si Allah te ama? Es una pregunta muy común, especialmente en tiempos de dificultad, pero hay varios signos que nos pueden ayudar a responderla. Estas cinco formas de saber si dios nos ama no son las únicas ni excluyentes de otras, pero si las encontramos, entonces es porque Allah nos ama y quiere lo mejor para nosotros.  

1. Allah te dará las habilidades y recursos para ayudar a los demás

Una de las formas de acercarnos a Allah es ayudando a los demás. Cuando Allah ama y quiere el bien para alguien lo pone en una situación en que puede ayudar a los demás, ya sea con su tiempo, su dinero, su conocimiento o cualquier otras cosa.

Todo cuanto tenemos viene de Allah y él reparte Su provisión como quiere. Si Dios te ha dado recursos económicos, si te ha dado fuerza o conocimiento o salud, o cualquier otro bien, es para que lo uses buscando aquello que te acerca a Él. Y una forma de hacer esto es ayudar a los demás.

Por lo tanto, cada vez que nos encontramos en una situación en la que podemos ayudar a alguien, es un signo de que Allah te ama puesto que te está dando la oportunidad de hacer aquellas obras que te acercan a Él. Y cuanto más ayudamos a los demás, más cerca de Dios estamos. 

Estos regalos de Allah también pueden ser pruebas. Que sea un prueba o una bendición depende de cómo los usemos. 

2. Si Allah te ama, te pondrá a prueba

Los Profetas son las personas que Allah más ama y las que más aprueba a puesto. En un famoso Hadiz, el Profeta, que la paz sea con él dijo después de ser preguntado quienes son las personas que más son puestas a prueba:

Los Profetas, luego los siguientes mejores y los siguientes mejores. Una persona es probada según su compromiso religioso. Si es firme en su compromiso religioso, será probado más severamente, y si es frágil en su compromiso religioso, su prueba será de acuerdo con su compromiso. Las pruebas continuarán afligiendo a una persona hasta que la dejen caminando sobre la tierra sin pecado sobre ella.

Sunan Ibn Mayah

Cuando Dios nos pone a prueba es para nuestro bien, es un signo de que quiere el bien para nosotros y una forma de saber que Allah te ama. Las pruebas pueden ser de dos tipos, o una dificultad o un momento de abundancia.

Cuando pasamos por una dificultad, entonces tenemos la oportunidad de mostrar nuestra paciencia, perseverancia y confianza en Dios y nuestras faltas son perdonadas.

Cuando pasamos por un momento de facilidad, tenemos las oportunidad de mostrar nuestra generosidad y agradecimiento, y buenas obras son escritas en nuestro libro. Allah dice en  el Corán:

Y tened por cierto que os pondremos a prueba con temor, hambre, pérdida de riqueza, personas y frutos. Pero anuncia buenas nuevas a los pacientes. Aquéllos que cuando les ocurre alguna desgracia dicen: “De Allah somos y a Él hemos de volver”. Bendiciones de su Señor y misericordia se derramarán sobre ellos. Son los que están guiados.

Corán, 2:155

3. Si Dios te ama, te dará conocimiento

El conocimiento nos acerca a Dios y esto no lleva a tener más Taqwa -conciencia reverencial de Dios- y esto a su vez nos lleva a tener más conocimiento. Allah dice en el Corán:

Y temed a Allah, y Allah os enseñará. Allah es Conocedor de cada cosa.

Corán, 2:182

El conocimiento nos lleva temor de Allah y esto nos lleva actuar rectamente y hacer buenas obras. Como hemos visto esto en sí es otra forma en la que Allah muestra que te ama.

El conocimiento nos lleva a la reflexión, y la reflexión sobre la creación y sobre nosotros mismos a la admiración de Dios, y esto a amarle nosotros más a Él y Él a nosotros.

4. Allah siempre responde a nuestras oraciones

Allah siempre responde a nuestras oraciones. Esto es un signo de para saber que Allah te ama. Pero esto no quiere decir que aquellos que queremos se materialice al instante. 

Dios tiene varias formas de responder a nuestra oraciones. Podemos pedirle algo y que Él nos lo niegue. Pero su negación es también una respuesta. La razón por la que nos lo niega, Él la conoce mejor, pero si nos lo niega es porque no es bueno para nosotros, y esto lo hace porque nos ama y quiere lo mejor.

La segunda es que su respuesta sea: no todavía. Puede que lo que pidamos en este momento no nos sea de beneficio o nos cause un perjuicio por lo que Dios nos lo dará, pero no ahora. A veces, esto incluye que nos lo guarde para la Próxima vida

Y la tercera es que nos responda a lo que pedimos y nos los de.

Como dice el Hadiz:

No hay musulmán que pida a Allah sin cometer faltas ni cortar los lazos familiares, sino que Allah le dé una de estas tres respuestas: cumplirá rápidamente su súplica, la guardará para él en el Más Allá o desviará de él un mal”. Dijeron: “En ese caso, pediremos más”. El Profeta dijo: “Allah tiene aún más”.

Musnad Ahmad

5. Tener un buen final

El quinto signo para saber que Allah te ama es que nos dará un buen final, una buena muerte. 

The post 5 formas de saber que Allah te ama appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/es/creencia-y-espiritualidad/5-formas-de-saber-que-allah-te-ama/

Comment un couple musulman se lie-t-il en mariage ?

Allah (Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) décrit la beauté du lien sacré du mariage dans le Saint Coran:

« Et parmi Ses signes Il a créé de vous, pour vous, des épouses pour que vous viviez en tranquillité avec elles et Il a mis entre vous de l’affection et de la bonté. Il y a en cela des preuves pour des gens qui réfléchissent. » (30:21)

En Islam, les deux conjoints ne forment pas seulement «un couple» lorsqu’ils se lient en mariage. En fait ils l’ont toujours été. Comment ?

Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) a créé Eve à partir d’une côte d’Adam, et donc les femmes et les hommes sont littéralement issues les unes des autres dès le tout début.

Mais pourquoi tant d’hommes et de femmes ne respectent-ils pas ce lien matrimonial sacré et le brisent-ils soit en mettant fin au contrat, soit en vivant sous le même toit sans tendresse ni pitié ?

Le mariage islamique « Nikâh » est un processus à mettre au point selon une procédure bien distincte, sinon vous pourriez vous retrouver avec un mariage totalement différent de ce à quoi vous aspiriez. De plus, les droits et les devoirs doivent être clairement définis et déterminés.

Faisons la lumière sur les procédures relatives au mariage islamique.

Le choix de l’âme sœur  

Pour qu’un mariage réussisse, il doit commencer par un choix judicieux. Le Prophète (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a dit :

« Lorsque vient à vous pour demander la main (de votre fille), celui dont vous êtes satisfait de sa religion et de son comportement, alors mariez-la-lui. Si vous ne le faites pas il y aura sur la terre une épreuve et un grand désordre ». (At-Tirmidhî)

Il (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a également dit :

« On demande la main d’une femme pour quatre raisons : ses biens, sa noblesse, sa beauté et son degré de religion. Choisis celle qui est pieuse, tu seras gagnant. » (Al-Boukhârî et Mouslim)

Donc, à vous d’abord de définir vos priorités, tout en commençant la recherche par la religiosité et le bon caractère. Cela ne veut point dire que votre conjointe ne soit pas belle ou nantie. N’optez surtout pas au compromis lorsqu’il s’agit de la religiosité et du bon caractère.

Accord mutuel entre les deux mariés

Les deux futurs mariés doivent donner leur consentement au mariage et il est interdit en Islam de forcer quiconque à se marier, le contrat est inéluctablement annulé si tel est le cas.

Les deux mariés ont la liberté de définir les divers termes et les différentes conditions générales de leur choix et d’en faire partie de ce contrat.

Si en tout état de cause un divorce est requis par la suite, il est recommandé qu’ils fassent de leur mieux pour résoudre leurs problèmes, et s’ils veulent toujours mettre fin au mariage, ce qui est permis puisque le contrat de mariage en Islam n’est pas un sacrement ; mais, il est révocable.

Le don de mariage « mahr »

Le don de mariage « mahr » fait à la mariée par son conjoint est une injonction divine et une partie essentielle du contrat. Allah (Soubhanahou Wa Ta`âla) dit :

« Et donnez aux épouses leur mahr, de bonne grâce. » (4 : 4)

Le « mahr » est un engagement symbolique de la responsabilité du mari envers sa femme et peut être payé en espèces, en biens ou en objets mobiliers à la mariée elle-même.

Le taux de « mahr » n’est pas légalement spécifié, cependant, la modération selon la norme sociale existante est recommandée.

Et le « mahr » peut être payé immédiatement à la mariée au moment du mariage, ou différé à une date ultérieure, ou bien combiner les deux alternatives. Le « mahr » différé devient cependant dû en cas de décès ou de divorce.

La mariée exprime son consentement « ’ijâb » à contracter le mariage et le mari exprime l’acceptation de la responsabilité «qouboul» lors de la cérémonie de mariage.

Le contrat est écrit et signé par les deux conjoints et leurs deux témoins respectifs. Ce contrat de mariage écrit «`Aqd-an-Nikâh » est ensuite annoncé publiquement.

Le sermon « khouttbat-an-Nikâh »

L’assemblée de « Nikâh » commence par un sermon de mariage « khouttbat-an-Nikâh » par le musulman officiant le mariage.

D’habitude, dans les sociétés musulmanes, un juge musulman nommé par l’État « Qâdî » officie la cérémonie de « Nikâh » et tient un registre du contrat de mariage. Cependant, tout musulman pratiquant de confiance, peut diriger la cérémonie de « Nikâh », car l’islam ne préconise pas la prêtrise.

Les documents du contrat certificat de mariage sont déposés auprès de la mosquée « masjîd » et du gouvernement local pour enregistrement. Il est de la Sunna du Prophète Mohammad (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam), de faire livrer un sermon sur ce lien matrimonial sacré à l’assemblée afin de célébrer le mariage.

Le sermon exhorte la mariée et le marié, ainsi que les invités qui assistent à l’assemblée, à une vie de piété, d’amour mutuel, de gentillesse et de responsabilité sociale.

Le « Khouttbat-an-Nikâh » commence par la louange d’Allah, suivie de la demande de Son aide et de Sa guidance, puis, la confession de foi musulmane, à savoir : «Il n’y a personne digne d’adoration sauf Allah et Mohammed est Son serviteur et messager» est déclarée. Y sont récités également ces trois versets coraniques (4.1, 3.102, 33.70-71) et ce hadith prophétique :

« Certes je jure que je suis celui d’entre vous qui a le plus peur d’Allah et celui qui a le plus de taqwa mais moi je jeûne et je romps, je prie et je dors et je me marie avec des femmes. Celui qui s’écarte de ma sounna ne fait pas partie de moi ». (Al-Boukhârî)

Un acte d’adoration

Le musulman officiant la cérémonie de mariage conclut la cérémonie par une prière « Du`â’ » en faveur des deux mariés, leurs familles respectives, la communauté musulmane locale et la oumma islamique musulmane dans son ensemble.

Le mariage est considéré comme un acte d’adoration « `ibâdah ». Il est préférable de conduire la cérémonie, ayant une dimension à la fois sociale et religieuse, dans une mosquée en toute simplicité, étant donné que l’Islam prône la simplicité dans les cérémonies et les célébrations. De plus, le Prophète (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) considérait les mariages simples comme les meilleurs.

« Le meilleur mariage est celui qui suscite le moins de trouble et requiert les moindres dépenses ». (Michkât)

Exigences principales

1. Accord mutuel « ‘Ijâb-wa-Qouboul » entre les deux mariés.

2. Deux témoins adultes et sensés.

3. Le don de mariage « Mahr » à payer par le marié à la mariée immédiatement « mou`ajjal » ou différé « mou’akhkhar », ou une combinaison des deux.

Exigences secondaires

1. Tuteur légal « wakîl » représentant la mariée : il est à conseiller à la musulmane convertie de trouver un tuteur pour la représenter même si elle n’en a pas. Par exemple, un ami proche du mari ou un imam local, etc., car cela protégera mieux ses droits et la rendra moins vulnérable.

2. Contrat de mariage écrit « `Aqd-an-Nikâh » signé par les deux mariés devant deux témoins adultes et sensés.

3. Le juge musulman nommé par l’État « Qâdi » ou « Ma’zoun » (Le responsable qui officie la cérémonie de mariage)

4. Le sermon du mariage « Khoutbat-an-Nikâh » pour célébrer le mariage.

Le banquet de mariage « Walîma »

Après la consommation du mariage, le marié organise un banquet appelé « wâlima » auquel parents, proches, voisins et amis sont invités afin de célébrer le mariage et le rendre public et connu de tous. Les riches tout comme les pauvres de la famille et de la communauté sont invités aux noces. Le Prophète (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a dit:

« Les pires des banquets sont ceux de mariage auxquelles les riches sont invités au détriment des pauvres ». (Michkât)

Une vie heureuse pleine de tendresse et de miséricorde ?

Une fois ces procédures suivies et les droits et devoirs de chacun des deux conjoints, sont clairement définis et déterminés, le signal vert est donné pour commencer une vie maritale heureuse et fructueuse.   

Le mari doit subvenir aux besoins de sa femme et la traiter avec tendresse et miséricorde. L’épouse, elle, s’applique à combler son mari de joie et à le satisfaire, tout en le traitent avec tendresse, miséricorde et respect. Ainsi, la maison serait un endroit paisible où les deux conjoints se sentent heureux et en sécurité et satisfaits d’être ensemble. Le Prophète (Sallah Allah Alayhi Wa Sallam) a dit:

« Chacun de vous est un tuteur et est responsable de ses charges. Le souverain qui a autorité sur les gens, est un tuteur et en est responsable, un homme est le tuteur de sa famille et en est responsable; une femme est gardienne de la maison et des enfants de son mari et en est responsable; un esclave est le gardien des biens de son maître et en est responsable; vous êtes donc tous tuteurs et responsables de vos charges. » (Al-Boukhârî)

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source https://aboutislam.net/fr/comment-un-couple-musulman-se-lie-t-il-en-mariage/

5 Things I Learned in Christianity I Found in Islam

I was born into a mixed family. Not racially but religiously.

My father was something of an agnostic atheist and my mother was a deeply religious Catholic. So I was raised Catholic.

When I say I was raised Catholic, I don’t mean your typical Christmas and Easter Mass Catholic. I was raised really Catholic.

In our house, church was a must at least once a week. We prayed the rosaries as a family on a regular basis and every time we traveled.

Birth control was not an option and so I have five siblings. And my 5 siblings and I attended Catholic school, youth group and catechism as an additional study of our faith.

When I started to learn about Islam in my late teens, I recognized many things I had learned from my Catholic upbringing. This made sense as I came to learn that Islam was not a different religion; it’s a rectifying of the original message of all the Prophets.

As I studied more, I learned that even though the Bible had been changed by man, there are still some remnants of Jesus’ original message and traditions that have lasted to today. These are some things that I learned as a Catholic that I found in Islam:

Dark Mark on Forehead

After her catechism classes, my mother would come home and share what she learned. At one particular class, Revelations and the end of days was the topic of discussion.

And so she came home that day very thoughtful and said she had learned that close to the Day of Judgment, we will know who the people of God are by a dark mark on the forehead.

Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” (Revelations 7:3)

The first time I ever saw a Muslim with a dark mark on his forehead from making sujud (prostration) frequently, it hit me. The people of God have a dark mark on their forehead because of their devotion to the worship of God in prayer and prostration.

The People of the Cave in Surah al Kahf

There is a little known story in Christianity about the seven sleepers. It has been made into a fairy tale about a man named Rip van Winkle. But the story in Christianity goes much differently.

In Christianity, it is said that there were seven righteous youths who lived in a land ruled by a tyrant. The tyrant condemned these righteous young men to death for refusing idolatry and instead worshiping God alone.

After this judgment, the ruler gave the young men a few days to reconsider their religion.

The young men, refusing to give up their faith, took refuge in a cave where they fell asleep. And God made them sleep for 300 years in order to protect them.

In Surah 18 of the Quran, the same account of the young righteous men who slept for many years is told. And any inaccuracies that where added through the years are corrected.

[Mention] when the youths retreated to the cave and said, “Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.

So We cast [a cover of sleep] over their ears within the cave for a number of years.

Then We awakened them that We might show which of the two factions was most precise in calculating what [extent] they had remained in time.

It is We who relate to you, [O Muhammad], their story in truth. Indeed, they were youths who believed in their Lord; and We increased them in guidance. (18:10-13)


Most Christians are raised with iconography of Mary, the mother of Jesus (peace be upon him), wearing hijab. But few realize it is a command in the Bible.

Yes, if she refuses to wear a head covering, she should cut off all her hair! But since it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or her head shaved, she should wear a covering.” (Corinthians 11:6)

This decree can also be witnessed in the Quran:

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (33:59)

Facing the East to Pray

In a traditional Latin Mass, the priest offers mass facing the same direction as the people, because he and the people together are worshiping God. The priest and the community are all facing what is called ad orientum (meaning toward the east).

This ad orientum is no longer practiced in most churches; it is a tradition that is a striking similarity to the way the Muslims stand behind the Imam (leader) all facing the same direction toward the East and worshiping God.

Jesus’s Prayer

The time and way in which Jesus is said to have prayed in the Bible are similar to the way the Muslims still pray today.

Fajr– the time of prayer that begins at day-break and lasts until sunrise.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

Sujud – Prostration

And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying; “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:39)

Ruku’-Bowing and Sujud-Prostration

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” (Psalm 95:6)

As Muslims, we believe in Jesus’ virgin birth, that he will come back to earth, that Jesus was a man and a Prophet. We believe in his message that God sent him with. And we know that throughout the ages man has changed the message of Jesus and the Bible. But we can still see remnants of Jesus’ original faith when we put it side by side with Islam.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

The post 5 Things I Learned in Christianity I Found in Islam appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/5-things-i-learned-in-christianity-i-found-in-islam/

You Need Salah (Prayer) to Spiritually Breathe

“Prayer is oxygen for the heart.” I’ve heard Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed refer to this several times when she is speaking on different spiritual matters. Just as our bodies need oxygen to survive, our hearts need salah (prayer) so our faith can survive.

Think about that for a while.

How Long Can You Hold Your Breath For?

A quick internet search tells us that humans can hold their breath for anything between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. More than that and death could potentially be imminent.

The same goes for our faith. We should all be fulfilling our 5 daily prayers but if we are regularly skipping salah it’s like holding our breath. It will lead to spiritual discomfort and, eventually, distress.

And when we are in distress, the need to take in more oxygen is even more acute.

No one Can Do it For You

You can’t ask your parents to do it for you. You can’t ask your friends to do it for you. And you can’t pay anyone to do it for you. You must do it for yourself. That applies to both breathing and prayer.

Our need for oxygen is so vital to our survival that it’s an involuntary action. You don’t need to think about it and you don’t forget to do it. The same should be true for our prayer.

It should be such an integral part of our lives that we do it out of pure habit, we should feel pulled towards it. We should start to feel uncomfortable when we become lazy.

Our prayer is our connection to Allah.

No prayer, no connection. No oxygen, no life.


This life is a test. Some of us will get off lightly, others will be tested with greater difficulties. This is all part of Allah’s plan.

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. (Quran 2:155)

Have you ever heard of these sayings, “to be thrown in at the deep end” or “to sink or swim”?

We use these sayings when someone has experienced an unexpected hardship. Both refer to being able to rise to surface and breathe. In other words, overcome your difficulty and survive. To fail would be to drown.

Sink or Swim?

There are times when Allah will throw us in at the deep end to test our faith. Do we sink or swim?

Do you neglect your prayers when life is hectic or difficult or do you guard your prayer and turn to Allah with even more faith?

If you choose to neglect your salah, you are essentially cutting off your oxygen supply. Evidently, this will make matters worse.

Your struggle will be more intense.

But if you choose to turn to Allah, remain faithful to Him in times of hardship then, eventually, you will rise to the surface and experience that gulp of air that brings relief, gratitude and joy.

Take Deep Breaths

What about those who do faithfully perform their 5 prayers? How should they approach life’s difficulties if they are already “breathing”?

If you have ever experienced a breathing difficulty, a panic attack (or even the common cold), it was not because you chose not to breathe. Sometimes life throws us a calamity which completely takes our breath away.

And what advice are we given in that case?

“Take nice deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth.” We pay special attention to how we breathe until the situation eases.

With life, it is the same. When times are tough, pay special attention to your prayer. In fact, several times in the Quran, Allah specifically tells us to approach our problems with patience and prayer.

Seek Allah’s help with patient perseverance and prayer. It is indeed hard except for those who are humble. (2:45)

Oh you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere. (2:153)

A Spiritual Oxygen Mask

Personally, I have experienced panic and anxiety. My breathing becomes erratic and I feel completely suffocated.

In these times of distress, I remember Allah by slowly repeating His Names or reciting some verses of the Quran. This provides me with focus and encourages me to control my breathing.

I like to think of it as a spiritual oxygen mask.

In this case, prayer gives me relief physically and spiritually; my body starts to calm down and my heart remembers that, whatever my worry, Allah is my rescue and relief.

The Sweetness of Salah

Prayer is our regular time out from our daily routine. We perform ablution, tidy our appearance and stand quietly at our prayer mat.

The prayer will always be there, it will always be our refuge, our time with Allah to just breathe.

And when we are sad, afraid, anxious, then our prayer can be that glorious gasp for air as we reach the water’s surface.

No one knows you better than Allah, when you turn to Him in prayer, you can be assured that you don’t need words to tell Him how you feel, there are never any misunderstandings.

So when you stand on your prayer mat, pour out your worries, set down any burdens you may be carrying.

Supplicate at any time of the day or night for:

Verily, in the remembrance of God [men’s] hearts do find their rest. (Quran 13:28)

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/you-need-prayer-to-spiritually-breathe/

Top Heart-warming Acts of Humanity in 2021

It’s always inspiring to hear about stories of people who spread love and spirit of giving, extending gentle arms of mercy to the poor and needy.

Looking back at 2021, here are some inspiring stories of generosity during the year which were popular with our readers.

Muslim Doctor Clears Cancer Patients’ $650,000 Debts

American Muslim doctor Omar Atiq wiped out medical fees of cancer patients after realizing many of them were unable to pay the bills.

Muslim Taxi Driver Hailed for Returning £12K to Pensioner

A Muslim taxi driver won praise and thumbs up, thus becoming a hero, after returning life savings to an elderly pensioner, who fell victim to a scam.

“Keep Them Warm” – Muslim Charities Launch Winter Appeals

As millions of people face the dreadful season, several Islamic charities launched appeals to help the vulnerable during difficult time of winter.

Sadio Mané Donates $693,000 to Fund Hospital in Senegal

Liverpool Muslim forward Sadio Mané made a generous donation of $693,000 (£500,000) to help fund the construction of a hospital in his hometown of Bambali in Senegal.

Cambridge Muslim Brother & Sister ‘Saved Lives’ with Food Deliveries

Fulfilling this Islamic tenet, Shahida Rahman and Kal Karim decided to do something to help people survive the difficult time, saving many lives who were not able to provide for food while struggling with health issues.

Raising Funds for Charity, UK Muslim Runs 313Km While Fasting

A British Muslim man ran 313 km from Oldham to London while fasting Ramadan to raise funds for a local UK charity.

Fasting 10-Year-Old Boy Cooks for Poor during Ramadan

A 10-year-old boy from London cooked meals for the poor while fasting during Ramadan to raise money for a UK Muslim charity.

The post Top Heart-warming Acts of Humanity in 2021 appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/special-coverage-news/top-heart-warming-acts-of-humanity-in-2021/

Islamic Etiquette and Rulings for Winter

Any special rulings for winter?

It is winter time; short days and long nights; a lot of rains, winds and snow in some areas. Are there any Islamic teachings related to this season?

Join this beautiful discussion by Sheikh Yaser Birjas explaining how a Muslim could make use of the short days and long nights of winter; the rules related to prayers and purification in winter; the etiquette of dealing with heavy rain and strong winds.

More from Sheikh Yaser Birjas:

The post Islamic Etiquette and Rulings for Winter appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/shariah/shariah-and-humanity/shariah-and-life/islamic-etiquette-rulings-winter/

AboutIslam in 2021: Thank You for Your Support

As the year 2021 comes to an end, AboutIslam takes the opportunity to send a THANK YOU message of appreciation to its global audience, network and supporters.

“We can’t thank you enough for supporting our website during this difficult year. With your trust, donations and encouragement, this year, with all its challenges, has turned out to be the best year since the inception of Aboutislam.net in 2016,” said Tarek Ezzat, AboutIslam’s Discover Islam managing editor.

“With over 28.5 million page views in 2021, traffic to the website increased by more than 40% compared to last year, Al-Hamdulel-Allah,” he added.

📚 Read Also: AboutIslam Helps 18 People Take Shahadah This Year

“Despite many difficulties, the year 2021 was of huge success to About Islam website, with many people taking shahada as new Muslims with the website councilors.

“This year, with Allah’s permission, and with your support, we helped 46 people take shahadah on-line through our Live Chat service, compared to 20 new shahadahs in 2020. All praise be to Allah,” Ezzat said.

“Your generous donations this year, since our first campaign in Ramadan, exceeded £8,000 which has helped the site cover part of its fixed and variable costs.

“May Allah reward you all for your on-going support.”

Launched in January 2016,AboutIslam aims to help Muslims around the world grow in faith and spirituality, while at the same time lead productive lives,

Though the main portal is currently in English, the website also has several inspiring contents and pages in both French and Spanish languages as part of its global dash efforts.

“We pray that 2022 will be an even better year for all that Aboutislam.net continues to offer its visitors and loyal audience what they need to grow in faith, spirituality, and love for Allah.”

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source https://aboutislam.net/muslim-issues/world/aboutislam-in-2021-thank-you-for-your-support/

Swap Your Sins With Good Deeds

We have to be conscious that everything we do is being written down. If we repent and follow it with good deeds then the sins will be forgiven by Allah!

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/swap-sins-good-deeds/

Avoid These 7 Sins

We all know that there are sins in Islam but there are 7 major sins we should all steer away from!

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source https://aboutislam.net/multimedia/videos/avoid-7-sins/

When You’re Told You Should Love Polygamy

I recently came across a statement that made me think, and I paraphrase: Whenever the word ‘should’ is used, the chances are it’s oppression.

So saying sentences like:

‘You should love polygamy, it’s the Sunnah’

‘You shouldn’t feel jealous’

are generally as helpful as throwing a lead weight to a drowning person.

And the person being addressed is screaming within (or maybe out loud) ‘But I do feel this way!’ or ‘I can’t love this!’

Maybe these responses are not always logical, maybe they’re not in line with the religion, but they’re there – despite being the opposite to what someone else wants to hear.

So when someone is new to polygamy, especially when it is not something they would pick themselves, please be gentle on them. When someone is jealous and the sound of them cutting up carrots reverberates around the kitchen as they release their feelings, let them take it out on those vegetables.

Now is the time to listen, to let them feel what they are feeling. No one chooses to feel that way. Maybe they are choosing not to consider the positives of polygamy, maybe they are choosing to focus only on themselves,  but forcing someone to block out a feeling denies their self-worth –  and a strong sense of self-worth is what is needed right now.

When you listen, rather than tell, solutions to the difficulties are more likely to be found.


Another ‘should’:

‘You should have higher iman, then you’d accept polygamy.’

Possibly their iman is an issue, but being flung into a situation they’d never expected nor would choose is likely to drag down their iman to new lows. And then you bring in the feelings of guilt, guilt for not doing or feeling how they ‘should’. All these negative emotions.

More helpful is to suggest activities that are positive and have the side effect of increasing iman – extra salah, extra dhikr, and the heart-saving raising of hands in du’a.

You can’t make anybody love something – they have to discover that feeling for themselves. Some people love polygamy and kudos to them. Some wonder what all the fuss is about, some are ambivalent, and many find it just downright hard. So if you catch yourself saying ‘should’, maybe think if there is a better way to move the situation to a place of positivity.

Maybe say nothing at all, maybe just listen.

Let’s hear from you in the comments.

This post was originally published on the author’s blog: polygamy unpicked


This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date and highlighted here for its importance.

The post When You’re Told You Should Love Polygamy appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/husbands-wives/when-youre-told-you-should-love-polygamy/

Is Islam Too Strict? Here Are Many Proofs It’s Not

When I was seven years old, I used to attend a halaqa (Class that teaches religion) of what I would call today “the Islam of No’s”.

One summer day upon entering class, my stoic teacher and I got into this dialogue.

“What is this?” My teacher glared at my hand. A shinny bracelet wrapped around my tanned wrist.

“It’s a bracelet; my grandmother got it for me.” I said nonchalantly.

“Didn’t I tell you jewelry is haram?” He formed a plastic smile.

“But it’s silver. Boys can wear silver. My grandma got it for my birthday.” I replied.

“Didn’t I tell you celebrating birthdays are haram?” His face went straight.

“But all we did was go to McDonalds and eat chicken nuggets.” I said with some hesitance.

“Didn’t I tell you McDonalds is haram?!”

Seriously, that’s what happened. Growing up, many Muslims constantly heard the word “No.” No you can’t do that, no you can’t eat that, no you can’t see, listen or touch that.

For sure, boundaries are necessary in life, but what happens if we only emphasize the unallowable stuff? I heard a joke once that some mosques should be relabeled as “No Happiness Allowed Centers.”

The Other Side

When we are constantly reminded of not doing something wrong, we develop a fear and anxiety based relationship with God. Psychologically, a self-destructive trend develops.

A trend of fear of getting punished, worry about going to hell and experiencing guilt in our lives more than the blessings and joy of God in our lives.

Some of our brothers and sisters have developed a sever obsessive and compulsive disorder around their practice of Islam. The term is called scrupulosity and it is dangerous and sad.

I once consulted a brother who would take almost one hour to make wudu and two hours to pray. He would repeat rituals over and over again until he got them perfect.

He did this out of fear that his prayer would not be accepted by the powerful judgmental God he grew up with. I have personally worked with clients that had psychotic breakdowns due to this mentality. May the Divine help us.

One of the ways I help such cases is by helping clients reframe their perception of Islam as a “Yes Religion.”

Everything is actually halal except for what is haram.

Islam is not merely a religion of regulations, discipline and deprivations. We have to look at the yes side, the plus side, the blessings and gifts God has actually given us. Living Islam is a path that gives more than it takes.

Reflect on this:

• Yes we get 24 hours a day. Approximately 25-30 minutes a day we are expected to connect with our Creator through prayer. That’s 0.017% of the day in prayer. The rest is “our time.”

• Yes we have twelve months a year. Only one month a year, God asks us to practice self discipline through fasting and make Him a focal point.

Through this fast, we still get to eat and drink by sunset and gain physical and psycho-spiritual benefits. That’s 92% percent of the year left to us to eat when we wish!

• Yes God asks us to give approximately 2.5% of our wealth to those in need and those God did not give as much as He gave you! You still get to keep about 97.5% of your wealth and assets.

• If we have the means financially and physically, God calls us to make pilgrimage only one time in our whole life to receive forgiveness!

Not once a year, once a decade, one time in our whole life. If you live to be 80 years old, and perform one hajj, you spent approximately .00017% of your life in pilgrimage.

• Yes we can eat and drink everything with exception to a few items like pork, alcohol and predator animals (like lions, tigers and bears which are uncommon in all cuisines anyways) 99.5% of all food and drink can make it into your belly!

There are many more examples that show Islam is a “Yes Religion.”

The prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said YES to….

– Forgive people and be patient with their wrongs towards you

– Having flexibility with people’s customs

– Give people time to accept da’wah and not be punished

– Nearly all requests that came his way

– Help and support others

– Being optimistic and smiling

There is a saying that says if it was not for the “La” in La ila ila Allah ( There is no God but Allah), the prophet would never have said “no.”

I encourage you to reframe your perspective and make your own list of how Islam gives more than it takes. Focus on what Islam offers than forbids.

Let’s get back to this “yes mentality.” Let’s acknowledge the gifts, the blessings and appreciate all that God has granted us. Let’s move towards God with love, let’s pray because we want to, let’s find joy in existence and look forward to meeting our Lord.

Insha’Allah, Amen!

First published: November 2015

The post Is Islam Too Strict? Here Are Many Proofs It’s Not appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/family-life/your-society/is-islam-too-strict-to-you-many-proofs-its-not/

Le Message d’Allah Aux Pécheurs

Elle était autrefois blanche jusqu’à ce que l’Homme l’ait touchée, la rendant ainsi noire. La pierre noire a changé de couleur à cause des péchés de l’Homme. Chacun des fils d’Adam vient au monde inculte et donc exempt de tout péché.

« Et Allah vous a fait sortir des ventres de vos mères, dénués de tout savoir, et vous a donné l’ouïe, les yeux et les cœurs (l’intelligence), afin que vous soyez reconnaissant. » (Coran 16:78)

Nés en ayant le libre arbitre, les humains feront naturellement des erreurs et tomberont dans le péché. Chaque personne, par essence, devient un pécheur :

« Chacun des fils d’Adam est pécheur, mais les meilleurs des pécheurs sont ceux qui ne cessent de se repentir. » (At-Tirmidhî – Hassan)

L’Islam n’exige pas que les humains soient des anges sur terre, vivant sans péché. Au lieu de cela, il s’attend à ce qu’ils soient authentiques et fassent de leur mieux :

« Craignez Allah, donc autant que vous pouvez… » (Coran 64:16)

« Si Nous voulions, Nous ferions de vous des Anges qui vous succéderaient sur la terre. » (Coran 43:60)

L’Islam, cependant, attache une grande importance au fait d’éviter les péchés parce qu’ils sont dangereux de par leur nature, même s’ils peuvent paraître tentants. Les péchés sont interdits pour une bonne raison. La calomnie, le vol, le meurtre, l’adultère, etc., violent la protection de la vie, de la liberté, de la lignée ou de l’honneur.

Le Danger Latent

Les péchés ont également des effets négatifs sur la vie de la personne et risquent d’entraver son succès. Voici une courte liste de ces impacts :

1. La Terre Est Affectée

La terre et la mer souffrent de la corruption à cause des péchés. Allah dit :

« La corruption est apparue sur la terre et dans la mer à cause de ce que les gens ont accompli de leurs propres mains ; afin qu’ [Allah] leur fasse goûter une partie de ce qu’ils ont œuvré ; peut-être reviendront-ils (vers Allah). » (Coran 30:41)

A la mort d’une personne vertueuse, les cieux et la terre pleurent sa perte mais ne font pas ainsi au décès d’une personne injuste. Prenez, par exemple, Pharaon et ses disciples, Allah dit :

« Ni le ciel ni la terre ne les pleurèrent et ils n’eurent aucun délai. »  (Coran 44:29)

2- Les Relations Se Diluent

La relation entre un mari et sa femme ou entre deux êtres chers peut être détruite simplement par l’accomplissement d’un péché. Le Prophète Mohammad a dit :

« Par Celui qui détient l’âme de Mohammad dans Sa Main ! La rupture entre deux personnes qui s’aiment, n’a lieu qu’à cause d’un péché perpétré par l’une des deux. » (Ahmad – Sahîh)

3- La Perte Des Revenus

Les péchés n’apparaissent pas non plus très bien dans le bilan. Ils privent l’acteur de revenus et de profits. Les vaisseaux, signe de richesse en eux-mêmes, servent également de moyen d’acquérir plus de richesses encore grâce au commerce. Cette source de revenus peut être détruite simplement à cause du péché.

Allah a lié la destruction des vaisseaux à l’accomplissement de péchés, « en punition de ce qu’ils ont acquis [comme péchés]» dans ces versets :

« Tout malheur qui vous atteint est dû à ce que vos mains ont acquis. Et Il pardonne beaucoup. […]
« Et parmi Ses preuves, sont les vaisseaux à travers la mer, semblables à des montagnes. * S’Il veut, Il calme le vent, et les voilà qui restent immobiles à sa surface. Ce sont certainement là des preuves pour tout [homme] endurant et reconnaissant. * Ou bien, Il les détruit en punition de ce qu’ils ont acquis [comme péchés]. Cependant, Il pardonne beaucoup. »
(Coran 42:30, 32-34)

Soulignant le danger des péchés envers la subsistance, le prophète Mohammad a dit :

« Une personne est certainement privée de la subsistance à cause d’un péché qui l’a affligée. » (Ibn Mâja -Hassan)

4- La Perte De Faveurs Et De Bénédictions

À plusieurs reprises, les faveurs et les bénédictions sont bienveillamment accordées par Allah. Ils ne sont pas retirés tant que les gens n’ont pas péché, et seulement quand ils changent ce qui est en eux tout en faisant preuve d’ingratitude. Allah dit :

« C’est qu’en effet Allah ne modifie pas un bienfait dont Il a gratifié un peuple avant que celui-ci change ce qui est en lui-même. Et Allah est, Audient et Omniscient. » (Coran 8:53)

Si le péché entraîne la destruction et la perte, quel devrait alors être le plan d’un croyant contre le péché ?

Plan De Protection

Connaître L’ennemi

Résister aux péchés implique la connaissance de leur essence, que ces péchés soient majeurs ou mineurs. En fait, les bonnes actions ne peuvent être accomplies correctement quand les péchés et leur nature sont bien compris.

Selon `Omar ibn Al-Khattâb :

« Si l’on ne connaissait pas les conditions d’avant l’Islam (l’époque de Jâhiliyyah), on n’aurait pas connu l’Islam. »

Ayant l’habitude d’interroger le Prophète sur le mal, Houdhayfah ibn Al-Yammân dit :« Les gens avaient l’habitude d’interroger le Messager d’Allah sur le bien, mais je lui posais des questions sur le mal, de peur que cela ne m’atteigne. » (Boukhârî)

Éviter L’ennemi

L’Islam a exigé que les péchés soient évités. Le Prophète Mohammad a dit :

« Si j’interdis quelque chose, évitez-le. » (Mouslim)

Pour s’assurer que les péchés sont évités, l’Islam ajoute une autre couche de protection en interdisant la proximité du péché :

« Voilà les lois d’Allah : ne vous en approchez donc pas (pour les transgresser). » (Coran 2:187)

« Et n’approchez point la fornication. En vérité, c’est une turpitude et quel mauvais chemin ! » (Coran 17:32)

Ne Désespérez Pas

Quand Satan piège l’Homme, il a souvent deux émotions : l’étonnement et le désespoir. Une personne vertueuse peut devenir émerveillée par ses bonnes actions, manquant d’humilité et de gratitude envers Allah. L’auto-émerveillement fait que ses actions soient rejetées parce qu’elles manquent de sincérité.

L’autre piège tendu au pécheur, c’est le désespoir. Satan fait croire au pécheur que le péché est si grand qu’il ne lui sera jamais pardonné. Le désespoir absolu. Ibn Massoud a dit :

« La destruction réside en deux choses : l’auto-étonnement et le désespoir. »

Quel que soit le péché, les portes du pardon restent grandes ouvertes. Allah invite les pécheurs à effacer leurs péchés et à tourner une nouvelle page en disant :

« Car Allah pardonne tous les péchés. » (Coran 39:53)

Quant au verset qui dit : « Certes, Allah ne pardonne pas qu’on Lui donne des associés. » (Coran 4:111), il y est fait référence à l’au-delà. Tant que le râle de la mort ne commence pas, même l’association à Allah « Chîrk » est pardonnable dans la vie de ce monde. Le message d’Allah à Ses serviteurs qui ont péché est :

« Dis : “ô Mes serviteurs qui avez commis des excès à votre propre détriment, ne désespérez pas de la miséricorde d’Allah. Car Allah pardonne tous les péchés. Oui, c’est Lui le Pardonneur, le Très Miséricordieux”. » (Coran 39:53)

`Alî ibn Abî Tâlib a dit :

« Allah n’aurait pas inspiré à quelqu’un de demander Son pardon, s’Il voulant le punir. »

Chercher Constamment Le Pardon

La dernière étape consiste à rechercher constamment le pardon pour tous les péchés passés. Le vrai remords exigerait que l’on continue à implorer à Allah Son pardon et Sa miséricorde. Al-Hassan a dit :

« Quand quelqu’un commet un péché et n’arrive pas à l’oublier. Il continue d’en avoir peur jusqu’à ce qu’il entre au paradis. »

Il est important de distinguer entre avoir peur des conséquences du péché, ce qui est sain, et le désespoir, qui consiste à croire qu’une personne ne peut pas être pardonnée.

Sachant qu’Allah est « Al-Ghâfir » (Le Pardonneur des péchés), « Al-Ghaffâr » (Le Grand Pardonneur) et «Al-Ghafour » (Le Pardonneur), le croyant continuerait à chercher Son pardon. Le Prophète Mohammad lui-même demandait le pardon d’Allah chaque jour :

« Par Allah ! Certes, j’implore à Allah Son pardon et je me repens auprès de Lui plus de soixante-dix fois par jour. » (Sahîh Al-Jâmi`)

Pour consulter le texte originel en anglais, veuillez visiter ce lien.

The post Le Message d’Allah Aux Pécheurs appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/fr/le-message-dallah-aux-pecheurs/