How to Strengthen Yourself to Quit Watching Porn

Watching porn is one of the most common problems among youth. Getting into this habit not only affects one’s relation with his Creator, it also affects your health, productivity and mood. Unfortunately it’s a super easy habit to pick up and a difficult one to quit.

Ultimately you must strengthen yourself to stop watching porn. This may take some time, but there are many techniques to help you do so.

1 – If it happens, seek forgiveness

Keep trying to be stronger. Struggle is life. Satan can get you down, but you can and will beat him with God’s help if you are serious about changing.

So don’t give up on yourself. Allah loves to see us asking for His forgiveness and improving ourselves.

[Good people are those who] when they have committed a shameful deed (fuhsha) or have harmed themselves, remember God and pray that their sins be forgiven- for who but God could forgive sins? – and do not knowingly persist in doing whatever wrong they may have done.”

(Qur’an 3:135)

2 – Use the web in a family room

We know this is hard. Who doesn’t sleep with their phone by their bed? If you want to curb your porn habit, stop sleeping with your phone. At least until you have quit.

Do your leisurely web browsing in the living room or another room that other people come in and out of. It is suggested for young children to keep their computer in a shared family room like this to be able to monitor what they are viewing. You’re not a child, but you need some help with this problem and this is a great way to get some without others even knowing they are helping you!

3 – Get some alternative entertainment

These days nearly everyone needs more physical activity. Wear yourself out a bit with some sports or exercise. Go for a hike or run and listen to an uplifting or riveting podcast.

Or play some games either digital or with others. With friends and family is, of course, best. But if you need some distraction, play some solitaire or whatever the latest fun game is. Experts suggest switching one bad addiction for a better one. Gaming is a bit better in this case.

4 – Develop a bigger game plan

Learn to manage your time more productively. Identify more of your personal and long term goals, then spend some time learning how to reach them.

If you don’t occupy your mind with positivity and productivity, Satan will take advantage of you.

5 – Fasting really helps

Fasting is an amazing blessing with so many health benefits and blessings. The Prophet (pbuh) told us to fast to cool our passions. Do it and not only get the benefits of cooling down, but get the rewards of fasting too.

6 – Check your spiritual levels

Are you involved in life? Or are you isolating yourself? Are you surrounded with spiritual influences, such as friends, favorite Islamic and motivational speakers, quality literature and attending spiritual gatherings?

Good company will have a good influence on you and help you elevate your deen. Find a study circle, volunteer opportunity or other group that satisfies your soul a bit.

7 – What about your mom and sister?

No one sound of mine would look at his mom or sister the way pornography depicts women. Yet, pornography objectifies women, adding to street and other sexual harassments. Don’t participate in an industry that does indirectly hurt your mom and other female family members.

8 – Remember that Allah is Watching you

If no one else is watching you, Allah always is. He is Baseer: All Knowing and All Aware. Allah is the One Who has given us life. He is the ONE Who has told us right from wrong and given us an opportunity to choose. Allah loves to see us successful in our test to bless us with the Everlasting life. He loves to see us doing good and has promised rewards for it.

9 – Pray

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Du’a is the essence of worship. You connect to Allah through prayers. Talk to Him, ask Him to help you. He listens. And then be sure to help yourself!

10 – Use technology to help

There are many filters and apps which can help you block pornographic sites, track your viewing habits and help you in other ways. Use the same technology to close windows to pornography.

11 – Love yourself

Porn is a disgusting abuse of others and yourself when you view it. You are sinning by watching it. Love yourself enough to be stronger than using this base coping mechanism. Tackle your personal problems because you deserve better. Allah loves you, love yourself as He does.

The post How to Strengthen Yourself to Quit Watching Porn appeared first on About Islam.


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