Fundraising Campaign Launched for Seerah Song Project

In order to bring the Seerah of Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him) to the hearts of Muslims, South African Muslim singer Zain Bhikha and Sheikh Abdullah Misra are working to produce the first-ever complete Seerah poem in English.

Moved by the famous Arabic Qasida Burda, Misra started writing the Seerah Song in English, starting from pre-Islamic times, to the Noble Birth, to the Meccan and Medinan periods and beyond to the Present Day and the Hereafter.

📚 Read Also: A Teen’s Love Letter to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

After 12 years of research and writing, he finished the poem and agreed with Bhikha who volunteered to sing it.

“The first-ever 15-chapter Seerah Song has been recorded in a beautiful 26-minute rendition by the world-famous nasheed artist, Zain Bhikha, who generously donated his voice to the cause,” the Launchgood campaign read.

In order to complete the ambitious project, the Seerah Song Institute started a fundraising campaign on Launchgood to finish the project.

“We live in a world where there are so many misconceptions about our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him)… Now, more than ever, we need to instil the true story of the Prophet ï·º so an unbreakable bond of love is established from the beginning. Help us by donating to this project,” the campaign added.

So far, the campaign has successfully raised $112,883 out of a targeted $125,000.

The Quran abounds with many instances about the Prophet (PBUH)’s noble characters, one of which is the verse below:

The Qur’an says,” And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists),” 21-107.

The post Fundraising Campaign Launched for Seerah Song Project appeared first on About Islam.


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