Depression & Islam: Can a Muslim Be Depressed?

Depression drains our energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what we need to feel better.

In today’s world there are many factors contributing to the rise of depression. This depression is common both in the East and in the West, while it is evident among the youth; it also affects the older age brackets, due to the widespread of political, economic and social problems of modernity.

No Escape from Trials

To begin with we must acknowledge that this depression or stress is part of life. Whether it is caused by mental, physical, or spiritual tension or simply the feeling of hopelessness and despair this stress can hit even the most optimistic of us at some point in our lives; there is no running away from it. What does matter is how we deal with it.

The Quranic verse reads:

We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and fruits. But give good news to the steadfast. (2:155) 

As believers, we are blessed that we may turn each anxiety, each fear and each concern into a supplication and view it as another reason to submit to God and speak to Him through our prayers. This is when we are closest to Him. He has created this world as a place of trial, and He has placed many means for testing in it.

God listens and already knows what is in our heart, but He wants us to ask Him for what we want. If we truly understand the meaning that God truly listens we will find peace.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said:

“Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything.” (At-Tirmidhi)

The Quran reads: 

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28) 

Make the Effort and Leave the Outcome to God

Islam teaches us hope and faith, and depression contradicts the promises of God, which are intended to encourage. We must always believe that there is always a new beginning to look forward to with each new dawning day.

Certainly our trial might not end or improve tomorrow, but there will be new blessings with each dawn.

While we need to carry out our obligations in solving our problems to the best of our abilities, it’s significant we grasp that we don’t control the outcome of events (especially as we understand in Islam that everything is predetermined) where sometimes we will succeed and at other times not so, sometimes leading to our frustration and depressions.

Even the Prophets did not control the outcome of their efforts and the Quran is replete with such examples. Once we have done our duty, we must leave the results to God. Regardless of the results we will be rewarded for the part we have played.

Remain Optimistic and Stay Positive

We must throughout our trials remember that we are luckier than many. Keep in mind that nothing can harm us without the consent of God.

Islam orders us during difficult and trying times and confrontations to remain optimistic.

“Good expectations are a feature of belief, and nothing can be achieved without belief, prayer, faith and hope. Be optimistic and good shall be found.”

With this faith, God promises to light our darkness and intends to straighten the paths that have become crooked. When we are depressed, we are blinded by misery and hopelessness. God plans to heal our blindness.

While we may feel weak during our times of depression it takes a strong person to admit we need help. We must become that person who is dedicated and determined to overcome the darkness in our hearts and by understanding how precious our life is we will no longer want to be a slave to unhappiness.

Through prayer and faith, God heals us of our miseries delivers us of our burdens, and loves us when it feels no one else does, can or will.

Contentment is Contagious

Surround yourselves with people who are happier who make you feel better with yourself and who always look on the bright side when dealing with challenges, even minor ones, like (silly as it may sound) not being able to find a parking space.

Then consider how you would react in the same situation. Even if you have to pretend, try to adopt their optimism and persistence in the face of difficulty.

Bear in mind that happiness and contentment are contagious. It’s not a state of mind, but rather a skill that becomes stronger with practice (trust me I know).

I like to adopt this stance, when we are hunting for the glad things, we sort of forget the other kind of things that make us unhappy and discontent and it is sort of looking at the half cup policy.

Something I read recently triggered my thoughts, it explained that our heart also has seasons, so if it is winter, do not lose hope and keep going, after all spring always comes.

(From Discovering Islam’s archive.)

The post Depression & Islam: Can a Muslim Be Depressed? appeared first on About Islam.


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