The End Times Will Be on a Friday

Do you know that the End Times will take place on a Friday? Yes, don’t be surprised. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself said this in an authentic hadith:

The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created. And on it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday. (Muslim)

We know as Muslims that Friday is a special day, but in this hadith Prophet Muhammad mentions more events that make this day very special. What attracts me in this hadith is that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly says that the Doomsday will be on a Friday. Which Friday? We can’t know. Allah knows Best.

No doubt, death is the reality that no one can escape, we can’t guess when we will die. But, once a person dies, their Last Day begins. Like death, we can never know exactly when the End Times will take place, it’s all in the unseen knowledge. But Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave us some signs that indicate its approaching.

Is the End Times Nearing?

This life will come to an end and another life is prepared for us. The Quran is constantly reminding us of the Day of Judgment; and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave reference in many hadiths about the minor and major signs of the End Times.

Let’s examine some hadiths here:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until knowledge will be taken away, earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase and money will overflow amongst you. (Al-Bukhari)

And he said:

The hour shall not be established until time is constricted, and the year is like a month, a month is like the week, and the week is like the day, and the day is like the hour, and the hour is like the flare of the fire. (At-Tirmidhi)

This is so true. These days we witness corruption, wars are waged, deadly virus around us, and killing on the rise, earthquakes frequently happen these days, time is so restricted…

Don’t you feel that time “flies” and passing surprisingly quickly? Don’t you feel last year’s Ramadan was a month or two months ago? And the week is like a day, and a day is like an hour?

We are travelers in this life, and one day we will reach our eternal destination. But this time the journey is a one-way ticket and we don’t know when the boarding will take place.

The post The End Times Will Be on a Friday appeared first on About Islam.


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