Why Was It Important To Compile The Holy Quran?

The compilation of the Quran is a crucial moment in Islamic history.

It is Allah the Almighty’s word, and He has promised to protect this book (Al-Quran) from corruption.

During the Prophet’s (PBUH) lifetime, the process of compiling the Quran began.

For many years, Prophet Muhammad received the Holy Qur’an, with the earliest revelations occurring in the month of Ramadan in 610 AD, during the Nights of Destiny.

But how did the Qur’an end up in its current form? Who compiled the Qur’an and why, and in what order was it revealed?

The process of compiling the Quran proceeds through three major stages.

I’ll go through all three stages of its compilation in detail so you can see how the Holy Quran was put together.

Stages of compiling the Holy Quran

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Protection of Quran Rote Learning

After the Holy Quran was revealed, the Prophet (PBUH) used to recite it.

The Angel Gabriel recited the Quran to the Prophet at the direction of Allah Almighty (S.A.W).

The Prophet (S.A.W.) advised his followers to study the holy Quran.

During the month of Ramadan, the Prophet (PBUH) recited the complete Quran with the angel Gabriel.

He did, however, rewrite the Quran twice in the year he died, according to a hadith in Sahih Bukhari.


During the Prophet’s lifetime, the Quran was written down (peace be upon him).

After receiving a revelation, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ordered his companions (scribes) to write it down.

The Quran was written on a variety of objects, including:

  • Branches of palm trees
  • Bones and leather (from animals such as goats and lambs)
  • Stones

When it comes to the Quran’s compilation, you should know that the Holy Quran was written down in book form under the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman (R.A).

The Quran was written down during the Prophet’s (PBUH) lifetime, but it was not assembled into a book.

Compilation During the Time of Abu Bakar’s Reign

There were just a few people remaining who had learned the Quran after the Battle of Yamama.

As a result, Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab grew concerned and worried that if the situation remained the same or worse, a significant amount of the Holy Quran may be erased.

As a result, he advised the caliph of the time to begin assembling the Quran into a formal book. 

First, Abu Bakar disputed with him, claiming that he couldn’t do anything because the Quran was not compiled during the Holy Prophet’s lifetime.

However, after being persuaded by Umar bin Khattab, he consented and ordered the Quran to be compiled into a book.

He gathered all of the literary versions of the Qur’an into a single volume.

Then, during Sayyidina Abu Bakr’s caliphate, he became its formal keeper, handing it on to Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab.

After his death, his daughter Hadrat Hafsah was given possession of the Qur’anic volume.

During Uthman’s Reign (644-656 CE), the Growth of Islam Accelerated

This was the time when the Muslim state was growing. In the Armenia wars, Muslims from Iraq and Damascus recited the Quran in different ways.

This distinction in the dialect of reading the Holy Quran was noticed by a friend, Hudaifa ibn Yaman.

He quickly addressed Hazrat Usman about the matter, fearing that it might cause a schism among Muslims.

Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali (R.A) were also instrumental in ensuring that the Quran was correctly read.

Schools were established to teach the proper manner to read and learn the Holy Quran.

What Was the Importance of Compiling the Holy Quran?

Compilation of the Quran was required for a variety of reasons:

The Demise Of 70 Huffaz in the Battle of Yamama

The major reason why the Quran needed to be compiled was the martyrdom of major companions and Huffaz in the Battle of Yamama.

The Ridda wars were a series of events that occurred after the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and in the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

A number of individuals from numerous Arabic clans proclaimed the false prophethood. Musalima Al-Kadhdhab, in particular.

Thus, Muslims, most notably the Muslims in the Hejjaz region, fought the ridda wars to get rid of these enemies.

Hazrat Khalid Ibn Walid was sent by the Caliph to defeat Muslima.

The battle took place at the plains of Yamama and although the Muslims did win the battle and Musalima was slain in onslaught, a total number of 70 Huffaz of the Quran were martyred. 

By this time, the Quran was not compiled properly; the verses were either written on leaves, stones, or simple pages, or were memorized by the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet).

To make sure that this sacred knowledge was not lost, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) assigned Hazrat Zaid ibn Thabit to collect the Quranic verses and compile them. It was then done swiftly. 

Other Important Reasons of Compiling the Quran. 

  • It ensured that future generations would be able to benefit from this “gift from Allah.”
  • Muslims would have gone astray if they did not have the Quran as a source of direction.
  • It is not impossible for everyone to learn the Quran. This was also resolved by the compilation.
  • It was critical to produce this Holy Book to bring Muslims together.
  • There was a risk of corruption if the Quran had not been compiled, but Allah has promised to protect this book from alteration and corruption.


There hasn’t been a single word altered in the Holy Quran since it was revealed.

Every precaution was taken when compiling the Holy Quran, and not a single change was made to it. It is now up to you to look after the Quran.

Although Allah has assumed responsibility for its protection, people must also take responsibility for this book.

It is the recommended practice to learn the Quran online for this purpose.

The post Why Was It Important To Compile The Holy Quran? appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/blog/why-was-it-important-to-compile-the-holy-quran/

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