5 Inspiring Reasons to Be Content

1.       Be Happy with What You Have; it’s Healthy!

Christopher Peterson,  PhD of the University of Michigan studied optimism’s link to health for over 20 years and showed that optimistic people have a stronger immune system than their negative counterparts.

2.      Appreciate Details for Consistent, Long-term Happiness

Instead of feeling super sad each time something goes wrong, you can be disappointed but at the same time determined to make the best of it.

Learn to appreciate the little things. Think about the small things you enjoy, for example looking out of the window to the trees or taking a walk with a beloved friend, and focus on these things right now. That way, no matter what happens, after dua to Allah, you have a variety of simple joys to help you through.

3.      Stop Yourself and Think: This might be Gone Tomorrow!

When you feel exhausted because of your children, hurt because of an argument with your spouse, frustrated because your job is not how you want it to be, stop and think for a moment; what if it were all gone tomorrow?

Those moments you could be playing with your children and watching them grow, sitting with your spouse and talking or being healthy enough to be able to work? Realizing nothing is guaranteed helps a lot toward being content and even enjoying what you have today.

4. Look Around— What’s in Front of You that You Can Enjoy?

Being able to appreciate what’s in front of you has nothing to do what you actually have. Being content is not about counting your blessings; it is a state of being and a skill to cultivate in yourself by knowing who you are and more importantly who your Lord is.

Enjoying the present moment is a habit that takes practice. Practice wanting what you have by thinking: it is Allah who decided to give me this. Trust in Him and His choice for you.

5. The Effect of Your Contentment on Others

Being content is a choice you make moment-to-moment. For many of us it’s a hard choice to make and it requires self-control, practice, and letting go. But the results are amazing.

Being content is the sweetness of your life. And there’s another beautiful thing about you being content: Other people will notice if you make that choice.

And insha’Allah you will motivate them to do the same and gain the same benefits you gained!

Excerpted from https://understandquran.com

(From Discovering Islam archive)

The post 5 Inspiring Reasons to Be Content appeared first on About Islam.

source https://aboutislam.net/spirituality/5-inspiring-reasons-to-be-content/

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