Don’t Be Holy In A Wrong Way

You can be holy in a wrong way. You can pray, go to the mosque and recite Quran but treat people very bad. This is not being a Muslim.

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One Question That Could Save Your Marriage

“Who knew marriage could be so difficult?” asked Sara:

“One day you’re this care-free woman, pretty selfish and self-indulgent. Next you have a roomie – and one that is supposed to share that room with you for the rest of your life!”

“We were living on top of each other,” she added,

“Everyone has disagreements – big and small – and we’re all supposed to handle them in some way or another.”

All married couples experience difficulties. Learning to disagree can be one of the hardest but most rewarding experiences in a marriage. Even more rewarding is resolving these disagreements and keeping unhappiness at bay.

Prolonged disagreements could mean there is a chronic problem between spouses, and could ultimately lead to unhappiness. Marriage counselors reveal that this unhappiness is sometimes caused by a void in their expectations of their spouse.

“What Could I do to Make You Happy?”

If you are going through a rough patch with your spouse, and really feel the need to debunk the problem and save your marriage, try asking him: What could I do to make you happy?

“When the counselor at themasjid asked me to ask my husband that question, I thought, ‘no way!’” exclaimed Maryam, an excited and expectant first time mother.

“I’m hormonal and vulnerable. I just hope he’d shrug like he would normally do rather than say anything at all!”

Plenty of women find themselves in the same position as Maryam when dealing with answers to this question. Therefore, find a quiet moment, after the children have gone to bed, and living-in parents or other family members have vanished into their corners of their lives. Make sure both of you are relaxed and perhaps you could prepare two mugs of hot cocoa.

And the ambience helped Maryam:

“He was surprised at the question, so I allowed myself to explain my feelings that led me to ask him about his happiness,” she said.

“He did need some coaxing to reveal his feelings so I kept it lighthearted, and showed that I really wanted to listen.”

It was difficult at first for Maryam, but she realized that there were not that many things that were causing a rift between them, and they could be easily resolved.

Every husband is different so each scenario would be different, but here are some common issues that could hit familiar chords.

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I Didn’t Believe In The Holy Trinity

He was raised as a Roman Catholic but could never figure out the Holy Trinity; he didn’t believe in the Holy Trinity, so when he read the Quran, it appealed to him.

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Canadian Muslims Mourn Loss of Pioneer Leader Wahida Valiante

Canadian Muslims mourned the loss of Wahida Chishti Valiante, a visionary Muslim leader who passed away in Toronto, Canada, on Friday, November 26.

Affectionately referred as “Auntie Wahida,” she was an inspiration to many younger Muslims.

“So sad to report that community visionary and trailblazer Wahida Valiante returned to our lord,” Faisal Kutty, a CanAmerican lawyer, professor, writer and public speaker, wrote on Facebook.

“She was a friend, teacher and mentor to many of us. I had many opportunities to work with her and she always put the interest of the community first. She was always supportive and encouraging of any initiative that bettered society.”

đź“š Read Also: Scarborough Muslims Mourn Youth Mentor

Born in Azad Kashmir and raised in the UK, Wahida was a pioneering Muslim leader, writer, presenter, social worker, and social justice and human rights advocate who has lived in Canada since 1961, Taha Ghayyur wrote in a tribute on

She was among Toronto’s earliest and most vocal Muslim leaders on anti-racism, anti-Islamophobia, interfaith dialogue, civic engagement, and mental health issues.


Her many incredible accomplishments include:

  • Founding member of Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), which she served as a President and Vice President for 13 years.
  • Founding National Chair of the Islamic History Month Canada in 2007-2011.
  • Four-time recognition among the “500 Most Influential Muslims in the World” by Islamic Studies scholars at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
  • Recognition among “100 Extraordinary Muslim Women Past and Present” by Women Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE Muslim Women).
  • One of the earliest female leaders of a national Muslim organization in Canada.
  • One of the only visible Muslim female voices on Canadian Muslim issues post-9/11.
  • Pioneering contributions to both academic and applied aspects of social work in the Canadian Muslim community.

Canadian Muslims have mourned many figures recently.

Earlier this year, Muslims in Scarborough mourned the death of Saleh Hafejee, a community leader and mentor to thousands of youth.

In March 2021, the caretaker of a Toronto mosque who spent the last four decades of his life serving the mosque and the Muslim community passed away after contacting covid-19.

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My Parents Don’t Understand Me!

Are you a young man/woman who feels disappointed about the ceaseless commands and instructions of your dad and mom who, indeed, never understand you.

Or perhaps you are an exhausted parent, frustrated with your teenagers who became different; who are not those cute, listening kids they used to be anymore?

Well, you are invited to watch this video.

In this Video:

– Two things a believer loses

– Parent-kid mutual frustration is global

– How do you call your kids?

– Instill concepts in your child

– Parents; Do not retaliate!

– Understanding your mother

– Give kids an opportunity

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Muslims Launch Platform to Combat Islamophobia in Ontario Schools

A leading Canadian Muslim association is launching a new educational platform to combat Islamophobia in the public education system and ensure classrooms are free from discrimination.

Set to be launched on December 2, the content rich Islam Awareness Platform for schools across the province is the result of four-month efforts by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) in cooperation with Ontario Ministry of Education.

Granting MAC a $225,000 grant in June 2021, Minister of Education Stephen Lecce announced that MAC will design and deploy a platform with content and resources for educators, students and parents.

đź“š Read Also: Muslims Welcome Alberta Gov’t Funding to Deter Hate Crimes

Minister Leece and Kaleed Rasheed, Associate Minister of Digital Government, announced that in collaboration with community partners, funding will be provided for initiatives to support Muslim students and families with an emphasis on enhancing resources and training for educators, targeted support for students, and digital resources for parents.

“It is unacceptable that many Muslim students continue to face discrimination in our schools, on our playgrounds and in communities across this country,” said Minister Lecce in a press release sent to

“That is why we are investing and partnering with community leaders — who are leading this effort— to counter racism and better support Ontario’s Muslim students and their families. For Premier Ford, Minister Rasheed and myself, we believe in our core that every student deserves to feel safe, respected, and engaged in learning in inclusive classrooms.”

Over the past four months, MAC has worked tirelessly with educators, academics and content creators to develop workshops, videos, and infographics to equip educators with mini courses and workshops composed of engaging content.

The educational digital resources are developed to raise awareness on racism and discrimination in all its forms, and particularly on Islamophobia.

Positive Reactions

The soft launch of the platform took place on the 17th of November and was attended by Ministers Stephen Lecce and Kaleed Rasheed, and the platform received a positive reception from governmental and societal stakeholders, educators, and students.

Upon the full launch in December 2nd, 2021, all of the content will be available to the public through an easily-accessible website.

“The Islam Awareness courses are an excellent, community-based approach to education and engagement on topics of Islam and Muslim experiences in Canada and beyond,” said Dr. Paul L. Gareau, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta.

“As a MĂ©tis citizen and academic lead for the Indigenous|Canada massive open online course, I understand the value of an anti-oppression approach to education and the need for deep understanding and relations with Muslim people and ethno-cultural communities.

“This accessible set of digital resources and course content will offer insight into the pluralism of Muslim communities and experiences, the means to push back and resist Islamophobia, and a way to a more equitable and inclusive future for all Canadians,” Dr. Gareau added.

“MAC thanks the Minister of Education and the Premier for their commitment to tackle Islamophobia and make learning spaces in Ontario schools safer and more tolerant.” says Sharaf Sharafeldin, executive director of MAC.

“MAC is proud to be playing a part in raising awareness to combat this alarming increase in Islamophobia. The outcome of this project far exceeds the original scope and offers very easy access, practical, and concise resources for educators, students, parents and anybody that is willing to address Islamophobia within the sphere of education.”

MAC is a Canadian, independent, national, faith-based, charitable organization, that provides spaces, services and programs for holistic education and personal development for Canadian Muslims.

Unfortunately, 46% of Canadians have an unfavorable view of Muslims and Islam in Canada which has played a role in rising hate crimes. Canadian Muslims have witnessed a nine per cent increase in anti-Muslim attacks in 2019 when compared to 2018.

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The Story of People of Sheba in the Quran

The fifty-four verse chapter, Sheba, was revealed in Makkah.  All chapters revealed in Makkah tend to concentrate on the fundamentals of faith and pay particular attention to belief in the Day of Judgment and the Hereafter.

The title “Sheba” comes from verses fifteen to twenty-one in which the community of Sheba is punished for their ingratitude.

This chapter also deals with the absurd allegations of madness directed at Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Verses 1 – 9 God is All Knowing

All praises belong to God.  He is the owner of all that is in the heavens and the earth.  Even in the Hereafter all praises are His.  Yet the disbelievers say that the Day of Judgment will never come to them.  They are wrong.  Not even a speck of dust escapes God’s knowledge and it is all recorded in a book.

The Hour is established so that those who believe and do righteous deeds are generously rewarded and those who disbelieve and work to undermine the Prophet’s warning are severely punished.

Those with knowledge can see that what Prophet Muhammad says is the truth, but some of them mock and taunt him. They call him a liar and say that he is mad because he warns of a resurrection after death.

He is not mad and those who say so will suffer a torment. God could make the earth swallow them or let fragments of sky fall down upon them.  In this is a sign for every person who turns back to God in repentance.

Verses 10 – 14 David & Solomon are Grateful

David was showered with God’s blessings. He sang praises to God with the mountains and the birds.

God made iron pliable for David and commanded him to make chain mail and armor from it.

He sees everything. He favored Solomon with control over the wind and a fountain of molten brass.

Many of the jinn worked for Solomon making palaces, statues, water fountains and other amazing things. If they disobeyed, God punished them severely. God told the family of David to work gratefully pointing out that most people are ungrateful.

When Solomon died, the jinn did not realize he was dead until a small creature eating through his stick made him fall down. If they had known Solomon was dead they would not have continued working.

Verses 15- 21 The People of Sheba are Ungrateful

The people of Sheba had two marvelous gardens, one to the right and one to the left. God told them to eat from what He provided and to be grateful and give thanks. They refused and turned away. God punished them by causing the dam to break, flooding them completely.

Because of their lack of gratitude God replaced their two beautiful gardens with bitter fruit and sparse thorny trees.

God repays those that are ungrateful. He allowed the people of Sheba to travel easily between the towns he had blessed.  They could travel safely both day and night but they were insolent and complained about ease.

The people of Sheba were rewarded for their ungratefulness by ceasing to exist as a nation and were scattered throughout the land, and became as mere tales for people to talk about.

In this are signs for those who are patient and grateful. Satan cannot force people to disobedience, but God has been given him the power to whisper and seduce mankind so that it serves as a test to distinguish those who are sincere and believe in the Hereafter and those who entertain doubts about its coming.

Verses 22 – 30 One God, No Partners!

If you invoke other deities you will find that they have no control over anything, not even a speck of dust. They are no help to God and they possess no ability to intercede.

On the Day of Judgment intercession will only work when God gives His Permission. God speaks the truth and He is the One who gives sustenance.  He has no partners and he will judge justly.

Prophet Muhammad was sent to bring good news and a warning but most people choose not to understand. They ask when the Day of Judgment will come.  The knowledge of when it is known only to God and no one has the authority to change it.

Verses 31 – 39 A Warner for Every Community

The disbelievers say they will not believe in the Quran, or the earlier revealed scriptures. If only Prophet Muhammad could see how the disbelievers will act when they stand before God.  They will reproach one another and accuse one another but they will all fall silent with regret when iron collars are fastened around their necks. And they will be recompensed for what they did.

Every community had a warner sent to them. The affluent people, in general, refused to believe that they would be punished.

But it is not great wealth or many children that bring a person closer to God; it is righteousness. Those who are righteous will get a double reward and will be in the upper part of Paradise safe and secure.

Verses 40 – 54 Prophet Muhammad Tells the Truth

On the Day of Judgment God will ask the angels if people worshiped them.  They will vehemently reply no rather they worshiped the jinn. Then the disbelievers will taste the Fire that they refused to believe in.

When God’s messages are recited to them they turn away and call the Quran a lie, and when the truth has come to them they call it sorcery. Former people denied God’s messages and His reproach was terrible.

Prophet Muhammad is not mad nor is he a liar, he only warns of a severe suffering to come. Muhammad does not ask for any reward; his reward is from God Alone.

God hurls the truth down and He has knowledge of the unseen. The truth has come, and falsehood has gone and has perished. If you could glimpse the Hereafter you would see how terrified some people are and there is no escape for them.

They will say that they believe now, but it will be too late. They had many opportunities that are now gone forever.  And they will not be able to go back and accumulate good deeds.  They were in complete denial, (now they are in despair).


(From Discovering Islam archive)

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5 Things Bring Inner Peace and Tranquility

As human beings, one of the greatest desires in life is the search for inner peace.

Many psychologists argue that the greatest human drive is the search for peace, that whatever humans do, they do so seeking peace and tranquility.

Similarly, one of the names of Paradise in the Quran is Dar As-Salam (House of Peace). One of the names of Allah is As-Salam, the Perfect, the source of all peace. The word Islam itself is related to the word “salam” which means peace.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said that there is a paradise on this earth, which one needs to enter, to enter the paradise of the hereafter. This paradise, he says, is the tranquility and contentment of the heart.

Contentment of the heart is a very difficult trait to have. The world around us, and things that happen to us usually make us very troubled individuals.

The Road to Inner Peace and Tranquility

However, like anything in Islam, the road to tranquility is not a state of being. It is a path that has to be walked upon and deeds that need to be done in order for us to reach that station where we are at peace with ourselves.

Part of the desire to achieve tranquility has been embedded in ourselves. Allah put inside of us an emptiness that can only be filled by Allah. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim writes a profound paragraph on this.

“In the heart, there is a sense of untidiness which can only be gathered by turning to Allah. In the heart there is a sense of loneliness which can only be removed by coming closer to Allah. And in the heart there is fear and anxiety, which only leaves by fleeing to Allah. And in the heart there is a sense of regret, which can only be removed by being satisfied with Allah.”

Tranquility and inner peace can only arrive when we reach a position where we know the reality of our life, and the Majesty of Allah. It is understanding the verse of Surah Ar-Rahman where Allah says:

Everything on earth will perish. But the face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honor remains. (Quran 55:26-7)

Whatever is on earth will perish. Whatever it is that makes us worried, will perish, whatever makes us sad, will go away. And whatever makes us irritable and angry is transient.

Everything that is done without seeking the pleasure of God will just go, but that which is done seeking His pleasure and His Grace, will endure and live on. This changes our perspective on life completely.

Death, loss, heartbreak, and detachment are no longer as painful as they used to be, because at the end of the day, expectations come down to zero.

When one expects nothing, everything they get is a source of pleasure, and everything they do not get is a not something that is that troublesome.

The focus in life becomes Allah, Master of the Universe, not how many likes one gets on Facebook, who likes their picture, who gave a compliment, etc.

Life seems much more than these petty issues. One learns to forgive those who hurt them, cherish those who love them, and to subdue the ego, because what use is an ego for one who is going to be worm buffet six feet under the ground two days later?

Something to Do, Love, and Hope for

Writer Jose Addison said that human beings need three things to be happy— something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. All of these can be found in this verse of the Quran:

And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth, prepared for the God-conscious. (Quran 3:133)

Something to do— hasten to forgiveness.

Something to love— forgiveness from your Lord.

And something to hope for— Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.

How is it that we attain inner peace and tranquility?

It is a process, and a process requires steps. There are many, so this article will hope to help one understand the beginning.

1- Understand the Majesty of Allah

Understand who Allah is, and how great He is.

One who understands the greatness of Allah will find peace knowing that everything else is petty and small.

2- Understand the Reality of this Life

When we know that life is more than just the “bling bling” that we see, we understand that at all times our focus should be forward-thinking. Understanding that the next life is everlasting helps us in keeping our focus and not losing our minds over the affairs of this world.

3- Remembering Allah at all Times Helps us Keep our Focus

Human beings are prone to forgetfulness and the constant remembrance of Allah reminds us of Allah at all times and places. One of the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was:

Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah. (At-Tirmidhi)

Allah says:

In the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)

4- Be Thankful

If you are thankful, I will increase you. (14:7)

If we are thankful, Allah will give us more and more of everything that we have and even more. He will keep increasing us, and it will also be in the form of our tranquility.

5- Be Content with Allah’s Decree

One of the best roads to tranquility is being content with Allah.

It is in understanding that no matter what happens to us, Allah’s plan is best. When we are content with Allah’s decree, we will work hard, we will do our best but be content with whatever result comes our way.

Allah’s decree is Divine, and not always understandable to us in the here and now. Only when we look back do we understand how Allah’s plan was perfect. Allah’s plan for us is the best for us, and knowing that makes life incredibly peaceful.

May Allah make us people who are tranquil in life, and tranquil in death.

May Allah make us among those who hear this call:

O tranquil soul, return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing to Him. Enter My Garden, Enter my Paradise. (Quran 89:26-30)

(From Discovering Islam’s archive)

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Dua para pedir a Allah lo mejor de esta vida y de la prĂłxima

Para el musulmán, esta vida es importante como preparaciĂłn para la prĂłxima vida. Pero eso no quiere decir que no prestemos atenciĂłn a nuestras necesidades en esta vida y solo  nos centremos en la prĂłxima, sino que buscamos el bien y el bienestar en esta vida pero sin olvidarnos de que al final del dĂ­a, esta vida es pasajera y la que viene es eterna. Por eso en muchos Duas, incluso en el Corán, el Profeta nos enseña a pedir a Allah lo mejor de esta vida y lo mejor de la prĂłxima.

Un Dua del Corán

Allah dice en el Corán: 

¡Señor nuestro, dános lo bueno en esta vida y lo bueno en la Ăšltima, y lĂ­branos del castigo del Fuego!

Corán, 2:201

Ibn Kazir, un famoso exegeta del Coran, menciona que la Sunnah nos anima a hacer este Dua. 

Esto está de acuerdo con el Hadiz recogido en Al-Bujari en el cual Anas Ibn Malik narra que el Profeta, que la paz sea con Ă©l, solĂ­a recitar este versĂ­culo del Corán como un Dua. 

Un hermoso Dua para pedir a Allah lo mejor de esta vida y lo mejor de la prĂłxima

En otro Hadiz, narrado por Malik ibn Anas y recogido en la colecciĂłn de Tirmidhi, se narra que el  Profeta solĂ­a hacer este Dua entre las dos postraciones de una oraciĂłn:

¡Oh Allah perdĂłname, ten misericordia de mi, ayĂşdame, guĂ­ame y dame bienestar y proveeme!


El orden del Dua

El Dua comienza pidiendo por la prĂłxima vida. Empieza pidiendo a Allah que nos perdone y tenga misericordia de nosotros, puesto que todos nos equivocamos. 

ContinĂşa pidiendo Su ayuda y guĂ­a, puesto que Él tiene poder sobre todas las cosas, todos los asuntos vuelven a Él y Él decide. Y dado que esto es asĂ­, como se menciona en otros versĂ­culos del  Corán, Él guĂ­a a quien quiere y extravĂ­a a quien quiere. Incluso Allah le dice al Profeta, que la paz sea con Ă©l, que su trabajo es transmitir el Mensaje, pero que guiar a alguien o no, eso solo Él lo puede hacer. Por lo tanto la ayuda y la guĂ­a solo vienen de Allah. 

Por Ăşltimo, el Dua pide que Allah nos de bienestar y no provea en esta vida. Es decir, El Profeta enfatiza al poner primero la importancia de la prĂłxima vida, pero no se olvida de esta y de nuestras necesidades.

El Islam busca el equilibrio

El Islam siempre busca el equilibrio en todos los asuntos. Y siempre pone los interese de la prĂłxima vida por encima de esta. 

Si esta vida es pasajera y relativamente corta, y la siguiente es eterna, ¿no tiene más sentido poner el Ă©nfasis en aquello que es eterno antes de aquello que termina?

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3 Actes Qui Te Feront Entrer Au Paradis

Le paradis nous fait tous rĂŞver. On dĂ©sire tous y entrer. Chaque musulman souhaite ĂŞtre prĂ©servĂ© de l’enfer et introduit au paradis au jour du Jugement Dernier.

Dans cette vidĂ©o, IsmaĂŻl Mounir nous fait dĂ©couvrir trois actes si simples et faciles, qui sont susceptibles de nous faire accĂ©der au paradis. Il s’agit de : propager la salutation, rĂ©citer le verset du TrĂ´ne après chaque prière et pleurer par crainte d’Allah. Vous voici plus de dĂ©tails…

Les Portes Du Bien Sont Innombrables En Islam

Le Prophète nous dit que celui qui parraine un orphelin, gagnera sa place au paradis. Il y a aussi huit portes au paradis : celle des jeĂ»neurs, celle qui font l’aumĂ´ne, etc. Il existe donc Ă©normĂ©ment de moyens permettant d’aller au paradis. Pourtant, il y a Ă©galement des conditions sine qua none, comme : la foi en Dieu l’Unique ou le « TawhĂ®d ».

1er Acte : Propager La Salutation

Dans un hadith authentique, le Prophète nous dit : « Vous n’entrerez pas au paradis tant que vous ne serez pas croyants. Et vous ne serez croyants tant que vous n’aimerez pas les uns les autres. RĂ©pandez donc la salutation. »

Il s’agit, d’abord, de rĂ©pandre la salutation, de saleur ceux qu’on connait et ceux qu’on ne connait pas. C’est l’une des voies nous permettant d’accĂ©der au paradis. N’es-ce pas c’est simple de saluer les gens en leur souriant et tout en ayant le cĹ“ur sincère? En rĂ©pĂ©tant partout « Assalamou Alaikom » (que la paix soit sur vous), on fait une invocation et on se rappelle l’un des beaux noms d’Allah Qui est « As-Sallâm » (la Paix).

2ème Acte : RĂ©citer Le Verset du TrĂ´ne Après Chaque Prière

Cet acte est extrĂŞmement facile Ă  faire et tellement lourd en consĂ©quences. On fait tous les prières obligatoires cinq fois par jour et nuit. Le Prophète nous dit : « Celui qui fait les cinq prières obligatoires, puis rĂ©cite le verset du TrĂ´ne « Al-KoursĂ® » (Coran 2 : 255), rien ne le sĂ©pare du paradis que la mort. »

Selon le Prophète, alors que la plus grandiose des sourates est celle d’Al-Fâtiha, le verset du TrĂ´ne est le plus grandiose des versets du Coran. ComposĂ© de dix phrases, ce verset nous parle d’Allah, de Sa grandeur et Sa toute-puissance.

3ème Acte : Pleurer Par Crainte d’Allah

Dans un hadith, le Prophète nous dit : « Le feu de l’enfer ne touchera pas un homme qui pelure par crainte d’Allah. » Donc, toute personne qui s’isole et pleure par crainte d’Allah, sera prĂ©servĂ©e de l’enfer et introduite au paradis bien Ă©videmment. Cette crainte est nĂ©e de la connaissance qu’on a d’Allah, de Sa grandeur, de Sa misĂ©ricorde et de Sa bontĂ©.

En mĂ©ditant ainsi, on se rend compte des maintes bienfaits dont Allah nous a dotĂ©s. On voit Ă©galement comment on est insouciant et nĂ©gligeant face Ă  Ses bienfaits sur nous. Si une larme est versĂ©e, celle-ci aura un poids immense. Cette larme pourrait te faire gagner le paradis. Elle Ă©teint surtout le feu de l’enfer.

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The Easiness of Generosity

This short film “The Other Pair” is directed by Sarah Rozik and illustrates verses in particular related to generosity. Indeed, being generous is a high quality and is essential in our belief.

“…And whatever you spend of good – it will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.” [Surah Al-Baqara 2: 272]

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is aware of it.” [surah Al-Imran 3:92]

“…But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] – He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers.” [Surah Saba 34: 39]

Generosity is of many aspects in Islam:

  1. spending of your wealth and money
  2. time spent with others of for others
  3. good deeds, even the simplest like removing a piece of garbage from the street
  4. kindness towards people and animals
  5. sharing your knowledge
  6. delivering the message of Islam
  7. refrain from doing evil

As a matter of a fact, we can all achieve something from this list. Truly being generous is made easy for us since every good deed is an act of charity, Alhamdouleelah.

The power of generosity in Islam

The Power of Generosity in Islam

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Power of Dua

Imagine you are faced with a robber who tells you he is going to kill you? What would you do? A Companion faced this problem but was saved by the power of dua.

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Muslim MPs: UK Gov’t Not Giving Islamophobia Proper Attention

Believing that you cannot fight what you cannot define, several British lawmakers have urged the government to adopt a definition of Islamphobia.  

Secured by Labour MP Afzal Khan during Islamophobia Awareness Month, the House of Commons’ November 24 debate saw the participation of many Muslim MPs who shared horrifying experiences of the hate they have received, blaming the government for failing to give the issue the attention it deserves.

đź“š Read Also: UK Muslim Youth ‘Suffocated, Angry at Racism’: Report

Bradford West MP, Naz Shah

“It’s becoming a norm in society and the government aren’t treating it with seriousness it requires,” Bradford West MP Naz Shah said in a meeting at Westminster Hall, The Telegraph & Argus reported.

“The government don’t care and that’s why Islamophobia isn’t being tackled.

“Boris Johnson’s comments about Muslim women had consequences – there was a 375 per cent rise and latest statistics show that Muslims are the most targeted group in religious hate crime.”

Wednesday’s debate was suggested to reach an agreement on Islamophobia definition proposed by the All Party-parliamentary Group (APPG).

Angry Voices

Muslim MPs have reacted angrily to the government’s rejection of the suggested definition, unleashing attack on broken promises by the government to tackle Islamophobia.

“We have always been clear that this Government does not, and will not, tolerate anti-Muslim hatred in any form and will continue to combat such discrimination and intolerance,” a spokesperson for the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities, (DLUHC) said.

“We’re working to agree a robust definition of Islamophobia and it’s important to take the time to get this right – the one proposed by the All-Party Parliamentary Groups is not acceptable as it would have severe consequences for freedom of speech.”

Labour MP Afzal Khan accused Boris Johnson of “ignoring the issue”, failing to respond to a letter he wrote a year later.

“The truth is that the Conservative party has repeatedly shown it is in denial about this problem,” he added.

Also, SNP MP Anum Qaisar told MPs she tore up her planned speech, saying instead: “I was nine years old when I was asked if my dad was a terrorist the day after 9/11.”

In November 2018, the APPG recommended the adoption of the following definitionIslamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.

The APPG on British Muslims’ definition of Islamophobia has been adopted by the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats Federal board, Plaid Cymru and the Mayor of London, as well as several local councils.

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Know More About Your Worst Enemy

It’s true, isn’t it? You can fool a lot of people for a lot of the time. You can even fool yourself for a while. But Allah cannot be fooled. No matter how much we pretend, we cannot deceive the One Who created us. Allah knows every leaf that falls from every tree and He counts every hair on our head.

Others may see us as ever so pious, so kind, so caring. “What a good Muslim,” they say. But we know the truth.

We know the jealousy that drives us on, or the laziness that prevents us from doing what we know to be right. We know the backbiting and the bad thoughts.

Allah Almighty knows all this too, and more, and yet He still wishes well for us, still calls us towards Him.

In the holy Qur’an, we read:

{Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of humankind, the King (or Ruler) of humankind, the God of humankind, from the mischief of the Whisperer (of evil), who withdraws (after his whisper), the same who whispers into the hearts of humankind, among Jinn and among humankind.} (An-Nas 114:1-6)

Perhaps it is not all that surprising that this is the very last Surah of the Qur’an. After we have listened to the entire Revelation to humankind, with a complete history of Islam since the beginning of time, and words of encouragement, advice, and warning for every situation in life, Almighty Allah concludes His Book with a warning.

He warns us to beware of the Whisperer, the Devil, the shaytan. Listening to him can bring the whole house falling down upon us. Following his whispers can destroy all the good we do.

Satan Whispers Evil

Allah calls us onward towards Him and upward as we strive in virtue and goodness. He is forever forgiving us and pardoning our sins, giving us chance upon chance to become better Muslims.

The shaytan, on the other hand, always does the opposite. He tells us we are rubbish, and that we will never be good Muslims because we are bad.

He makes us depressed, when we have nothing to be depressed about. He makes us doubt even the good we do, making us think after the event that we did it for selfish reasons.

And it is precisely the way in which he does it that makes it so subtle. He “whispers” to us when we are alone. He whispers to us, urging us to do evil.

He whispers to us to stay just five minutes more in bed, so that we go off to sleep again and miss the Dawn Prayer. He whispers to us to doubt our friends or to lie to our family.

He whispers to us to talk to others of the opposite sex, since nothing will come of it, it is just a harmless conversation. He whispers to us to cheat and to steal. The shaytan is truly our very worst enemy.

Tackling an enemy we can see is much easier. We know what he looks like and we can find ways of combating him. Like soldiers, we can prepare to fight an enemy we can see.

Taking on an enemy we can’t see is much more difficult. And the shaytan is so clever. He uses the very things that are our weakest points.

If Allah has gifted us with good looks, we feel pride and vanity about how good looking we are and we use those good looks for bad purposes, attracting others to think or even do bad things. If we have been given the gift of intelligence, we use it to trumpet how clever we are. If we are strong, we use that strength to harm others.

Try just for once!

The shaytan not only whispers to us, urging us to be slow in doing good and to be quick to do wrong, but he also tells lies.

He tells us we are no good, that we will never achieve the lofty goals of Islam, so why bother at all. He tells us that we are ugly, that we are fat, that we are stupid, that no one likes us. He makes us question every good thing we do.

And there is more. He not only secretly whispers directly into our hearts, but he also uses others to do the whispering. Our best friends tempt us to do wrong. It doesn’t seem too bad coming from them, when they tell us to stay in the shopping mall for just half an hour more and catch the Afternoon Prayer later on.

We seem to be comforted when friends tell us we can stay out just that bit longer, even though parents have told us to be back at a certain time and are sure to be worrying when we don’t arrive. They tell us to mix with the wrong type of people, to listen to the worst kind of music, or to try things “just for once,” even though they are haram.

The shaytan really is our very worst enemy. He even lies to non-Muslims, telling them that Islam is the religion of evil and violence.

Take refuge in Allah

But let us not forget that Allah is in control of all things. It is when we forget this that we become prone to the whisperings of the shaytan. Allah created the heavens and the earth and everything that is in between them. There is nothing that can resist His power.

Let us never forget, though, that as long as we entrust all that we do to Allah’s power and protection, there is nothing that can harm us.

As Muslims, we begin our conversations “in the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.” We begin all our endeavors “if Allah wills it to be so.” And when we feel the need for help, we cry out “I take refuge in Allah from the accursed shaytan.”

Islam is so sensible and practical. Allah presents us with no difficulty that we don’t have the resources to overcome. He tests no soul beyond its capacity. Being aware that the shaytan is no more than a talker, a whisperer, is halfway to defeating him.

By being faithful to prayer and to the traditions of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), we learn to overcome the whispering. By associating with good friends and by listening to the advice of wise people, we become strong in combating our own weakness.

Don’t forget that in Ramadan we learn to subdue the body and subject it to our will. The body cannot control us. Connecting with Allah is the way to become truly strong. And when we are close to Allah, there is nothing that can overcome us. Not even our very worst enemy.


This article was published in June 2007

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New CBC Movie Tells Story of Edmontonian’s Journey to Islam

As part of an initiative to amplify Canadian stories, a new film by CBC is telling the story of how an Emdontonian converted to Islam.

For Aaron Wannamaker, his first encounter with Islam came in 2007 when his girlfriend, who had a Muslim boss, brought home from work a small introductory book on Islam.

Curious to learn, Wannamaker read the text, taking the decision to convert to Islam within only three months.

đź“š Read Also:  Spotlight: Early Muslims in Canada (Facts & Pictures)

“I kind of dove off the deep end,” he said on CBC Edmon ton’s Radio Active.

“I hadn’t even finished reading the Qur’an at this point, I hadn’t stepped foot inside a mosque.”

Wannamaker recalled his journey to Islam in a new movie produced by Amal Mohamud for CBC’s Creator Network.

While Wannamaker said he did not have an overly religious upbringing, he believed in one God and Jesus, which is central to the Islam faith. 

“I was very surprised to learn that a lot of what Muslims believe, I already believed in,” he said. 

A Muslim in Edmonton

As well as telling his journey to the faith, the short film Aaron’s Faith in Islam describes how Wannamaker tackles common misconceptions about being a Muslim in Edmonton. 

Though his family was shocked at his sudden conversion, Wannamaker said his parents were very supportive.

“As I learned more about Islam, the more I learned how global it is,” he said.

“Islam is meant to be practical and practiced no matter where you live and what time you live.

“It helped me understand that everyone has a unique story.”

A new survey of religiosity in Canada by StatsCan has found that the Muslim population has more than tripled since 1996, becoming the fastest growing religion in the country.

There are about 1,053,945 Muslims in Canada. This has been shown to increase every census (10 years).

A majority of the Muslims in Canada follow Sunni Islam, and a minority of them follow Shiite Islam.

Canadian religious groups in 2036 would number 12.9 million Catholics, 5.4 million Protestants, 2.8 million Muslims, 1.2 million Hindus and 1.1 million Sikhs, said the report.

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For Women: Why Don’t We Stop Judging Each Other?

I spent many days dreaming of little laughs from freshly powdered babies; babies that would be a perfect blend of my blue eyes and my husband’s wavy, brown hair. That was in 2002 and I was still enamored with being a new bride.

I had hopes of starting a big family. I also had dreams of finishing my degree and having a career. But during those first years of settling into my marriage and my life as a new Muslim, I stayed at home, cooked, cleaned, and studied Islam.

As a new Muslim, I didn’t hang out at the mosque much. I didn’t understand what real community was about, nor did I feel comfortable there. I was often asked intrusive questions about when I was going to have kids. When I did go, I answered the procreation questions politely and hopefully- when Allah wills.

That was if the ambitious sisters who had kid(s), ran households, held down jobs, and/or were getting advanced degrees weren’t asking me, “What do you do all day? Your little apartment must be spotless!”

The condescension that dripped from their remarks couldn’t be missed. I felt as if I were nothing, as if my efforts were so pithy that I didn’t matter.

Why don’t we stop judging each other?

After a few years, I went back to school and began working. My husband and I still hoped and prayed that we would soon conceive and provide a loving home to as many children as Allah willed.

And people continued the tired line of questioning. “When will you have children???” I answered cheerfully (trying to hide my frustration and deep sadness) – when Allah wills.

With the ambitious sisters off my back now that I was “being more productive”, I began to receive patronizing remarks from the stay at home sisters, to the tune of: “It seems selfish to me when people don’t have children” or “Devoting your life to your family is so fulfilling” were statements that passive-aggressively peppered conversations.

I felt as if I was a failure at being a woman for not being able to conceive. I was made to feel as if being a part of the world outside of my home made me dirty.

Then my life changed drastically. A young mother in the Islamic community fell very ill. She was alone, incapable of caring for her daughter, and needing a Muslim family to care for the four year old. So a mutual friend asked my husband and I if we would be foster parents to the child until her mother was well again.

My husband and I very hesitantly agreed. And the questions about when my husband and I would have our own child intensified. I answered, exhausted- when Allah wills. But now that I was a wife, foster mom, student, and an employee; the criticism about my life choices also intensified. I felt as if I couldn’t do anything right.

My husband and I decided to enroll our foster daughter in the local Islamic school when it came time for her to attend kindergarten. And all eyes were on me.

If I put a fruit roll up (a sweet, dried fruit snack) along with healthy foods in my foster daughter’s packed lunch, it had to be because I didn’t care about her health or nutrition. If she acted out in class, it had to be because I wasn’t a good disciplinarian and needed to spend more time at home with her.

Every move I made seemed to be the wrong one … to someone. And, as had been the case all along, each group had their religious verdict to back them up in their judgment of me.

From a lazy housewife to a selfish career woman

If I was a housewife, some would think I was lazy and not doing enough to help the community. If I was a student and career woman, others would suspect that I was selfish and wanted to mix with men in a haram way.

If I cared for a child, worked, and studied; still others would see everything I did as inadequate, saying I should be home caring for my family.

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Afraid of Telling Family About Your Conversion? Here is What to Do

When a person embraces Islam, or reaffirms their faith, it is a very emotional time. Many people find the experience overwhelming, and react in different ways. Some with silence and composure, as if holding a very treasured item. Others are exhilarated and want to shout it from the rooftops.

It is not unusual to feel a range of emotions; life can feel like a roller-coaster. Sometimes up, as if you need to learn everything now, and reveal your newfound faith to others; sometimes down, when the momentous occasion feels almost too heavy to carry.

Those feelings however, are a microcosm of a lifetime of Islam. Sometimes your level of faith is high, at other times it is lower. The first few days, weeks, or months of your new faith are something like a crash course in life as Muslim.

Wonderful opportunities present themselves; you have a new understanding of things that have perplexed or worried you all your life, and the feeling of being enveloped in God’s love is the most wonderful experience imaginable.

On the other hand, problems might very quickly raise their heads. God makes it very clear that life is filled with tests, trials and tribulations.

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits; but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say: ‘Indeed we belong to God, and indeed to Him we will return’. (Quran 2:155-156)

One problem is universal amongst newcomers to Islam. How will you explain your actions to your family and friends? And this problem is not reserved for new converts; it is also problematic for those who were born into the Islamic faith but come from families that are lackadaisical about the finer points of Islam, or are Muslim in name only.

This dilemma is one of the first problems that you will have to deal with; and it is actually a lesson in how to deal with all the complications in life that will present themselves from now on. Islam equips you with the ability to both withstand, and solve, all your problems and predicaments.

Islam has a solution.

Read Also: How to Tell Your Family You Converted? An Inspiring Story

These tricky, and sometimes uncomfortable, situations are solved by following the guidance found in the Quran and in the traditions, words, and actions, of Prophet Muhammad.

You are by no means the first person to be in this situation, in fact you are in the company of many of the first converts to Islam in the time of Prophet Muhammad.

As Islam grew so too did the number of people who faced the prospect of telling their families and friends. In many situations the new Muslims feared for their lives, and livelihoods, but always acted in the manner taught to them by God and Prophet Muhammad.


The first line of defense for a Muslim, whether they are battling Satan, trying to solve a worldly problem, or worried about their relationship with family and friends, is making dua (supplication).

Dua is a very powerful weapon and can be used in times of sorrow or confusion, as well as in times of happiness. It is a way of being in contact with God and asking Him to guide you through all conditions. If you are unsure about how to talk about your Islam with family and friends, dua is a useful way to ask God for His help.

Expect All Reactions

It is important to remember that you may have been thinking about Islam for a very long time. When you reveal your decision to your friends and family, it will likely come as a shock.

Unlike you, they have not been thinking about it. Therefore, there is no point in being disappointed when they do not embrace the idea with open arms. Your family in particular need time to include your religion in their understanding of you, and their worldview.

Thus, you need to take things slowly, one step at a time. If your family and friends do not react in the way you were hoping, try not to get defensive; remember to control your anger, and do not raise your voice or storm out of the room or house.

It is also worth remembering that people very rarely react in the way you expect. For instance, if you were expecting tears and remonstrations, it may not happen; but on the other hand, the people you expected support from often can’t come to terms with the changes, at least in the beginning.

Maintain Family Ties

If cutting ties with your family has crossed your mind, you will have to rethink that one because Quran is very clear, cutting the ties of kinship is not only unnecessary, it is wrong.

God and Prophet Muhammad tell us that keeping good relations with our parents is the best way to behave. Even if the shock of your conversion to Islam has driven them away, you are exhorted to do your very best to mend the rift.

The believer’s attitude towards the family should reflect the religion of Islam; therefore your attitude should be one of kindness, understanding, and tolerance. This applies even if they are unable to be kind and tolerant towards you.

God says:

And We have enjoined upon humankind kindness to parents. (Quran 29:8)

Asma bint Abu Bakr went to Prophet Muhammad asking about her mother.

“My mother has come to me and she desires to receive a reward from me, shall I keep good relations with her?”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

Yes, keep good relations with her.

He explained that it is important to maintain family ties even when your family members practice a different religion.

Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad never ridiculed or belittled other people’s beliefs. Therefore, you must emulate his behavior and mutual respect must be the goal of your ongoing relationship with family and friends.

Show How Islam Changed You

If you are able, it may help to explain to your family and friends what it was that drew you to Islam, and how it makes you feel.

Sometimes though this can be difficult. Perhaps you are not able to put your feelings into words. Sometimes your friends and family have many questions but are not really interested in the answer. They are, on many occasions, searching for the person they know and love, and are going through an overwhelming event of their own.

In this situation you might be able to demonstrate your love of Islam. Perhaps you can show what Islam means to you, rather than tell.

If your family and friends can see a great change in you, one for the better they will see that Islam is a good influence, and makes you a better person. Your actions towards them must reflect this. Be patient both in learning your Islam and while you are waiting for your family and friends to accept the changes.

When and how to reveal your Islam is something that you must decide after prayer and supplication; however be sure that God will not let you down. You have been chosen for a great blessing, and God will guide you to what is best, both in this life and in the Hereafter.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

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