Rejecting Nepotism, Classism and Racism just Like The Prophet Muhammed

As a Muslim, I belong to my Ummah (Muslim community). Muslims around the world are like one family from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The purpose of a Muslim’s life is to serve Allah (SWT) alone as the One God.

The religion of Islam provides a complete code of life to promote human physical, psychological and moral well-being and urges every Muslim to behave in a consequential manner.

The noblest message of morality is to respect the civil liberties of every individual in society while defining their duty to perform in every aspect of life in order to create and nurture a peaceful and serene environment.

Due to this, Allah (SWT) refers to the Ummah as the best community which enjoins the right behaviours (al-ma’roof) and forbids the wrong ones (al-munkar), thereby exemplifying one of the noblest Islamic answerabilities. 

You are the best community (Ummah) raised up for (the benefit of) humanity; enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in God.” (Qur’an 3:110)

Just Do It (Righteously)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) models leadership distinctiveness as the greatest reformer and leader, personifying morality, honesty, truthfulness, understanding of others, and enlightening, effective commanding.

In alignment with this code of life, Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) demonstrates the teachings of Allah (SWT) in all areas of life. His first mission in Medina was to build a mosque that served as the first community house for Muslims. The next duty was to establish a bond of brotherhood and mutual aid between the believers by saying:

Believers are like one body in their mutual love and mercy. When one part of a body is in bad health, the rest of the entire body joins it in restlessness and lack of sleep and is busy with its treatment. Likewise, Muslims should run to help each other”. 

Could You Give so Much?

“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” (Qur’an: 33: 21)

Therefore, in order to solve the economic problems of Medina, he proposed the believers from Medina (Ansar) should share their trade and wealth with the believers (Muhajereen) who left their wealth in Mecca.

As an example of leadership of the Prophet (PBUH), is that of one of the famous companions, Bilal ibn Rabah, having a very beautiful voice. Being aware of this gift he declared Bilal to be his official mu’adhin (one who calls Muslims to prayer).

On the other hand, The Prophet (PBUH) refused to offer another distinguished companion, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, an administrative responsibility because he lacked the required skills.

Moreover, there were also many successful businessmen amongst the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) such as ‘Uthman, Abdurrahman Ibn ‘Awf and Zubayr Ibn al-‘Awwam. Their business style was based on the two most fundamental values of Islam, namely justice and charity.   

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“And verily, [O Muhammad], are indeed guiding mankind to the Straight Path.” (Quran 42:52)

As mentioned in this Quranic verse, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent by Allah (SWT) to guide humanity on The Straight Path. In this perspective, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established a strong state in Medina on the basis of peace, solidarity, and harmony between the Muslims, Jews, Christians, disbelievers, as well as a group of hypocrites.

The covenant required that all citizens are duty-bound to protect the city, share the common obligation of caring for and aiding one another, promote anything beneficial for the nation and protect it from threats.

It is therefore important for the Muslim community to adopt this foundation of Islam in order to be able to spread the message of Peace from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and guide humanity on the Straight Path.

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