The Only Time When The Prophet (PBUH) Felt Insulted

The Prophet (PBUH) was beyond insults. The only time when the Prophet (PBUH) felt insulted was when someone had words of disbelief or their actions shown disbelief. He felt that these people were headed for Hell fire. They could not see what was best for them.

Allah said to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) “don’t let your heart go after them, should they take themselves to the Hell fire. Maybe you are putting yourself under so much strain because you’re so concerned for them that they don’t see what is good for them.” This is the only time when the Prophet felt hurt.

This is how we should be. We feel inferior unless people recognize us. A true follower of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is beyond insult. Not because they don’t have dignity but because they know words mean nothing. A Muslim attaches their heart to the truth. That is what matters.

They called Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) insane, mad, a charlatan, a liar. There is nothing new than what is happening now. We shouldn’t expect anything else. Allah has told us “hatred has become apparent in what they say, what their hearts conceal is far greater.”

We should not take offence. We should be like the Prophet (PBUH), beyond insult.

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