Scottish Convert: Story of my Mum’s Conversion

This is the story of a Scottish lady, whose daughter already had converted to Islam.

Her daughter explains how she was making dua for her family to embrace Islam but not really thinking it would happen anytime soon.

After the death of her mother, she was searching for something new and to have a change to get out of her grief.

Through her son-in-law and her daughter she realized what Islam really is and she said her shahada, alhamdouleelah. She is now involve in Dawa and well known by the Glasgow community, mashaAllah.

In fact she has a message for people who are interested in Islam:

Investigate Islam check it out first. Faint the information the facts before you dismiss all. Make the effort.

As well, she wants to tell something to the born Muslims in regards of the converts/reverts:

One: Don’t make Islam so strict that they break their family ties

Two: Teach them in a nice way

Three: Spend time with the reverts

May Allah guide us and our families to the best, ameen

“There is no might and there is no power except in Allah” [Sunan Abi Dawud 1526]

The post Scottish Convert: Story of my Mum’s Conversion appeared first on About Islam.


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